
Chapter 3: Witches Before Wizards

At the Owl House at night Luz is asleep as there is a brief recap of the previous episode's events from Luz chasing after Owlbert through the door. Luz wakes up in the morning and is excited to find that it wasn't a dream.

"If that was a dream, I would be concerned about how you could have came up with a magical place so morbid." Camila told Luz who laughed but the Boiling Isles residents looked insulted.

She says good morning to the terrifying fantasy world out the window and a several eyed monster in the water says good morning back to her.

"He stays there waiting for me to pay him back as I kind of owes him a lot of dough." Eda explained as no one wanted to ask about the details of that.

Luz picks up King saying good morning and calling him a cutie pie making kissy faces which King protests.

Most of the girls started cooing about how cute King is and King was angrily muttering about this ruining his reputation.

King relents and Luz opens the door to the bathroom letting out some owls and is greeted by Hooty.

She punches him in the head and he rants that he is just wishing her a good morning as he goes back to his spot in the door.

"I won't be held responsible for what I do if I ever have to deal with that thing!" Amity spoke up shivering at the sight of Hooty and Luz and Camilla couldn't help but wonder at the certain magical things that even the Boiling Isles residents would be freaked out over.

Luz says sorry to him and then picks up her Good Witch Azura book and talks to herself in the mirror saying that it's her first day on the Boiling Isles as a witch apprentice. She goes into the closet asking for witchy clothes and is excited to see that her prayers were seemingly answered.

"Those constitutes witchy clothes to you?" Willow asked and Luz nodded.

"Pretty much what every young child imagines witches to be wearing." Luz explains.

"Going about in a bathrobe would only make you look slightly more stupid." Boscha said smirking with some of the girls in the posse snickering and Willow and Gus glared at her.

Luz has written out a name tag for herself while wearing a robe and hat waiting as Eda comes out and replies to Luz saying that she is ready for her first day under witch apprenticeship by asking who she was again to Luz's shock.

"I was not prepared to be met with an overeager human ready to start her training first thing in the morning." Eda defended herself.

In the opening the door opens and Luz is falling through the sky head first as the theme music plays only to be caught by Eda riding on the staff with King there.

"What is this?" Gus asked as everyone but the humans and Cornholio was confused.

"Oh this must be the TV intro, debuting as part of this episode!" Luz says speaking up with excitement.

"Not a fan of the lyricless music style of intro myself but this one does its job." Cornholio spoke up shrugging his shoulders.

The door of the Owl house is opened to reveal Luz with the staff but Eda takes it away from her.

Eda and Luz laughed at this thinking of how this day's adventure ended.

Frames of Willow, Gus and Amity are brought up and while the first two are excited, Amity turns her back to the camera with her eyes closed.

"That's us!" Willow said out loud and people were muttering about how rude and uncaring Amity looked in this sequence.

King is trying to look fearsome while surrounded by plush toys which falls on him.

Just about everyone was either laughing or talking about how cute King is to his irritation.

Luz flies on the staff through the streets and passes by Willow and Gus (who she high fives) and are being chased by the Emperor's Coven when Luz picks up Eda and King. They are turned sideways and Luz is freaked out while holding on with a monster trying to eat them.

The monster did look scary to them.

At night the trio are on top of the Owl House as Luz creates a light glyph that goes up into the sky and bursts revealing the title.

"Wait, until you see how I learned how to do that Mum!" Luz told her with excitement and Camila replied with a smile.





Luz follows Eda to the kitchen asking if she remembers her as Luz is hit on the head by Eda summoning her mug. Luz tries to remind her of what happened yesterday as Eda says that she hasn't had her cup of apple blood yet. Luz asks if she meant apple juice to which Eda replies no.

"I think I prefer to live in blissful ignorance of why it's apple blood and not juice." Camilla said and Luz could not fault her Mum over this at all.

Luz asks to be taught spells, when she gets her own magic staff, was she supposed to bring her own runes and if there was a dangerous magical quest for her. Eda tells her being a witch doesn't happen overnight and she is dressed in a bathrobe and the dirtiest traffic cone she had ever seen. Luz takes off her hat and after the dirt is blown away shows that it is indeed a traffic cone.

