
Get the Laundry

The creature lunged forward its head to the two. Soren and Helios scrambled, they dove to the opposite side. Its head slamming down, inches away from their bodies, the floor cracked.

"Shit.." Soren cursed, "Helios let's…what the FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"

Helios was in the water, his inventory opened, he swim towards the clothes, dragging it inside the screen. "We have to get the rest of the clothes!" He screamed.

"The fuck-leave the clothes this buidling's going to fall!"

"Distract it!" he shouted back to Soren, his voice echoing against the crumbling walls.

"Your mother…" Soren bit his tongue before he felt the ground shake, the dragon moving. Without hesitation, Soren activated his energy shields, enveloping himself in a shimmering barrier.

The dragon reared its towards the pool, where Helios submerged in the water, grabbed handfuls of clothing, shoving them into his inventory. Soren ran on auto mode, he leaped, landing on top of the dragon's head. "Well hey there." He pulled on its antenna hard, its root almost ripping off its skin.

The dragon roared, its massive body moving with surprising agility. He twisted and turned his body, Soren hand gripped tighter on the antenna.

As Soren struggled atop the dragon, the creature, in a sudden and unexpected move, plunged headfirst into the water. The force of the dive pulled Soren with it, submerging them both in the deep, swirling waters of the pool.

Soren, caught off guard, momentarily lost his grip on the antenna. He found himself floating, disoriented in the murky depths. Before he could reorient himself, he was slammed against the wall of the pool by the dragon's powerful tail. His energy shield flickered, absorbing the impact but leaving him dazed.

The dragon, now in its element, moved with terrifying grace and speed. It towered over Soren, its eyes glowing menacingly in the dim light. Soren stared back, his heart racing.

But in seconds the end of grappling hook shot through the water, striking the dragon in one of its glowing eyes. The creature roared in pain, its body thrashing violently, creating a maelstrom in the water.

Soren pushed off from the wall, propelling himself towards the surface. Helios, a few strokes ahead, was already making his way up.

As they ascended, the dragon's movements became more erratic, its injured eye impairing its ability to navigate the water. Soren and Helios kicked hard, racing towards the safety of the air above.

Breaking the surface, they gasped for breath, their bodies heaving with exertion. The pool's water was still churning below them, the dragon's roars growing fainter as it retreated into the depths, defeated but not destroyed.

Soren and Helios climbed out of the pool, their bodies soaked and tired, but alive. Helios closed his inventory screen, now containing the rescued laundry, and turned to Soren with a wry grin.

"Mission accomplished?" he quipped.

Soren glared at him, he opened his mouth but before words to escape the floor beneath them cracked and shook. Soren and Helios glanced at each other. Without a word, they sprinted towards the edge of the crumbling building. The structure groaned ominously, they reached the edge, leaping across the widening gap to the neighboring building. They landed heavily on the other side, rolling to dissipate the impact.

Turning back, they watched as the building they had just vacated gave one final, catastrophic groan. It began to collapse, floor by floor, sending a massive cloud of dust and debris into the air. The dragon, injured and disoriented, struggled to escape the collapsing structure, but its efforts were in vain.

With a series of thunderous crashes, the building imploded, sending shockwaves through the surrounding area. The dragon, unable to withstand the onslaught, was caught in the collapse, its roars of rage and pain echoing one last time before being silenced under the mountain of rubble.

Helios and Soren stood in silence, watching as the dust settled on the scene of destruction.

Soren let out a long breath, his adrenaline slowly ebbing away. "That was too close," he muttered, his gaze still fixed on the ruins.

Helios nodded,"Yeah, but we made it. And the laundry too,"

Soren shook his head, "Only you would be crazy enough to worry about laundry in the middle of a fight with a dragon,"

They turned away from the wreckage, making their way to Luxnious Labyrinth, the base of their operations, their home and where Helios is known to be the hero of it all. And Soren is just a sidekick.