
The Outlaws: A World of Mysteries

With Crime and Mysterious happening all around San Francisco, a group of teenagers are stroked with the disappearance of their friend The town's sweetheart Amy Martins. Trying to find out what had happened to their friend, going deep into the case, they come across an ancient supernatural book and a pack of terrifying ancient group of black cloaked people. This group embark on some crazy experience, unfolding secrets that were supposed to remain hidden. I present to you "The Outlaws"

Themaskedqueen05 · 若者
4 Chs


"They are called...The Outlaws"

"The Outlaws" Sarah repeats looking at him like as if he were crazy "please let's this be a joke"

"It's not"

"You are making it look like you were writing a book" she jokes "you know 'for the adventure', nothing serious there"

"Sarah, I'm serious" Ben says with an annoyed face "this is a matter of life and death"

"Seriously, the Outlaws, how old do you think I am, five?"

"I'm not lying to you, Sarah" he says before looking around, then back at her

"I need you to believe me sarah, these people are crazy, the mayor was already working with them before i joined the organisation. He wanted me to work in with them, each and everyone of us are in this group, worshipping a god they are trying to resurrect. That is why young kids are dying"

"Benjamin, would you stop saying nonsense, there is no way some people, form a group and start killing kids to resurrect their god. No one has ever done that before, no case has ever been reported like that"

"Exactly Sarah, that is why the FBI comes in to take the case cause we work on those stuff" he says trying to prove his point

"Well I don't believe you, so prove to me that you aren't lying and wasting my time" she says with bitterness

"Have you checked the victim after it was taken to your forensic scientist?" He asks

"No I haven't, I was about to, but here I am" she says annoyed at her husband

"What you are going find is that there is a symbol on her left arm, no blood in her body and her head, you are going to see a mark"

"Why are you telling me this?" She asks

"Because I can't be seen with you"


"They are coming for you Sarah, they know you are on to them and they are coming to kill you" he says and the leaves the room abruptly, leaving her dumbfounded.

She looks around to see if she was being watched but see no one. She couldn't fantom or understand what Benjamin just told her and she needed more explanation on it.

She left, heading towards her office but then takes a look at the entrance of the police station, debating whether to believe her husband's lie or continue to actually find a evidence to the case. Without much thinking on it, she left for her office and shut the door behind her, continuing to work, shifting the incident of the day far away from her mind.


"Hey Jason, we are here" Rebecca calls out as she casually walks into his house with Paris trialing behind

Jason walks out of his living room to meet his cousin and her new friend at the door of his house.

"I didn't think you were going to bring your new friend over" he says to his cousin "and I say this emphasizing on the 'new' "

"It was either watch a movie at my house and miss this orrr bring her over here and have the meeting" Rebecca mentions

Paris takes a look around the house, feeling mesmerized by the view

"This is a freaking...Mansion" she exclaims

He looks at his cousin "okay fine, I'll allow this for tonight but you are going to keep her company, don't need my mom coming home to see me excluding a person from our little hangout" he says "am I clear?"

"Definitely, you won't even know I'm here" Paris says then both her and Jason look at Rebecca for an agreement

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever" she finally agrees then looks around "so, where are the snacks?"

"Right over m'lady" he says taking a quick bow before leading the way to the living room.

As they all enter, they notice six more people in the room.

"Didn't think we were having a party?" Paris whispers to Rebecca

"Yeah me too" she whispers back

"Sorry Rebecca, but tonight's meeting needed to be held" Jason apologies "we all need to talk things out"

"So you didn't tell her we were meeting" Samantha asks Jason as she held her girlfriend, Maerdy, close to her

"I was going to" he answers looking at Rebecca before the group "I just didn't know how she would take it"

"I won't have minded actually"

"Really, because Eric, here, tells us how you ran out on him when he tried to talk to you" Hannah says

"I never said that" Eric defended himself "I said that she was pretty occupied with stuff and didn't feel like talking"

"Oh so, you are on her side now?" Hannah asks him as she takes a sip of her ice tea

"Hannah, firstly, shut the hell up and secondly, I called all of us here to have a meeting and settle our differences, not offload the insults we all packed up for each other after separating for two years of our lives" he says which makes the room quiet "now can we have this meeting and get this shit over with"

"Fine, let's do this" Samantha says sitting up properly "besides I have better things to do"

"Okay cuz" he calls as he looks at Rebecca "you wanna sit down"

Jason brings out a bean bag for Rebecca and Paris to seat. As they seat, Maerdy speaks up with such a sweet voice

"Hey" she says talking to Paris "what's your name?"