"Why were you keeping that in the closet?" Luz asked as Eda shook her head.

"It had been in the shop for quite a while and I wanted to put it somewhere until I figured out a different way to market it." Eda explained.

Eda asks if she really wants a magic staff and Luz responds more than anything. Eda summons her staff and it takes a while until it arrives after crashing through the house and it crashes into her head. Eda explains that witches are rewarded their staffs at school and with her as her teacher Luz will be taken a different approach.

"Funny that you have become a teacher Edalyn when you never finished school yourself." Bump said and Eda flashed a smile in return.

"I can teach Luz in ways that your school can't Bump." Eda replied.

Eda says she has to work for it as she tosses a sack filled with potions and explains about her business where on weekends she sells human treasures Owlbert drags along including a talking light up toy sword but most days she sells the finest homemade elixirs and potions.

"Makes me think that she is kind of like a magical Heisenberg in a way..." Camila commented and Cornholio batted an eye and looked her way. "What? I watch TV!" Camila replied as the Boiling Isles residents were just confused once more.

Eda has her go to the balcony and says she will deliver potions to the town of Bonesborough. Eda tells her to be careful as there those who would love to take her business down and Luz along with it.

Luz, King and Eda were thinking about Adegast, "Using my daughter as free child labour." Camila commented with her arms crossed.

"Something tells me that you will be judging a lot of my decisions..." Eda commented and Camila nodded in return.

Eda says that she wanted a dangerous quest and this was it and Luz says that she won't let him down while accidentally dropping the sack over the balcony.

There was laughter as Luz looked sheepish and Eda muttered "That was a good amount of money' worth of potions ruined but luckily I was prepared with spares."

Eda sends her out the dour with a sack saying to never befriend a man in sandals and to always measure twice and cut once.

"I am supposed to have confidence in you mentoring my daughter when you give advice like that?" Camila asked and Eda replied that it was good advice.

She magically closes the door and wakes up King saying that he has to go with her since they both know that she is either going to get lost or eaten (probably both).

"Okay so I was having trouble treating the Boiling Isles like a normal fantasy land..." Luz commented and Camila was thankful that Luz managed to survive this long.

Luz protests that she won't out the window and Eda magically closes the blinds and reminds King that he works for her too unless he wants to start paying rent.

Luz and Camila giggled at this supposed king of demons being like a freeloading being made to finally earn their keep.

King makes a tantrum walk on the spot before going out the door as Eda tells them to be back by nightfall or risk mortal peril. Hooty wishes them a nice trip as King leads the way.

"I can't help but wonder, how did Hooty come to be?" Camila asked and most everyone begged Eda not to answer as they didn't want to know.

At Bonesborough; Luz looks amazed at all the creatures around her. Luz says that she has only seen places like this in her dreams which she thinks is incredible and she is the only human there. Luz thinks there must be a reason why she is there and what if she has a predetermined path of greatness like Azura.

"Oh dear, what this line of thinking brought me..." Luz commented and the audience thought that they would what she was on about.

Luz states that today she might be delivering packages but tomorrow she will be earning the respect of everyone in the Boiling Isles with her magical prowess.

"Not quite there but I am getting there... I think... Anyone respect my magical prowess yet?" Luz asked and a few members of the audience mostly out of pity put up their hands including Gus and Willow who were more honest.

"You are not the worst I have seen..." Amity remarked relucantly putting up her hand.

"Aww, your human friend is growing on you Mittens!" Edric spoke out loud as Amity snapped at him with a death glare.

King tells her good luck as the Boiling Isles is nothing more than a cesspool of despair.

"It was much better than at first glance though, especially with friends here." Luz said waving to Willow and Gus who waved back once more.

Luz goes up to a centaur asking him to buy a potion but is freaked out to see that his face is on his stomach, Luz rings a doorbell at a house but there is a mouth around it that tries to eat her arm.

"Some people with their security." Eda said shaking her head at what appeared to be amateur mistakes when making deliveries.

King chews down on a not dog as Luz is sitting down looking dejected since she thought that being the only human in a magical world would make her special but so far all the people either want to scream at her or eat her.

"You are plenty special Mija." Camila comforted her daughter taking her in by the arm and Luz smiled and Eda was grossed out by the display of affection.

