

Chapter 152 - Temporary Closure - 6

It's important to prepare a fallback plan for any strategy.

Just because one can act like a tiger's cub, it would be foolish to optimistically assume everything will go smoothly. One must anticipate the worst-case scenario and prepare the best course of action for such a situation.

What would happen if it were discovered that one isn't actually a tiger's cub? Is there a way to survive and return from such a predicament? What can I do to ensure my life is spared and that I make it back?

When my singular life is at stake, no amount of preparation or method used can be considered excessive.

What strategies are available for me, a dark-haired barbarian like myself? After much deliberation, the solution I arrived at was to make use of the reputation I had built in Yichang.

"Why are all these people gathered here?"

A passerby asked, addressing the crowd surrounding Daseogak, rallied by the Daseohoe members.

"Daseogak has posted a new article by the novelist Ho Pil."

"Is volume three finally coming out?"

"Rather, it's on the brink of a publishing suspension crisis! Apparently, those people from Sacheondang are making a fuss over the series 'Dangga Pungwoon', trying to drag the novelist to their family estate."

"What? Is there a problem with 'Dangga Pungwoon'?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Because of that, it seems Manager Kang might be taken away."

"Why Manager Kang?"

"They say Manager Kang stood up, claiming he would never reveal the whereabouts of the individual under Daseogak's protection and about whom he has authored (지음), and offered himself to be taken instead!"

"Heavens! He volunteered to be taken by those terrifying martial artists? I thought he was just greedy, but he turns out to be a man of great loyalty!"

"Ho Pil also announced that, overwhelmed by guilt and knowing what would happen if she were taken, she would cease writing until he returned!"

"She, she said she would stop writing?"

"Yes. It's a closure crisis for Daseogak! Ho Pil's cessation! How could Daseohoe not get involved under such circumstances?"

"Those damn bastards! How shameless!"

"Sacheondang should be giving an award, not taking her away!"

"Suspension of 'Dangga Pungwoon'? Impossible to accept such a fact!"

The news of 'Dangga Pungwoon's potential end was drawing more and more people around Daseogak.

"Is this your doing?"

The leader of Yigak looked at the crowd and then glared at me, speaking in accusation.

"It seems someone saw the people from Sacheondang blocking Daseogak yesterday. News travels fast in Yichang where there's no one who doesn't know 'Dangga Pungwoon'."

And you thought I would just sit still. I feigned ignorance with a brazen expression and replied.

From the announcement posted by Ho Pil to actively spreading the news among Daseohoe members, I also had the foresight to ask them to surround Daseogak if the Yigak leader and Sacheondang members returned.

Of course, I didn't expect such a gathering.

"Make way! The Left Minister of the Yichang Literary Society is passing through!"

As the Yigak leader and the warriors of Sacheondang looked inconvenienced by the crowd, an elderly scholar emerged from within.

"Who might you be?"

The Yigak leader asked, seeing the person who appeared to lead the group.

"Haha. I am one who leads those in Yichang with a passion for literature."

The Left Minister of the Literary Society stroked his beard, unyielding to the imposing presence of the Yigak leader.

"Good heavens! If it's the Left Minister, could it be he's a former scholar from Hanlimwon?"

"I heard he retired and no longer engages in public activities. What a surprise to see him here."

A scholar from Hanlimwon, that's the emperor's advisory body and the Royal Academy responsible for compiling the imperial library.

When I earnestly asked the Daseohoe people to find someone who could speak up against Sacheondang, I never expected someone so high-ranking that we'd have to bow our heads, not just utter a word.


Even the Yigak leader seemed overwhelmed by the appearance of an opponent that was tough to face.

"The emperor Himself does not obstruct freedom of speech. How can Sacheondang, called the pillar of the orthodox factions, cause such a commotion?"

"Well water does not disturb river water. It's a family affair," the idiom elegantly expressed the principle of non-interference. The Yigak leader was telling us to stay out of Sacheondang's business.

"Haha. If there was one phrase I've wanted to correct since my time in office... So now, it seems that once well water reaches the river, it all becomes well water, doesn't it?"

The Left Minister of the Literary Society looked at the Yigak leader and then gazed at me, subtly criticizing how martial artists have started meddling with the affairs of the common people.

"Just a dark-haired barbarian."

Not a word about my family ties, huh.

"No barbarians here, only people of Yichang. A young man who knows propriety."

"Indeed! He is the young man who diligently contributes dues to the Merchant's Association!"

"Although he can be strict, he's a store manager who always keeps to the payment schedule and pays thoroughly!"

Following the Left Minister's defense, even those who had personal ties with me, not just Daseohoe members, spoke in my support.

