
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

animent29 · ファンタジー
34 Chs

14 Lucundiz

Later that same day.

In an unknown part of Hoogport, an eerie swirl fog swirled over a somewhat deserted island. The silver moonlight illuminated the outline of a massive fort which had several protruding spike on its walls. Observing these spikes, it emitted a strange, but faint green glow. Almost as if it exuded a potent poison. From an aerial point of view, the fortress occupied two third of the island. Meanwhile, hundreds of people clad in a pitch-black robe manned the walls of the fortress. Coupled with their long robes, they also wore a gray mask which had faint markings on its eye region. These individuals not only looked terrifying, the manner in which they hovered above the ground would leave most people terrified. As they moved about, their robes flapped because of the chilling air originating from the nearby sea.

As the howling wind echoed in all directions, the silhouette of a monstrous bird appeared in the star-studded sky. The sudden emergence of the bird did not frighten the masked individuals. In fact, they ignored it. They continued pacing around the island like mindless beings.

A few seconds after the emergence of the bird; a faint, thin barrier covering the fortress disappeared. Allowing the bird which was a Dark-Clawed Eagle to gain entry. It landed on a lush field which had several ornamental statues placed at various locations. These statues were in the shape of several races from Skyhaven. The only problem with these statues, was the eerie expressions on its face. They looked panic-stricken. It looked as if someone captured the perfect moment fear griped the heart.

Meanwhile, Dustan and two of his subordinates stood on the Dark-Clawed Eagle with a stern expression on their face.

"I hate coming to this place… Why did that sadist have to summon us? I thought they would give us more time to recuperate," Leo said while shaking his head.

"We don't have a choice vice-commander… Please don't let the warden hear you. A friend told me the prisoners remembered something. According to him, they would only speak to the commander," Bren said with a shallow smile on his face. While he faced Dustan, he hoped he would calm their usually lazy vice-commander. But, Dustan remained silent. He looked as if he wanted to complain too.

"To hell with those bastards and that sadist of a warden. We flew all the way from Haveme… If those bastards did this to mess with us, I'll break their legs," Leo said. With each second, he grew angrier. Meanwhile, Bren no longer responded. Because, he did not want Leo to unleash the brewing anger on him.

"Leo, if they are playing a game with us, you can do as you please," Dustan said. While his words echoed, Leo and Bren had stunned expressions on their faces. They could not believe what they had just heard.

"Commander… I was only joking earlier. If I break their legs, Lucundiz will break mine, too. Do…," before Leo could finish his statement, Dustan interjected. "Don't worry about Lucundiz. She won't hurt you when I'm with you," Dustan said.

'Commander, do you want to kill me? What will happen when you're not there? huh? Me and my big mouth. Why did I say those words earlier?' Leo mused within his heart, but said nothing in response to Dustan's words. As he regretted his previous utterance, his face distorted in a somewhat comical and tensed manner. Bren used every willpower he could muster not laugh.

'The vice-commander's big mouth have finally landed him in trouble. I'm torn between hoping those Halflings keeping quiet and them giving us the location of that Blay De Tovar. The commander has been acting strange since we got back from that small Kingdom,' Bren mused as he stared at Dustan who had a stoic expression on his face.

Unknown to Leo and Bren, the parting words of the Great Sage weighed heavily on Dustan's mind. And, it was part of the reason he gave the previous order. With different thoughts floating through the minds of the trio, none of them spoke further. They did not even disembark from the back of the Dark-Clawed Eagle.

A few minutes later, a loud rumbling sound echoed in all directions. And, it caused Dustan and the others to snap back into reality.

"Commander, do you need me to wait behind?" Bren asked.

"Bren, what nonsense are you saying? You're coming with us. In fact, you're to discipline those bastards if they refuse to talk," Leo said while staring at Bren. He spoke just as Dustan was about to speak. He had a sly smile at the corner of his lip.

'You think you can runaway? Dream on! If that crazy bitch breaks my legs, she'll break yours, too. I can't suffer alone,' Leo mused within his mind as he laughed.

