
I can’t go back

Nora awoke in a small, dimly lit room within the tree..house? Is that what it is? The morning light barely crept through the tiny window, casting a soft glow on the wooden walls. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and began her morning routine. As she tied her hair into a practical ponytail, a faint giggle echoed in the room, followed by a whisper as light as a breeze, "You're one of us."

Nora whipped around, her heart racing. "What?" She scanned the room, but it was empty. She shook her head, and she quickly left the room.

In the kitchen, she found the others gathered. Soren looked up as she entered.

"Oh good, you're here. Pack your things, and we can finally go," he said, dry as ever.

"Hang on," Daniel interjected with a concerned frown, "can't we just wait one day so Hayden can recover?"

Hayden, resting against a chair, reassured him, "It's okay, Daniel, don't worry about me."

Helios, pondered for a while but then noticed Nora, her trembling hand, her quivering lips and widened eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" he turned to her. "Hey are you okay?" he asked gently.

"Hm? O-Oh, I'm fine." She stammered slightly.

Helios nodded but the worry lines lingered in his expression. "Well, Nora, since you're the one who patched him up, I think it's your call whether he's ready to move again."

"Okay, I'll have to inspect him again," Nora managed to say with as much professionalism as she could muster.

She then approached Hayden. She checked his pulse, her fingers gently pressing against his wrist. "Pulse is steady," she noted. Then she examined his eyes, looking for any signs of lingering effects from the poison. "Eyes are clear," she murmured.

"Can you stand?" she asked Hayden. He nodded and slowly rose to his feet, Nora's hands ready to steady him if needed. He stood firm, a slight wobble but nothing concerning.

Nora stepped back, her assessment complete. "He's recovering well. With some caution, he should be able to travel," she concluded.

"Alright, then it's settled. We move out," Soren declared.

Just as the group was about to leave, a sudden, childlike giggle resonated through the kitchen, halting everyone in their tracks. Kitchenware began to levitate and fly across the room as if caught in an invisible storm, and the soft candlelight flickered and died, plunging the room into semi-darkness.

"You can't leave," an high-pitched voice declared, "I want to play..."

Helios and Nora reached for their weapons. Helios' hand gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, while Nora pulled out a sleek dagger. Soren extended his hands, using his telekinesis to create an invisible barrier that stopped the flying cups and glasses from hitting anyone.

"Who are you? Reveal yourself!" Helios demanded.

Instead of a response, more childish giggles filled the air. Nora's eyes darted around the chaotic kitchen, trying to pinpoint the location of the voice but she couldn't it felt like the voice was from five different directions. Suddenly, a whisper floated to her from behind, sending a chill down her spine. "Nora..."

The kitchen utensils began to orbit around her, "Come play with me. One of us," the voice beckoned in a sing-song manner.

"W-What?" Nora stammered, her knees felt weak.

Daniel grit his teeth and reached out to a nearby plant, urging it to grow and expand with rapid speed. The plant obeyed, sprouting new branches and leaves that intertwined to form a protective barrier around them. "She's not going anywhere. Who are you exactly? What do you want from us?"

There was a brief pause before the voice replied, more subdued this time. "Hm.. What I want… I lost something. A toy, a precious one. Maybe you could help find it for me?"

"A toy? Then… you'll let us out?" Helios inquired.

"Maybe..." The voice giggled again.

As the room quieted and the kitchenware clinked softly to the ground, Hayden step forward, "Look we're not here to cause any trouble. We want to help you," he said gently. "Can you tell us more about your toy?"

The air shimmered, revealing the ghostly figure of a small child. She appeared ethereal, her hair and clothing moving as if underwater, and her eyes held an otherworldly luminescence.

"It's my bear... a little brown bear with one eye," she said, "I lost it in the forest during the.." her voice quivered. "..during everything bad."

Nora eased her grip on the dagger, "The apocalypse, you mean? Do you remember where in the forest?"

The child wrapped its arms around itself, a spectral glow outlining its form. "I don't know... it was chaos. I can't go out there, I'm can't." The items on the ground started to shake, "I can't, I can't, not again. Not again.."

"Oh, okay, it's okay." Hayden said very slowly, carefully, "You don't have to go outside." his voice turning softer, "We'll make sure to bring your bear back to you. We'll take care of it, alright?"

The child nodded slowly, the items stopped shaking.

Soren observed the exchange, "Let's get moving," he said, a whisper almost. As if he wouldn't want to disturb the fragile calm.

The group collected their gear, Nora gave the child a glance. The child's translucent form flickering like a candle flame. Then she stepped out and into the dense forest with the others.

The forest loomed large as the group stepped into its embrace, the wild undergrowth brushing against their legs. As they ventured deeper, thick vines and dense foliage hindered their path. Helios slashed through the overgrowth, his movements precise and efficient.

"Hey guys," Hayden said, "let's go back behind the tree. I think we could find something there."

They retraced their steps, returning to a colossal tree they had passed earlier. As they reached its hidden side, a sight greeted them — a dilapidated playground lay concealed among the shadows.

Daniel pointed to an old swing set, its chains rusted and creaking ominously. "She might have played here," he pondered aloud.

"You don't think she's..."

"One of the fallen ones?" Soren completed the thought, "Yeah, probably."

Another life claimed by the apocalypse, yet this one remained ensnared within the bonds of this world.

Hayden, wielding his axe, cleared the area of overgrowth, unveiling a small, concealed clearing. There, partially buried beneath a blanket of fallen leaves, rested the one-eyed bear, its fur tangled and worn but still recognizable.

Nora knelt down, her fingers cradling the bear gently. With meticulous care, she brushed away the leaves, revealing more of the toy's cherished form. "We found it," she breathed, a tender smile gracing her lips.

With the one-eyed bear safely retrieved, they then journeyed back to the tree.