I'm touched. It seems my dealings in Yichang haven't been in vain, although I did actively grease some palms.

"The intention isn't to take him as a criminal. We merely have some matters to clarify."

"Usually, those with the most to clarify are criminals indeed."

"We're taking him as a guest."

"Nowadays, do guests get taken away by force? I've heard that they don't even get a horse to ride, but are dragged away with ropes instead."

The Yigak leader glared at me without responding. So, that's how it is? You intend to take me on foot. I can't use light-foot techniques, so I'd prefer to travel by horse or carriage.

"You misunderstand."

"If it was you, would you believe that?"

"Ha. What will you do if I don't believe it?"

As the Yigak leader's threat hung in the air, the atmosphere cooled instantly. Martial artists will be martial artists. It's as believable as having a tiger among a herd of rabbits.

The Left Minister seemed accustomed to such situations, not showing any signs of yielding, but leaving things be could lead to an unpredictable outcome.

"Greetings. It's troubling that you've gone through the effort to come here on my behalf."

This tense atmosphere is right when I should make my entrance. With a smile, I inserted myself between the two men.

"I can easily step forward for a young man who has brought a fresh wind to Yichang."

The Chairman spoke to me with a worried expression.

"It seems this incident may have blown out of proportion due to a series of small misunderstandings. Such misunderstandings only deepen if left unaddressed. Before it festers further, I intend to visit Sacheon to clear things up."

"That's far too dangerous. Better yet, become my guest instead. I will provide you with a room."

His offer for me to become his guest was a significant gesture of goodwill, signifying his protection under the name of a former Hanlimwon scholar.

"This matter concerns a close friend. Ho Pil's voice is my voice, and my voice is Ho Pil's. Before any misfortune befalls her, I would like to handle it myself."

I patted my left chest, showing my determination.

"Phew... On one hand, there's someone who would give his life for a friend, and on the other, someone's ready to face the direst consequences. Indeed, such is the way of martial artists."

"Is everything resolved now?"

"There are my disciples in the capital of Sacheon Province. I will speak to them first. Moreover, if you fail to return within the set time frame, I will put my efforts elsewhere, not just in Sacheon."

Anywhere but Sacheon would imply the distant imperial capital.

"…It won't come to that."

The Yigak leader, apparently hoping it wouldn't reach that extent, softened his stance and stepped back.

"I hope so. And you, Manager Kang, I look forward to seeing you safely return to sell volume three of 'Dangga Pungwoon'."

I watched the Chairman of the Literary Society, who gave me a concerned look before going on his way.

At least one contingency had been established.

If it comes to light that I am not truly the tiger's cub, and they intend to kill me, they will remember the Hanlimwon scholar.

'I need another backup plan.'

What is the one thing that Sacheon Family fears the most? What could be the reason they are desperate to cover up the Demon Cult incident?

'The public opinion, ultimately.'

Being a family that walks a tightrope as members of the orthodox sects, they are more conscious of their reputation and attentive to public sentiment than most. Even if my tiger cub act fails, they need to be kept preoccupied with their concerns, hesitating to draw their swords.

Let's create a situation that Sacheondang dreads.

I shouted to the onlooking Daseohoe members.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Daseohoe! This is Kang Yoon Ho, the manager of Daseogak! Volume three of 'Dangga Pungwoon' is here!"

I pulled out the third volume of 'Dangga Pungwoon'.


"While it was originally set to be published soon, we've hit a snag, and I'm considering pushing back the release."


"Just publish it now!"

"If I publish this volume and leave, the novelist Ho Pil says she will never write again! Thus! Daseogak will temporarily close and upon my return! This third volume will be released! Please wait for volume three and me, Kang Yoon Ho!"

"Grrr, it can't be helped then."

"Those Sacheondang rats! Let's see whether Manager Kang returns alive!"

"If volume three isn't released, let's burn down the Sacheondang!"


If Daseogak temporarily closes and the popularity of 'Dangga Pungwoon' diminishes, the dark-haired barbarian taken to Sacheondang may fall out of people's concern.

I drew out the third volume of 'Dangga Pungwoon' for that reason.

The already completed volume three. Yet its release is withheld because of Sacheondang.

Even if the popularity of the second volume fades, the thirst for the third will translate into resentment against Sacheondang, keeping it on people's gossiping lips.

At least until the fate of my life is determined.

"You're really doing as you please."

The Yigak leader, having watched everything, finally addressed me.

"In a world where a man with black hair and barbarian features gets his head rolled without any wrongdoing, you don't know what might happen if you don't release the third volume. You better make some promises."

"Anyway, the third volume cannot be published."

"That's for me and the Sacheondang head to discuss, not for you to decide."