"Paris hardwood" Paris mentions

"That's cool, my name is Maerdy Thompson"

"Um, Sam, I suggest you tell your girlfriend not to speak with Rebecca's new fling" Hannah says to Samantha "she may influence your sweetheart"

"She can talk to whoever she wants to Ann, it's her choice" Sam says

"I warned you" Hannah says relaxing sipping her drink

"Sorry about Hannah, she gets brain tumor once in a while" Samantha says "The name is Samantha Williams, the girl with no padlock on her mouth is Hannah Ross"

"Yup, I'm Amanda Marshall, that over there" Amanda says pointing at Joshua "is Joshua Thomas and beside him is Eric hale"

They all wave except for Hannah, who just rolls her eyes at her.

"I already meet him today at school" Paris says

"You go to our school?" Maerdy asks suddenly jumping off her seat next to Samantha straight at Paris "how come I didn't see you"

"I was with Rebecca all day"

"Becky" Maerdy whines looking at Rebecca

Rebecca laughs "I'm sorry Maerdy, I promise tomorrow you get to show her everywhere"

"Everywhere" Maerdy repeats

"Everywhere" Paris agrees

"Speaking of tours, Maerdy, would you mind showing our guest here around my house" Jason asks

"I would love to" Maerdy says out of excitement "come, I want to show you the game room"

Before Paris could protest, Maerdy had already dragged her by the arm and taken her out of the room.

"Thank god, the parasites has been demolished" Hannah makes a joke (well tries to) "Aren't we going to have this meeting, Aren't you going to talk"

Everyone looks at Rebecca, waiting for her say something, but Rebecca had nothing to say to them, for two years now, she felt she was abandoned by them, her so-called friends, but found out that, she didn't care anymore, all she wanted to do was find information about Amy and bring her home.

"I have nothing to say to you all"

"Why, you always have something to say " Hannah says as she sits up, getting interested in the conversation

"Not today Hannah" Rebecca says

Hannah is about to talk but Joshua, for the first time in two years, interrupts her.

"Would you at least talk about that night?" He asks as he looks at Rebecca with pleading eyes "tells us what really happened"

"Isn't it clear Joshua, Rebecca is behind Amy's disappearance" Hannah says so calming but still shooting acids her way

"What is the point Joshua?, whatever I say now is pointless, nobody believes me, thinking I'm covering up what truly happened"

"Then tell us Rebecca, we will believe you" Amanda says

"Really Amanda, after leaving me for two years, you come here to say that" Rebecca chuckles

"Please, Rebecca, just tells us" Samantha begs

"She can't, because she's a liar and a deceiver" Hannah spits out

"You want the truth, here it is, that night I was with Amy" Rebecca started looking at everyone, who waited patiently for her "and Derek"

"Derek" everyone chorused

"That's impossible" Hannah says then looks at Joshua "she's lying"

"I'm not, Derek was there that night"

"But I thought he went over to the navy" Samantha asks utterly confused

"He didn't go" Rebecca says which catches everyone's attention again "he told Amy that he had some business to take of back home, but he lied to everyone he was at the navy"

"What happened next?" Amanda asks

"Amy and I were watching a movie series like we always do Friday night, this time it was because she was at home grounded and I snuck in to be with her, Derek comes in, demanding he wanted to speak to Amy, I asked him why he wasn't at the navy and he told us it wasn't his style and didn't fit in. Amy called Derek to the kitchen and they talked, what they talked about, I have no idea, but then I heard a loud grunt from the kitchen. I ran over there to see what happened and I find Derek on the floor lying in a pool of blood while Amy held a knife, covered with blood, Derek was dead" Rebecca narrates with tears in her eyes as she spoke she remembered everything that happened that night, like it was yesterday.


