
Puppet Fruit Show

Soren sat in the heart of a large, dimly lit study, around him the walls were lined with shelves overflowing with books of all sizes and ages, some worn by time, others pristine and new. Some corners and locked places were of artifacts and memorabilia, intricately carved statuettes from distant lands, ancient maps marked with forgotten routes, and curious relics. 

In Soren's hands, he cradled an ancient tome with a cover made of deep, rich leather, adorned with symbols that shimmered faintly in the candlelight. As he opened the book, the parchment, though weathered, remained remarkably well-preserved, However inside was a blank page until a digital screen emerged. Hovering above the book, the holographic display emitted a soft glow, filled with scripts and illustrations that seemed to dance and move subtly as if alive.

With a mere wave of his hand, Soren interacted with the holographic

interface,skimming through the dense text and cryptic diagrams. Then Soren spotted it – a passage that caught his eye. His eyes narrowed in as he leaned closer.

"Yes," he murmured, "that will do."

Soren shut the ancient book closed and hurried out of the study. He navigated through the labyrinthine pathways of the Labyrinth, the environment around him a bustling blend of survival and community.

As he moved, he passed through a lively part of the Labyrinth, where makeshift camps and small trading posts dotted the landscape. Residents bartered items - from clothing and tools to hand crafted trinkets and herbs.

Finally, Soren spotted Helios, "Hey Helios I–what are you doing?" His pace slowed down as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Helios, the hero, leader of Crested Guards, is behind a small stage entertaining a group of children with fruits each one adorned with drawn faces and makeshift props. A pineapple, with exaggerated features sketched on its surface, was the show's star.

Helios, manipulating an apple and a banana, spoke in a deep voice, "Fear not, fair Pineapple! I, Sir Apple, along with my trusty sidekick, Banana, shall save the day!"

Nora was nearby, shifting and swinging the pineapple as she spoke. "Oh, brave Sir Apple, and loyal Banana, you are my only hope against the villainous Melon!"

The children around them laughed and cheered, Helios looked up, catching sight of Soren who looked utterly done with everything. Nevertheless, he smiled and still remained in character, "Oh why isn't it Sir Soren, come to watch the play?" 

Soren raised an eyebrow, "Helios, what on earth are you doing?"

Helios, still holding the apple and banana, replied with a grin, "Well, the kids were getting restless, and we didn't have any proper puppet materials. So, we improvised!"

"It's a puppet fruit show," Nora chimed in, "The kids are really invested in the story."

Soren let out a sigh, "Of all the..." he muttered under his breath before looking at Helios' face, "..never mind, look we got bigger problems to solve than curing children's boredom." He grabbed Helios by the arm, pulling him away from the impromptu performance.

"I've found something, it's about our water situation." Soren said in a hush voice, "An artifact, a bit far from here–but it's said to contain an entire ocean of water, Helios, we have to get it. Please I'm so fucking tired of making a trip every time our water source is drained."

Helios, however, did not share the same excitement as Soren, instead he furrowed his brows, "And where did you hear about this artifact? Is it from that book again?" 

Soren frowned, "Okay, weird to call my greatest possession by that tone but yes, I got it from the archives." 

"You know, this is pretty important stuff, as leader don't think I should take a peak at-" 

"No." His voice turned cold, "Just…no, okay?" 

Helios stiffen, before he raised his arms, "Fine, fine," he scoffed, "Whatever." 

"Whatever.." Soren echoed back, "Okay fine, now gear up we got a lot of ground to cover."

"I'll call up the gang right now then-" 

"Hang on." Soren places a hand on his shoulder, "You're going to call them? Why? We can do this by ourselves." 

"Off hoarding Helios to yourself again Soren?" Nora said from behind him. 

Helios flinched while Soren turned to her, "You again..I'm not hoarding. I just think it would be better if we were just the two of us." 

"Oh?" Nora didn't look convinced, "And why's that?" 

'Cause I can go all out without you buffoons to witness.' Soren shook his head. 

"Cause…" He tried to think of an excuse that doesn't immediately make him look like a jackass, "Cause Helios and I work better alone," He turned to Helios, "right?" 