Luz shows that in this point of Azura's story she had already been sent on an enchanted quest so where was her quest granting wizard?

"At that point Azura had shown that she was ready for a quest with her skills and what she had learned, did you really think that you were on the same level?" Amity asked Luz with a shake of her head.

"You're right but I had done a jailbreak and... Wait, you read Azura?" Luz realised as her face became happy and Amity looked like she had just realised that she made a grave error. "If you want we can start an Azura Book Club together!" Luz told her and Amity only glared at her as there were students laughing including a certain pair of twins.

"I would be open for this book club." Skara spoke up as Boscha glared at her.

Luz goes to deliver the last package and is amazed to see that it's a giant castle.

This was perplexing to the residents as there wasn't buildings like that in Bonesborough.

She knocks the fancy doorbell and the door opens for them to come in. They go in and the lights are opened up by candles to reveal the room and there is the wizard Adegast.

Luz and Eda glared hard at the appearance of Adegast, "Should have realised something was up when he looked so normal wizard compared to everything else..." Luz commented.

Adegast asks who she is and then says that he senses something special about her.

Bump looked suspicious and looked towards Eda who gave him a look saying that this guy was exactly what he thought it was. Camila only shook her head at this creature that took advantage of her daughter's desire for adventure and need to feel special.

He invites her to tea as he magics up chairs and a table filled with tea for them. King tells Luz to jsut scram as wizards are just people with glitter in their pockets which Adegast shows. Luz is amazed at the sparkling stars on his robes and the baby fox in his beard plus scones on the table which gets King excited.

The audience were weirded out by the fox and thought that something didn't seem right.

Adegast gives his name as Luz sits down and asks if he sells potions which Adegast agrees. Adegast says that Eda was supposed to bring the packages herself and Luz explains that she is kind of her apprentice. Adegast asks how she is finding the experience so far and Luz admits that she thought that she was meant for something special but Eda seems to find her meant for chores which made her think that she came to the wrong place.

"I was in the right place after all." Luz said with a smile.

Adegast asks if she wants to go on a quest and brings out a map saying that a prophecy of a young human girl who will claim the Celestial Staff and free the world from an ancient evil.

"Should have at least asked what this ancient evil was supposed to be..." Luz commented as some students were snickering at Luz for falling for this con.

Adegast explains about the perilous road on the quest and only a Chosen One could pull the Staff from its post.

Luz shook her head once more at how easily she allowed herself to be fooled.

King says the food is gone and they have to be as well as Luz says that she will be back for the enchanted quest. In her new room Luz is packing some stuff asking what kind of Chosen One could she be, a good one like Azura or a bad girl one who acts like she doesn't care but secretly does.

"What kinds of stories have Chosen Ones like that?" Willow asked and Luz said the anti-hero kind.

Eda comes in asking what is going on and King gets Eda to talk about how wizards are the worst.

King is laughing as he explains that her wizard client told Luz that she was a Chosen One which Eda bursts into laughter as well.

Eda realised just how she didn't help herself at this reaction.

Luz is hurt and embarrassed as Eda looks at the map saying that it's a fake and if there was a lake with a Celestial Staff then she would have stolen it ages ago.

"As if you would have been able to reach it Edalyn." Bump said and Eda looked insulted at the implication that she wouldn't be good enough.

Eda tries to cheer her up saying that a couple more months there then she will become such a mark.

Luz asks for some time alone as she looks at the map thinking that they were right but notices the word 'ONE' glowing in blue on the edge of the map. She takes it to the sunlight to see a message saying that the path will only appear to the worthy.

"Wonder how the magic on that map was pulled off?" Luz asked.

"Probably some sort of secret message parchment." Eda replied.

The wind blows the map to her Azura book turning the page to a drawing of Azura with her staff held up high as people are smiling at her. Luz decides that she won't know that she is worthy unless she tries.

Camila couldn't help but shake her head at Luz's optimism about the adventure that she wanted to go on.

King goes to sleep on the couch as Eda tells him that she doesn't know him that well and she doesn't trust this itch that she is scratching on Luz. She goes up to the room but notices Luz is not there and the window is wide open.