"Amy, w-what did you do?" Fifteen year old Rebecca Parker stutters as she see her best friend hold a bloody knife

"I killed him" Amy says still looking at Derek's dead body "and I don't regret it"

"W-what are you saying?" Rebecca asks in tears

"Derek was about to do something terrible to you, I had no choice but to end him"

"Why, on earth, would you kill him?" Rebecca screams

"Stop asking dumb questions Rebecca and help me bury him" Amy says more aggressively

Rebecca still stands shocked, her legs still rooted to the ground, as her best friend runs to get a bin bag. She's about scolding Rebecca once more but then the sound of siren interrupts her, a police officer stops at Amy's front door.

Amy looks at Rebecca and puts her hands on her shoulders

"Rebecca listen to me, I need you to run back to your house and pretend none of this happened, okay, can you do that for me"

"But you will be arrested, I can help you, my mom is a cop remember" Rebecca sobs uncontrollably

"Exactly, why I can't drag you into this, you need to go" Amy assures her but Rebecca is reluctant to move

Amy pushes Rebecca to the door as they contemplate on why she should stay and why she should go.

"Amy, I can help, let me help"

"No, you have done enough" Amy says about to close the door on her before she turns around to look at her, Amy kisses her on the lips and utters the word "I love you" before closing the door, leaving a stunned Rebecca out in the cold in her pajamas.


"That's how I didn't hear anything or see her again and after that night, people began to notice both she and derek, were gone" Rebecca says playing with her fingers "I even asked my mom to ask any police officer that went over to her house to check on her but my mom says no one came to her house"

"I don't believe you" Hannah says after hearing the story

"Obviously, you won't believe" Rebecca says tearful "I'm regarded as a liar to you, someone who would want to harm Amy"

"Because you never cared for her like i did" Hannah blurts out

The room became quiet, everyone was shocked by the sudden outburst.

"You never did" Hannah says repeating herself "she loved you but you never returned the favor, being the 'goodie-too-shoes'that you are"

"Hannah, what in the world are you talking about?" Eric asks her confused

"She's a liar, she can never try to help Amy, all she is, is a bag full of pretence" Hannah says locking eyes with Rebecca

"Woman, please be more specific, I'm still utterly confused here" Jason says then looks at the rest of the gang "aren't you guys?"

Rebecca laughs tearfully "you know what Jason, i don't care anymore, if you believe that I'm a liar then that's your problem Hannah, I'm done"

Rebecca picks up her bag, ready to leave. Hannah laughs, stopping Rebecca from leaving.

"Lil Becky, doesn't know why i called her a liar, it's because the night Amy went missing, i saw you run from her house" Hannah says "before you even left the house, i heard a glass break, immediately sweet Rebecca left, i heard Amy scream, i ran into her house and met no one, no blood, no bloody knife, no body bag and most especially no Amy martins...so tell me Rebecca, how can one easily cover her tracks the same time she tells you to leave."

The room becomes quiet, everyone turns to face Rebecca. Rebecca becomes confused

Rebecca stammers "i-i d-dont know"

"Don't give me that bullshit parker, you know" Hannah states "My theory is that, someone comes into the house and tries to harm Amy, you, in fear, ran out the door the next minute you had the chance, leaving Amy to be kidnapped"

"I would never do that, Amy is my best friend"

"She is my best friend too, but until she comes back, you would always remain a criminal to me"

"Hannah stop this" Amanda speaks up

"It's fine" Rebecca mutters so softly that it was so hard to hear her. She picks up her bag and is about leaving again but stops herself

"I'm going to find Amy with or without your help, i don't care if you believe I'm a liar or not. I want Amy back too, she's all i have got as a friend, since all my other friends won't believe me, I'll find her myself. Goodnight"

With that she heads out the door, sobbing and clutching her purse close to her heart, Enters her car and zooms off into the cold night.


