
The Aldon Conversion Method

"But it wasn't for many years before a breakthrough was developed. And that Breakthrough came by way of an Elven Researcher named Handa Aldon." Geralt stated, cutting off the laughter of MyrkLys before it got too out of control.

"Handa Aldon was a prominent figure in Elven Scientific Research, whose primary focus was Mana Particles and their effects on a being's mind. As the story goes, upon learning about the Copenhagen theory, he tossed aside all other research topics. He changed his primary focus on whether Essence can manifest within the SOC or if it must first be condensed in reality before being absorbed."

"Using this idea as a basis, he quickly saw results in developing a replicable method of what would later be called "Conversion" instead of Condensement."

Uncrossing his leg, Geralt leaned forward and propped his elbows up on his knees while lacing his fingers together.