"Made me realise that I had to do more research on clients and competitors." Eda spoke up.

Eda asks Hooty where Luz has gone and Hooty tries to give a riddle but Eda responds by bashing her fist against the outside of the building creating a crack and breaking of bits which Hooty feels. Hooty angrily explains that Luz went to the forest near Bonesborough.

"I can't help but feel sorry for Hooty for what he has go through when Eda does this." Camila said and there were some people that agreed with her. Eda batted an eye and Camila told her sternly "don't give me that, his only purpose is to act as your home and it seems that you don't let him have any fun. I can't imagine going through an existence like the one that he has to live." Eda muttered something under her breath.

Luz is overlooking the forest with the toy sword on her back and slides down as she starts walking through the forest. She has her youthful optimism, her map and her sword but it runs out of batteries and she starts to question if she made the right choice in going there. She notices a cat race filled town and out from a fountain was Nevareth Bladestrife saying that the Celestial Staff should have picked him and Luz happily decides that she did make the right choice.

The students were questioning the cat creatures, some were fawning over Nevareth and Bump was thinking that his suspicions were indeed correct, "Stupid bad boy with tragic backstory love interest anti-hero..." Luz muttered with her arms folded.

King leads Eda back to the castle where they met Adegast only to see it run down, inside there are ripped up copies of the mask with the glowing 'Chosen One' message on them.

The students had their eyes opened and wondered what was going on, "So was this whole place just an illusion? If so then I can only hope that i could be as good as Adegast must be." Gus said.

Luz tells Nevareth that his eventual backstory is so compelling and she was loving his winged onion bat animal sidekick. Nevareth says that after his village was consumed and makes a romantic statement. They cross the middle of a bridge but Chris appears saying that they have to solve a riddle to cross which is to guess his name and Luz reads it off his nametag and then Chris gives Luz a ring.

"Surprised there wasn't a being after his precious back." Camila said to giggles from Luz and confusion from the residents.

Luz is amazed as Nevareth offers Luz his shirt as a cape and then leads a three cheers for her.

The students were love struck over him again, "Give it up right now because you would be less disappointed later!" Luz warned them.

King is reading Luz's scent through a deserted set of old buildings, Eda picks up a cat person puppet who gives her a riddle to find Luz before disintegrating. Eda realises that it's a trap and they want her to find Luz.

The residents were grossed out at this and wondered what was going on, "I know but I have a feeling it would be explained later." Bump said.

Luz's party now includes Chris and a fairy princess after thanking her for the invitation for a feast. Luz is then given two magical bracelets; Luz thanks her party and hopes the quest will never end. Chris ruins the mood by saying the Staff is around the bend with Nazareth encouraging Luz.

"You know the fact that I hadn't before on this quest encountered actual enemies should have been a dead giveaway." Luz said kicking herself for this.

Luz notices the staff and a pathway appears for her while saying that she knew it wasn't all doom and gloom in this place and there was wonder there and she came here for a reason.

"I stand by saying it wasn't doom and gloom here and there is wonder!" Luz said with some students giving thanks to her.

She gets the glowing Staff but it then disintegrates and the water and plant life dies around her to her confusion.

The audience were at the edge.

Eda is flying through the forest saying that the guy wasn't a wizard but was a Puppeteer demon that specialises in scamming and manipulating people and he used Luz to get to Eda.

"Oh dear, I read a book on those and the illustrations were not pleasant..." Amity commented looking afraid.

"I read the book and in their true form, they are meant to be quite delicious." Edric said as Emira looked his way and Eda was stopping herself from saying anything as she didn't want to ruin anything.

King sarcastically says hurray to them flying directly into the trap and Eda replies that she would love to hear it if he had a different plan.

"Thanks for caring so much about Luz that you were willing to enter an obvious trap to save her." Camila said feeling like she had to say it and Eda surprised flashed her a smile.

Adegast appears and his eyes turns red and the puppet Adegast is put away to reveal the Puppeteer demon form.

"Somehow it looks worse than in the book..." Amity said looking afraid and she had one of the better reactions from the students.

His tentacles emerges from the ground revealing his other puppets of those Luz had met on the quest. Luz tries to rationalise that she just needs to fight the final boss and save everyone but Adegast says that is everyone with him no wizard and Luz no Chosen One.