Meanwhile, Bren's face distorted on hearing Leo's declaration. 'Vice-commander, why are you doing this? Commander, Please help me. Warden Lucundiz will break my legs, too,' Bren mused as he stared at Leo. Although they exchanged no words, the manner in which they looked at each other was worth a thousand words. Bren had a pleading look in his eyes while Leo had that of total ignorance.

A few seconds later, Dustan's voice drifted into their ears.

"Leo, we need someone to attend to our mount. I can't assign you to such a task. So, Bren will do that for us. I need you to interrogate the Halflings. I might do something bad if I am near them," Dustan said.

After his declaration, Bren's face changed for a second time. But this time, joy covered his face, and it was his turn to have a smile on his lips. Meanwhile, Leo's face became ashen.

"Commander…" before Leo could finish his statement, a loud female voice interrupted him which sent chills down his spine. "Dustan! You have finally come to see me. Welcome to Echia!" she said. After her loud declaration, Dustan and the others stared at the approaching figures. They rode a strange creature which looked like a transparent Jelly fish, and it hovered in midair. Three individuals stood on it, and they wore the same clothing as those outside the fortress. But, among the trio, one of them did not wear a mask.

As the silver moonlight illuminated her face, it highlighted her beauty. From her facial appearance, she looked only twenty-five years old. She had a tanned her skin, and her caramel brown hair fell across her shoulders. She also had a faint tribal paint on her face. Drawn across her green colored eyes to her small, but curved ears. A nose ring decorated her small but pointed nose. While her seductive lips had a blood red color. Just like the masked individuals beside her, she wore a pitch black robe. Her figure and that of the others wearing the black robe was identical. It was the same for those who hovered outside the fortress. From the smile on her face and the look in her eyes, one would assume Dustan's presence made her happy.

"Lucundiz, you falter me. Thanks for the gifts you sent earlier. Please forgive, my vice-commander, Leo, will interrogate the prisoners in my stead. I will watch from the side," Dustan said with a warm smile on his face. It contrasted with the gloomy expression on Leo's face. After Dustan introduced him, he lowered his head at the same instant. Which caused Bren to chuckle.

'I can't let this mad women remember my face. Bren, I promise you'll handle cleaning duties for the next two years,' Leo declared within his mind.

He did not lower his head because of etiquettes, rather it was to prevent the approaching lady from remembering his face.

With his head lowered, Leo retrieved a silk clothing from his armor, and tied it around his face. It covered everything except his eyes. With cold sweat covering his forehead.

"It's not a big deal. Lao can handle it. We'll watch from the side, together," Lucundiz said with an even brighter smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Bren stared at Leo with pity written on his face. Because, a few minutes earlier, he detected a subtle killing intent when Dustan said Leo would handle the interrogation. And, it only disappeared when Dustan said he would watch from the side. Like Bren, Leo felt this killing intent, too. And, he could not control his hands and legs from shaking.

A few seconds later, Dustan and Leo boarded the Jelly Fish with Lucundiz. They left Bren and the two other masked individuals with the Dark-Clawed Eagle.

As they traveled through the lush field occupied by several statues, Lucundiz ignored Leo while focusing on Dustan. In fact, she acted as if Leo did not exist. Although she treated him this way, Leo was delighted and nervous at the same time.

'gods in the heavens, please answer my prayers. If this madwoman does not remember me, I'll make several sacrifices when I return. Please, let those bastards in the prison talk. Please, I don't want to have my legs broken…' Leo prayed within his heart.

Meanwhile, Dustan and Lucundiz discussed with each other.

"Dustan, how is Marigold? Has she recovered?" Lucundiz asked. Her warm smile disappeared as she stared at Dustan.

However, Dustan did not respond. He only sighed while shaking his head. Just like Dustan, Lucundiz could only sigh, too. Although she wanted to ask more questions, from Dustan's demeanor, she knew it would be a waste of time.

"Lucu, do you have any idea what those Halflings want to reveal? I thought we got everything from the previous interrogation," Dustan asked. Although he was changing the question, why they summoned him to Echia puzzled him.

