
chapter 10

luzeda pov

it was at the theatre here where the crowds stare at us they roar cheered as lilith show up. " beloved citizen the emperor coven proudly present a proud due demonstration of a witch we do proudly seek every year, amity blight." lilith introduce the witch child."versus ... some strange human, " lilith introduce as the crowd goes in shock,

[ a human , humans cant do magic, she not amity] "mama what am i going to do?" i asked of my mother, "calm down you have three spells in your disposal use those you be find fight in your own way." my mom advise. "you had that much faith in me when i don't." i responded. "of course your my girl just have more faith in yourself." my mom, eda adviced.

as the bell ring or screams in this case i walk toward amity as she walk toward me, i was concern for myself as she pop her knuckles, as then she draws a circle as she commanded, "abomination rise." as she order as the abomination did rise but larger, i got shock, as then amity was amazed, "whoa... show me what you got freak," i suck up some breath and exhale, "abomination rise."

with my word i brought the owl man back to the living as the crowd gasped in shock. "attack amity abomination." i order as the two different abomination fights they clash talon and fist of slime and owl of remains, i went for a fire ball spell as i draw a circle while a glyph was form in it. shooting the flame at amity as she dodges it.

then from trying to summoned another abomination is use a light spell to blind her then head toward the young witch to throw a punch at her in the face, "your going to pay for that." said amity said as she throw a slime of abomination at her now turning to real fight of magic, during this fight. i then draw another spell circle with it as it was place on the floor beneath amity.

she was lifted by great wind force in the air as the glyph symbol appeared. "what the hell was that." amity asked as then the throw some glowing punches as blow after blow at amity created shock wave of great wind force, till one final blow was struck i send amity flying toward the wall as she was then down and outs. leaving her abomination turn to sludge.

shock in a gasp the crowd was as it went silent, "this is impossible you must of cheated some how." said lilith as she check the surrounding area for any proof of cheating yet found none. "how you did not cheat how did you win how did a human use magic!?" lilith demanded as she was angry. "the answer is right in front of you sensei, she half witch!" amity yell as she recover.

the whole crowd gasped in as they speak among themselves. [a human whos half witch, what a freak, none had live to tell the tale of them till now, this is historical] "a being like that could of kill amity." lilith said as then amity cough blood and yet still stand barely holding her self. "yet didn't? hold on miss protégé" eda said she turn amity around seeing the back of her neck.

remove remove it like if it was a sticker and reveal it to the crowd. "a power glyph from the construction coven!" eda said. "what!" amity as the crowd was shock with a gasp. as the word come out of my moth as made a small circle. (sonaris) "you cheated i did not." eda said. "i only cheated becuase i know you would cheat." lilith snap. as the crowd gasp in shock.

as a,ity just runs in anger with a yell of rage. i went after her as she was long gone in the stand room there is where she went, i look around till i find her with what look like to bee her mother i see her getting yell at but then snsp of her rage went on out as she release purple aura that cover a women as mother figure scream in horror, "amity stop!" o cried out to her which she did stop.

the look on her mother figure face was that of pure fear, "what have i done to you i am sorry, i am sorry." the mother said. as she get back up with a frighten expression and walk away. "amity you okay?" i asked her, "i don't know i just feel upset." amity said "you were force to be something you don't want strip of free will to be some one else idea of perfection." i told her.

"yeah and i don't like it i just wish i had freedom to choice for myself." amity responded. "well maybe you can now, since that incident." "or might be worse then that." amity siad. "lets hope for the best friends?" i asked amity giving her a fist bump, "friends." amity said as she finish the fist bump. as my mom came to me with king, "well i restore your honor amity." eda said.

"how?" "witches dual remember i am the most powerful witch in the boiling isle for a reason and my daughters being half of me make her stronger be your own witch not their idea kids." eda said as she pick me up, "come luzeda lets get out of here before my sister comes and get the guards." my mom told me. "yes mama wait what?" i responded.

i think i forgotten they were sister or she never told me of it either way its a shock to me as we head home with amity look at me from behind that when i turn "oh i forgot to ask would you like to go to the human world with me one of these days" i ask i of amity as we stop, "yes." she said while with a smile, thus we went home as king prepare a meal for us.

this lead to a whole new turn of events that lies ahead for my secret is expose for good as i might be either in danger from others who desire me dead or alive. as then i heard the voice in my head not my own bot something else, "beware the titan hades young child uless he means no harm to my creations. on your guard of the cult of the emperor.