"Would have probably taken me several tries to finish this final boss anyway..." Luz said trying to lighten the mood.

Luz is trapped by the accessories that she was given and asks why he was doing this; Adegast says that her mentor had been stealing customers from his potions business for years and Luz asks if everyone has a beef with Eda there.

"I have a list." Eda told Luz and people could have guessed that.

Adegast gloated that she lured Luz into his trap all because she wanted to think that she was special.

Camila once again pulled Luz closer.

Luz tells him that Eda isn't stupid enough to fall for it but is instantly proving wrong by hearing Eda's voice.

"Thanks for having more faith in me than you probably should have kid." Eda told her and Luz couldn't tell if she was being sincere or sarcastic.

Eda flies in with King with them caught by tentacles and Eda tells Adegast to release Luz. Adegast says that Luz is free to leave if she wants to but he senses that she wants a real fantasy as she is sprayed with a magic mist.

Luz finds herself with the false characters from Adegast's puppets who tells her to stay and be their Chosen One and asks why would she want to live in a world where people laugh at her.

"Wait, he was talking about Eda and King... Does anyone at school laugh at you Luz?" Camila asked as Luz purposefully didn't respond but Camila's face made it clear that she would bring it up later.

Eda is panicking as Luz is slipping into the fantasy but then retorts that it's not real, she goes and grabs the sword after putting away the fantasies caused by the mist.

"Not what you had in mind but I realised the difference between fantasy and reality like you wanted Mum." Luz joked and Camila smiled as the students thought this looked cool.

Luz says that she is a witch's apprentice and she is going to earn her magic staff the hard way.

Luz was thinking that it will be worth it when she does.

Luz attacks the wizard puppet as Eda and King frees themselves as they attack all the other puppets. Luz rants at the Nevareth puppet saying that she thought that they had a connection and slices through his puppet body.

Even though they now knew he was never real, it was still hard to watch for his fans in the audience.

Adegast tells them to back off or else King who is caught in a tentacle gets it. They drop their weapons and Luz says sorry and that she should have listened to him and never trusted Adegast. Luz says he isn't mystical or magical and it jsut a big slimy jerk and kicks the sword which lands into his head causing him to drop King.

Adegast is put into a small form which Eda picks up saying that it's the last time she takes an outside referral and then eats him.

This grossed out most of them in the audience but Edric was wondering how he tasted.

Luz says that she is confused with the Boiling Isles being nothing like she had imagine and Eda tells Luz to follow her as she has something to show her.

They are flying through the sky with Luz blindfolded, Luz is told that she can look and is amazed by the sight of the Titan bones surrounding the Boiling Isles.

"I wanted to ask and I hope I won't regret asking but where did the bones come from?" Camila asked hesitantly and Luz realised that she didn't know herself.

"The Titan, a magical being and it is through him the Boiling Isles has it's magic and Emperor Belos is the only one able to communicate with the Titan and to bring forth his will." Bump explained as Luz and Camilla thought that something didn't seem right about the Emperor communicating with the Titan to enforce the will of a supposedly dead entity.

Eda explains that up close the Isles can be slimy and gross but if you look at it from a different perspective and Luz says that it's beautiful. Luz asks how Eda knew the wizard was lying and Eda explains that everyone wants to believe that they are chosen but if they all waited along for a prophecy to make them special then they would die waiting. Eda tells Luz that she needs to choose herself.

"Wow Edalyn... I have to say that I am impressed..." Bump said in awe as most of the audience were taken aback by how profound and smart Eda's speech was.

Luz asks if this means that she will give her a magic staff off her own and Eda says not yet but someday as they keep enjoying the view.

"I am caught up but do you know what's next Luz?" Camila asked as Luz thought it over.

"I think I know, soon after I met my first friend my age here Willow!" said Luz as Willow smiled at the memory.

"Just wonderful..." Amity said folding her arms shaking her head at having to relive the experiences of that day.

"Mrs Noceda, I hope that you don't hold anything that I had almost done against me in what we could see..." Bump spoke up remembering what happened and that Luz's mother was here to witness it all.

"I don't like the sound of this..." Camila muttered in response.