"I am curious, too. It seems as if someone or something unlocked a section of their repressed memories," Lucundiz said while shaking her head.

"They kept on shouting the words - From nether he will emerge. The connection of the realms will emerge in Kynar, and from nether he will emerge," Lucundiz added.

Meanwhile, Dustan and Leo, who listened from the side had puzzled expressions on their faces.

"What does that mean? Who will emerge from nether, and what is Kynar? I've not heard of such a place in Skyhaven," Dustan muttered. Leo had the same thought in mind. In fact, he believed the prisoners only said nonsense to get Dustan's attention.

'How am I supposed to get any information from those madmen? Kynar? Nether? my god, will I lose my legs today?' Leo mused.

"We don't know what they are talking about. When I searched the archives, nothing like Kynar came up. Meanwhile, nether could refer to the mythical essence which flows between the realms of the living and that of the dead. But, we have no record of such a thing ever existing," Lucundiz said.

"Wait… why am I here? According to what you have said, how does any of this concern me?" Dustan asked. Leo was also curious why they were in Echia. From what Lucundiz said, he too did not know what the matter had to do with them.

Although the duo stared at her with keen expressions on their faces, Lucundiz remained silent. And, she closed her eyes, too.

"Lucu, what are you hiding from me? Did…" before Dustan could finish his statement, Lucundiz interjected.

"Dustan that's not all they said. They mentioned your name and said you would user in an era of doom," Lucundiz whispered with her head lowered. Her declaration stunned both Dustan and Leo.

"The Commander? That's not possible. Those bastards are only making a fool of us! How can we believe such nonsense? Do…" before he could finish his statement, Dustan interrupted him. "Lucu, who is waiting for me in the prison?" Dustan said.

Although he spoke in a warm voice, Lucundiz's body trembled. Meanwhile, Leo's eyes widened. He involuntarily blurted out the words, "You made it up? You're leading my commander into a trap? How dare you?!" he said.

"Calm down, Leo. Lucu is not lying. Let's listen to her explanation," Dustan said. There was no change to his expression still.

However, Lucundiz still had her head lowered, and she remained silent.

"Lucu, what do they have on you? Tell me, I'll help you. Did…" before Dustan could finish his statement, Lucundiz interjected. "Dustan, I'm sorry. I tried to contain the news before it got out, but it made its way to the ears of Prince Marko. He said he would make life difficult for Irene if you didn't come. Did not know what to do…" Lucundiz paused at this point as her voice became shaky and incoherent.

"All right. I understand the current situation. Prince Marko wants to use the babblings of the Halflings against me, right?" Dustan asked.

Saying nothing in response, Lucundiz nodded her head.

"Are those two members of Prince Marko's envoy?" Dustan asked. A chill went down Lucundiz and Leo's back while his voice echoed. They could fell a minute, but devastating energy surging.

"No… no, they are my men. They will protect your subordinate," Lucundiz said. She no longer lowered her head, she wanted Dustan to see the sincerity on her face.

"All right. No need for too much talk. I'm sure we will resolve everything in the Coombs," Dustan said with a warm smile on his face.

However, Leo and Lucundiz remained silent, as different thoughts flashed through their minds.

'So, the aura I felt earlier belonged to the guards of Prince Marko. For him to use Irene to threaten Lucu, it means he has something concrete this time around. Well, let's see what that brat wants. Who knows, I might the chance to work out,' Dustan mused as he closed his eyes.

With none of the trio talking, they traveled on the Jelly Fish in silence. Tracing the trajectory of the creature, it headed towards several pitch black structures which looked like chimneys.


Author's Thoughts


Hi guys, Mrdojo here.

Bren and Leo made appearances in the Tiodon Kingdom. In the previous versions, they were unnamed characters.

P.s. this chapter is the end of chapter 3. In case you haven't noticed, Book 2 is following events in three places (Mathras, Kynar, and Hoogport). Other locations might make a brief appearance, but those three are the primary locations for Book 2.

p.s.s. forget about book 2 description. I only wrote it because I did not want to reveal spoilers.

Thanks for reading.