Paris and Maerdy emerge from the inner chambers of the house.

Everyone else were so fixed on their conversation that they failed to notice their presence. Paris looks around to find Rebecca but doesn't see her.

"Hey doll face" she says implying to Jason "where's my girl?"

"If you are talking about Rebecca, we fished her out of this group, a liar can't be included on our everyday routine" Hannah says which makes Maerdy call out to her girlfriend Sam

"Babe" Maerdy says confused

"I have no idea, what she's talking about" Sam says in defense

"What do you mean you 'fished' her out?" Paris asks

"Because she's a liar...we caught her lying about that night of Amy's disappearance" Hannah says as she walks over to Paris "I'm sorry, buh your girl, is fucked up"

"And how do you know she lied" Paris asks

"Because i know"

"That's absurd...i never knew you tried so desperately to be smart" Paris says, she then looks at Maerdy "hey, you know that saying, ' a liar recognizes a liar' ".

"Yeah, but in this case, it's a bitch recognizes a bitch...am I right Hannah dear?" Maerdy says looking directly at Hannah

"Babe" Sam exclaims excitedly "where did that come from?"

"Not to be offensive to anyone here, but Rebecca was the reason I had an interest in this group, no offence babe" Maerdy says

"None taken" Sam says

"i have never met Amy before but I can tell from y'all determination to get her back, is that she was the pillar of your friendship. But that doesn't mean, now that she was kidnapped, you point fingers at whoever was with her that night. Amy won't want that, what she wants is for all of you to get up from those sorry ass of yours and find a way to bring her back." Maerdy says

"I'm so proud of you babe" Sam says playfully cleaning a tear drop

"So first of all, we need to apologize to Rebecca and get her back" Paris suggests

"Why? We can do better without her" Hannah says "why do you even care so much about her, you only just meet her"

"Do you really think, you all are the only ones that point fingers accusingly at her, no you aren't, a lot of the people i met at school did that, even teachers, but what surprised me was the fact that Rebecca still stood tall walking down the hallway without a care in the world. Who cares if the world hates her, all she needs is the comfort of her friends and she's fine, that's why I'm still standing beside her...don't abandon her anymore" Paris states

Everyone was silent, hopefully processing the speech that Paris gave.

"Okay moment is over. Doll face, drive me home" Paris says calling Jason

"The only reason why i am complying, it's because my cousin drove you here, but personally i don't care about your welfare" Jason calls after her as they walk out of the house.


"good night guys" Sarah greets the two security guards as she exit the building "see y'all tomorrow"

"Night parker" they greet back as she waves to them

As she walks down to her car, she digs through her purse to get her car keys.

A sound not to far away from her was heard

"Who is there?" She asks carefully dropping her purse on the hood of her car.

She consciously touches her pistol with the intention of using it.

She takes out her torchlight with her free hand, turning it on to with the same question she asked before

"who is there?"

The two guards who were sitting down near the entrance of the police station, stood up, turning on their own torchlight.

Another sound was heard and they were all alerted

"It's coming from behind the dumpster" she signals to the two security guards as she pulls out her pistol.

They walk slowly towards that direction.

Immediately a cat jumps down from behind the dumpster, meowing at Sarah.

"Huh it's a freaking cat" one of the guards says putting his gun back to its rightful place

"Sorry about that fellas" Sarah laughs as she to returns her gun back to her side.

"Got worked up for nothing"

"It's alright parker" the other security guard says assuring her "we also thought it was something"

"Wouldn't want something to happen to our favorite detective" they both laugh

Sarah joins in "okay guys, i definitely need to head back home"

"Greet Rebecca for us" the first security guard says

"Sure thing Bobby" she says as she walks back to her car and drives off.


