
Oh fuck me

The group approached the treehouse, the bear clutched carefully in Nora's hands. As they stepped inside, the familiar confines of the treehouse felt different – empty and hollow. The child's spirit appeared before them, its form flickering, and floating over them restlessly.

Nora extended the bear upward, towards the child. "We found your bear," she said, her voice soft.

The child reached out, its translucent hands brushing against the toy. The child smiled– a look of pure, unadulterated joy. "My bear... you brought it back to me," the child whispered. 

The group approached the treehouse, the bear securely in Nora's hands. Inside, the treehouse felt eerily empty, its once warm atmosphere now hollow. The child's spirit appeared, its form flickering, floating restlessly above them.

Nora raised the bear, offering it to the spirit. "We found your bear," her voice was gentle yet clear.

The child's translucent hands touched the toy, and a smile of pure joy spread across its face. "My bear... you brought it back to me," it whispered softly.

"Well," Soren clapped his hands, "we got your bear. Now will you let us out?"

The ghost nodded, "It was a promise, and promises should never be broken. Okay, you're free to leave."

"Wait," Hayden said, "if I may ask, what's your name?"

The spirit paused, her eyes stayed on the bear. "I don't know, I don't remember anything. All I remember is this bear, how much it hurt when I lost it, empty, lost, scared."

Around them, the objects and furniture began to fade.

"Well, now you have it. It's home to its rightful owner." Helios said.

"Home…" The spirit echoed, "can you make one more promise for me?"

"I don't think–" 

Soren was cut off by Nora, "Of course." 

The spirit leaned in close to Nora, whispering something inaudible to the rest. After a while Nora nodded.

"Well, bye-bye," the spirit said slowly, almost hesitantly.

As the door to the treehouse flew open, the spirit added, "OH-right and um, thank you!"

Helios smiled gently. "Your parents taught you well."

The ghost smiled one last time, before fading away completely.

The group left the treehouse, continuing their journey, leaving behind the tree that now bore the faint imprint of a little girl's face.

As the group ventured away from the treehouse, they walked through the dense forest, the thick foliage gradually thinning, allowing more light to filter through the canopy above. The air felt fresher, less heavy, as they trekked along the forest path.

In the midst of their walk, Soren broke the silence that had fallen over the group. "Hey, so what exactly did that girl mean?"

Daniel glanced over, a quizzical expression on his face. "About what?"

Soren's gaze shifted to Nora. "About Nora."

Nora's head snapped towards Soren, "Me?"

Soren nodded, "The ghost said that you were 'one of them.' What the fuck was that about?"

Helios tug on his sleeve, "Soren—"

But Nora cut him off, her voice sharp. "That's none of your business, Soren. That information doesn't concern you."

Soren raised an eyebrow, "Geez, alright," He raised his arms in defense, "didn't know I was stepping on sacred ground," he scoffed. 

The tension lingered in the air, thick and palpable, as the group continued their journey through the forest. They continued their journey in silence, the only sounds being the crunch of leaves underfoot and the distant calls of forest animals.

As they journeyed onward, the dense embrace of the forest slowly receded, revealing a scene of awe-inspiring beauty. Before them stretched an endless ocean, its surface glistening like a vast sheet of sapphire under the gentle caress of the sun. The horizon was a dance of light and water, blurring the line where the sea met the sky.

In the distance, majestic mountains stood tall and proud, their rugged peaks reaching upwards. These ancient sentinels, cloaked in a mix of emerald green and stone gray Their slopes descended into lush valleys where serene lakes lay hidden, their waters a mirror reflecting the world above.

The group paused, taking in the scene.

Nestled against the backdrop of the ocean was a mountain, but it was no ordinary mountain. Carved into its cliffside was an entrance, an elaborate archway of stone, adorned with intricate carvings and runes that shimmered subtly in the sunlight.

The structure appeared to be part of the mountain itself, blending seamlessly into the natural rock formations. Vines draped over parts of the archway, and the doors of the dungeon were made of a dark, sturdy wood, bound with bands of iron that bore the patina of ages. Strange symbols and images were etched into these bands.

The group approached the dungeon cautiously, its gates imposing yet inviting. As they opened the gate, a bright light enveloped them, and a sensation of being pulled forward overcame each of them.

Suddenly, Soren found himself dropping onto unfamiliar ground. He felt dizzy, disoriented. As his vision cleared, and found Nora. Just Nora. No Helios, Hayden, hell he could even take Daniel for company. But it was just Nora. Her expression mirrored his expression. 

"Oh fuck me."

They both say