
1.The Beginning Of A Destiny

To be honest I never really appreciated risky offers, but when a superior entity offers you to live in a strange and potentially deadly world in exchange for the ability to use alchemy, who could refuse?

You're right...any sane person would refuse, luckily I'm a little crazy.

"So do you accept?"

"I agree to go into the owl house universe BUT in addition to the ability to use alchemy I get a book on how to learn it, because it would suck to have to just do stuff until it works"

"Well then, I would say goodbye but something tells me that you have no intention of seeing me again...so see you never"

"See you never Being X"

And with a snap of my fingers I was sent on my way.


On the outskirts of The Boiling Isles a dim light flashes and a young red haired boy falls into the canopy of a forest


Our young protagonist whose name is Sebastian Shaw who had just finished talking to Xfalls through the tree,branches, leaves and thorns causing scratvhes and cuts on the way down.


He hits the floor and is covered in mud, luckily it seems X didn't want him to be in rags for his first steps in this world and replaced his clothes by an armor looking like the first armor of the cat school of the witcher 3. after admiring his new gear Shaw looks up and realises a staff being pointed in his face.

"You, what is a human doing here in The Boiling Isles?"

"Uh! I was being chased and I was running and then there was a big light and poof I was there, miss" While talking Shaw took the time to look carefully at the woman who was still threatening him with a stick, small... 5'4" I would say, short blue hair, orange eyes and a mole under her right eye...I've never seen her in the show so she must not be someone important to the plot.

"Mmh I see, I can't really leave a kid alone in the forest..." Whispered the little lady "Listen kid you're staying here I'm almost done collecting howler mushrooms, when I'm done I'll take you to the nearest town where you can do whatever you want"

"Understood miss, I'll wait for you here, take your time I'm in no hurry" Shaw said before sitting down.

let's see, alchemy...alchemy. Suddenly a small black notebook appeared in shaw's hand.

"Uh, Conviniant"

{Alchemy is defined as a science that allows its user to handle and change matter by injecting it with energy through what is called a 'transmutation'. Transmutation is the technique that allows the alchemist to modify the matter through three steps: the understanding of the matter, the deconstruction of the matter and finally the recomposition of the matter. The comprehension stage is the moment when the alchemist will ask himself what are the components which constitute the matter which he seeks to transmute. This stage is essential because if an alchemist does not know the matter which he has in front of him, his transmutation will quite simply not function. For the vast majority of alchemists, the decomposition stage serves to destroy the material in order to remodel it as he wishes during the last phase, the recomposition stage, which is where the alchemist gives it the desired form and function. The recomposition is precisely the stage where the alchemist's talent is most illustrated since it is at this moment that he will show all his expertise by transforming a basic material into a complex creation, and all this implies that a talented alchemist will be one who has spent years perfecting his art.}

{In Izumi Curtis' definition, the alchemical circle is the basis of all transmutation, since it marks the flow of energy that the alchemist will be able to use to transmute. It is therefore necessary to understand that the circle is not what provides the energy but simply that which channels it and gives it a flow. Concerning the origin of this energy, we can note that the alchemists of Amestris and Xing agree that it comes from the earth. However, this energy that the alchemists collect is then amplified by the transmutation circle when alchemical formulas and runes are intertwined.

Concerning the runes which compose the alchemical circle, they are mainly composed of triangle representing the natural elements: fire, water, earth and air, but also of symbols intended to call matters, celestial bodies or to invoke spiritual symbols. And to operate a transmutation, these formulas must be inscribed in a circle that must be drawn or projected on a surface that allows me, whatever it is. In general, if the circle and the formulas allow the alchemist to transmute a thing precisely, it is because together they will define the action that the alchemist wants to achieve by recalling all the metaphysical symbols that will come into play for this transmutation. for...} hearing a noise Shaw stopped reading to look ahead, it was the woman who had returned

"hey little guy, I finished my harvest get up and let's go"

"Yes Miss"

"stop calling me miss, I'm olivia"

"olivia? it's a nice name, mine is sebastian but I'd rather you call me shaw"

"hay hay hurry up kid I'll drop you off in town and then you'll leave, I don't want to deal with a kid, I've got too many problems right now"


1hours later - Bonesborough

Bonesborough is a pretty interesting town, two green arms on the east and west side, houses made of stone and wood, some with eyes or teeth, strange of course but interesting all the same, olivia left me here before leaving and I'm grateful to her, now I'll have to find a place where I can settle down and study my notebook in more depth, once that's done I can just solve all my problems with chemistry, need a shelter ? alchemy, need a fire ? alchemy, need to defend myself against intruders ? alchemy.

to be honest i think i can do some basic transmutation like shape change, but state change or matter change will require some deep research, fortunately i already have an idea of how some alchemy works like mustang flame or kimblee explosion but i will have to do some test.

First a shelter, I think I can create an underground room pretty easily, but the entrance will have to be outside the city to limit the chance of a child or a guard falling on my...lab? I'm an alchemist now so I guess a lab would be cool, well who am I kidding even if I was a magical -girl I would still build a lab. labs are cool.

let's see, a 20 square meter room should be enough, enough for a bed, a table and a desk as well as a small storage space for books when I put my theories on paper.

then the water, I know there is a river far away, I don't know if the water is safe to drink but if it wasn't Luz would have died of thirst in the series so hopefully i can drink it.

For food, I should be able to transmute the fruits I saw in the forest into the type of fruit I know, like apple or banana.

"well, let's go"


25min later - forest near Bonesborough

To start I transmuted the side of a small hill to create an entrance, a small corridor of 2 meters and finally the main room, to be honest it's not much, a bed made of stone and soft earth, a table and a chair in polished stone and a desk made of wood, even if transmutation allows me to take anything and change its shape easily I'm not really a professional, my furniture has no decoration, no little engraving on the wood to make it aesthetically pleasing, to put it another way it's raw. ...and I love it, I created in a few minutes an underground room and some furniture and all that with alchemy ? its rough and so what ? I just modified the earth according to my will thanks to a power that until now I have only seen as a childish fantasy!

now that i have a place to sleep and live, it's time to learn how to sacrifice the inhabitants of this island in order to create a philosopher's stone....yea you're right not at my level yet.

let's learn how to make thing explode with alchemy instead.