"Hey Marshall" Sarah calls out as she enters the office of Dr. Jane Marshall, the SSFPD Forensic scientist

"I need your help"

"Hey, what's up" Jane states "was about sending you a message"

"Have you checked on the victim's facial recognition"

"Yup" she answers "and look at what i got"

Jane types away on her computer as she brings out the face ID of the victim.

"Janet Mayfield, as in daughter of CEO Julius Mayfield Oil company in Kentucky"

"Yeah, that's the one"

"What in the world is his daughter doing all the way here in San Francisco?"

"My guess is the holidays"

"And now she's dead"

"Bad way of ending a holiday, i guess" Jane agrees

"I better send this to Ross" Sarah says typing away on her phone "he may want to look at this"

"How's Ross anyways?"

"How's your husband?" Sarah smiles

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing, just wanted to know if there was trouble in paradise" Sarah says

"remember I'm a cop"

"Sarah Parker, i am not having troubles in my marriage neither is Aaron cheating on me" Jane protests "i was just asking because Aaron and I invited him for lunch yesterday and he didn't show up"


"Are you seriously asking me that" she looks at Sarah "how on earth am i supposed to know the schedule of a man who is not my husband"

"Easy, You asks him"

"I would do no such thing Parker, he is not my business"

"You are the one who was asking about him just about a minute ago"

"Nice way of leaving a conversation"

Sarah laughs "Okay, fine, fine, fine.... your home boy is good"

"Speaking of Men" Sarah exhales

"mine thinks there is something wrong with the body of the victim"

"How so"

"I have no idea" she says "that's why I'm here...to recheck the body"

"Okay, follow me then"

They walk into the morgues, where the victim's body was kept. Jane opens up the body and Sarah turns on a flashlight.

"So where did he say you should check?"

As she wears her gloves so as not to mess up the prints.

"Her hand"

"What am I looking for exactly?" Jane asks searching the victim's hands

"A symbol on her hand" Sarah mentions remembering what Ben told her earlier, praying that none of what he said was true.

"Would you look at that" Jane says looking at the hand "there is a symbol on her hand"

"Lemme see it" Jane shows her the symbol, she takes a picture of it.

"Could you look at her head and check if there is any blood in her body"

"But why" Jane asks confused " why am I looking at this?"

"Ben told me to check, he says he believes that there is no blood in the body of the victim" Sarah says about leaving the room "i need to be sure his telling the truth"

"Okay but where are you going"

"Need to make a phone call" she says as she leaves the room

"Hey Mary, I'm gonna send you a picture, could you help decode this and send to me a result"

"Sure thing detective" she responds

Sarah sends her the picture and settles down behind Jane's desk and looks closely at Janet Mayfield's picture

"What really happened to you?" She asks herself "who did this to you?"

"Parker" Jane comes into the office

"Ben was right, no blood and there is definitely a mark on the victim's head, like as if they drew all her blood from there"

Immediately Sarah phone rings

"Mary, whatcha got?"

"That symbol that you sent to me is an ancient symbol which was used my a notorious group of people or i like to call them 'serial killers'. They were murdered for all their crimes later but their rituals still continued, rumor has it, the rituals still exist till today"

"What was the symbol used for?" Sarah asks

"It says here the symbol was put on those they sacrificed, young virgin girls. Their blood were used to awaken their master but the ritual was never complete. The symbol is actually called 'sacrifice to the savior'. Young girls from different homes where taken against their will and killed"

"My goodness" Jane exclaims

"That's not all, it says here that the people who ended them are supernatural beings, casting them out of their lands and making them outcasts. They were stripped from their powers and killed in a very disturbing way and for centuries they weren't heard from again"

"Mary, what are their names?"

"Um, they are called 'The Outlaws'".


"Hey guys, I'm home" Ben calls out to his wife and child but no response.


He heads towards the kitchen, where he sees Sarah waiting patiently for him

"I called out to you, why didn't you answer?" He asks

Instead of a response, she pushes her laptop to his view, showing him the symbol.

"Benjamin, i need you to tell me everything that you know about these Outlaws" she says sternly "and no lying"

"I need the whole story"