"Right?" Soren urged. 

"Uh.." Helios looked at Soren, then glanced at Nora and back at Soren, "Well…look, you did say it was a bit far," he said slowly and carefully under Soren's gaze. "And we could cover more ground if there's more of us, so…"

"That settled that then," Nora shot Soren a smug smile, "I'll alert the others we're coming along. For once." She then walked away. Leaving Helios and a sulking Soren alone 

"Oh brother…" He sighed deeply. 


Soren and Helios stood by the exit tunnel, their expressions a mix of impatience and readiness. As they waited, the low hum of conversation reached their ears. Hayden and Daniel approached, deeply engrossed in their conversation about making a house out of golden cobwebs.

Hayden excitedly gestured with his hands, "I'm telling you, Daniel, the golden cobwebs not only add an aesthetic touch but also enhance the structural integrity. It's the perfect combination!"

Daniel, his goggles perched on his forehead, nodded in agreement, "And think about the lighting! Golden strands catching the sunlight, it's genius!"

Soren cleared his throat, cutting off their enthusiastic conversation.

"Are you two quite finished with your conversation?" Soren asked, "And no, you cannot put up golden cobwebs."

"What? Why not?" Helios chimed in, "DId you not hear about the sun light part? That sounds cool!"

"Helios please," He begged him, "I don't want to have another debate of what Hayden can and cannot implement."

The two inventors shared a brief, knowing look before nodding. Their attention was soon diverted by the sound of rapid, approaching footsteps.

Nora, her hair was pulled back into a bun, keeping any loose strands from obstructing her gaze. On her ankle, a dagger was strapped securely. Over her shoulder, she carried a bag, its contents vital to their survival – an assortment of potions, salves, and a well-stocked first aid kit.

She walked briskly towards the group

"Finally decided to join the party, Nora?" Soren comments.

Nora quirked an eyebrow, "Well, I had to make sure we're adequately prepared. Wouldn't want you to get a scratch and ruin that pristine image of yours."

"Pristine–why you…"

"Okay!" Helios clapped his hands, "Focus up, uh, Soren, why don't you explain what the mission is about?"

Soren glared at Nora before eventually sighing, "Sure," He grumbled, "There's an artifact, Nautical Nexus, about 30 miles from here but if we get this we would have an unlimited water source."

They all glanced at each other, skeptical, unconvinced and thinks he's fucking with them.

"Where did you hear about this artifact?" Nora asked.

"Oh I didn't." Soren replied, "Helios did."

Immediately all those skeptical looks lifted as they looked towards their leader, "As expected of you Helios." Hayden said.

"Well obviously, as the legend goes, you truly have eyes everywhere." Nora admired. 

Then Daniel entered the conversation with a very serious tone, ""But do you think the Nautical Nexus has any connection to the aquatic parallel dimension I've been theorizing about? You know, the one with water-elemental beings and talking dolphins? What if this artifact is a gateway, a mystical portal to that realm?"

Helios and Soren exchanged glances, Helios amused but Soren deadpanned, "Daniel, I thought we agreed the talking dolphins were a bit too much."

Daniel shrugged, "Hey, you never know. Look at the world so far, endless possibilities, endless!!"

Soren just shook his head, "Let's just get going. The artifact is a bit of a trek, and I don't want to spend more time here than necessary."

With the group now assembled, Helios stepped forward, he held out his hand, and from his fingertips, the magical yarn began to materialize. It glowed softly, weaving a path through the air and extending into the corridors ahead. The yarn, appearing almost alive, spiraled and twisted, creating a visible trail for them to follow.

Everyone watched in awe, except for Soren, who watched it thousands of times already. The yarn, shimmering with a faint luminescence, illuminated their path, cutting through the dimness of the Labyrinth's passages.

Nora, standing beside Soren, watched with admiration. "I love it when he does that," she whispered as heyes following the graceful dance of the yarn.

The group began to follow the yarn, with Helios leading. The thread unfurled ahead of them, turning and twisting through the maze, its path clear and unerring. Soren and Helios were making the usual exit only this time, the whole team was here. A team Soren isn't so keen on.

He really hopes this trip doesn't last as long as he predicted.