I have no intention of ending the 'Dangga Pungwoon' series. One way or another, I intend to publish the third volume.

"You really don't lose out in any conversation, do you? Let's see if you can keep this up in Sacheon Province."

"Planning to take me away right now?"

I looked at the still-gathered Daseohoe members and spoke up. Surely? You're not really thinking of taking me now?

"Tch, I'll give you one more day. Arrange for a carriage."

The Yigak leader, looking displeased with my stance, pushed through the crowd of Daseohoe members and disappeared.


The next day. We took the time to seek out the General Steward, uncle.

"I've heard the news. If you entrust me with the promissory notes, I will handle the debt issues for the time being."

He is the same General Steward who remained until the end to settle the debts when Dang Hwa Rin's maternal grandfather passed away, and when her mother ran away.

He was the most trustworthy person to entrust with our affairs as we left for Sacheon.

"Thank you."

"Not being present as a debtor for an extended period isn't just a financial issue; it can also affect your credit. You should return as quickly as possible."

"I'll do my best."

While we've made a lot of money in the meantime, it's not enough to be relaxed about a long trip. We need to resolve the issue with Sacheondang before the funds dry up or the creditors start causing trouble.

"I'd like to send you off with a drink considering the situation we're in, but it's not feasible now."

"Let's have that drink when I return. I did enjoy the drink you gave Hwa Rin last time."

"Oh? You drank that?"

The General Steward looked at Hwa Rin in surprise. Hwa Rin slightly bowed her head like a guilty person and then shook it side to side. The General Steward seemed disappointed.

Wasn't I supposed to drink that?

"Haha. Yes. It was a delicious drink that makes me want to have it again. Next time, I'll bring two bottles."

There's nothing to be done about the alcohol that's already passed through my system. I just have to make it up to him with a larger gesture.

"Phew. It's a fine drink indeed. My wife would sit me down to drink it and then flirt in front of me... An unruly child, but at that moment, she seemed so..."


After sharing a bit of life's stories with the General Steward, we departed from the manor.

"All debt matters have been settled. All documents needed handling are taken care of, and the necessary letters have been dispatched. Is that everything?"

Since I always dealt with work promptly, even if I had to depart immediately, things ended quicker than I expected.

"Wasn't it me who should have done that...? But how could I possibly..."

Why is she behaving like this since a while ago?

As I walked with Hwa Rin, who was muttering incomprehensible things, toward Daseogak, we came across some people from Daseohoe who were on their way somewhere.

"Release him!"

"Manager Kang! You were here."

"Thank you for yesterday. But why is that person tied to a carrying pole?"

The person bound to the pole was a Daseohoe member whose face I recognized even if he wasn't a familiar face.

"We're dealing with a troublemaker."


"He's raising havoc just when we've been given hope for the third volume, alleging that we've been exploited for some scheme."


"The book that has only two volumes out. There's no reason for such an uproar. They say, in reality, Ho Pil is in hiding because she cannot continue the story, and that Manager Kang is just scheming to take the money and run."

"That's going a bit too far."

Who knew I'd be threatened not to write 'Dangga Pungwoon'? I wanted to release the third volume too.

"How dare he fail to understand the great intentions of Author Ho Pil! Our Daseohoe cannot tolerate such a lost soul!"

The Daseohoe member pointed at the person bound to the pole with a voice filled with rage.

"Let go of me!"

"I wouldn't want a dispute over a novel to lead to harm or death."

If a readers' quarrel turns into a murder case, the authorities could step in and force an end to 'Dangga Pungwoon' for disrupting public morals. That's the last thing I want.

"Our Daseohoe will not partake in actions that tarnish the honor of Author Ho Pil. Why would we harm anyone?"

"Haha. That's reassuring then."

"However, troublemakers are not people."


"I'm jesting, just jesting!"

The Daseohoe member clapped my back and laughed as he saw my expression harden.

"I trust you'll handle it well, though there's no need to worry."

"Don't worry! We'll make this troublemaker back into a man. Let's go!"

"Please save me! Who punishes someone just for speaking the truth!"

"This troublemaker still hasn't come to his senses! Since he knows what comes next, let's start with water!"

"Just keep going straight and you'll reach the Yangtze River! Let's go this way!"

I hope nothing serious happens.


The day of departure came.

"Is this good enough?"


Hwa Rin and I looked with somber expressions at the sign erec

ted at Daseogak.

[Daseogak Temporarily Closed] - Outgoing to Sacheondang.

"Get in the carriage."

We followed the Yigak leader's order and turned to board the carriage.

Can we really return?

I've done all the preparation I could.

Now it's time to go and see whether I'll return as the tiger's cub or a wreck.

Let's go. To Sacheondang.