
The Outcast ( DxD Fanfic )

A Past shrouded in silence. A single, exquisite momento - a reminder etched in bone of the atrocities found in humans

Kinshu_War · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs


A breeze passed through the blood-dyed grass. Piles upon piles of body were littered forming a large mountain and on top of the mountain sat a tall handsome man in a lotus position. Multiple swords had penetrated his body yet he stayed ever so calm.

Below the mountain of corpses , a man slowly rose. He used his sword to gain stability as he stood up . One of his arms was gone , lost in the field of battle. Blood was spewing out of where his arm was supposed to be, his body was nearly giving up.

Yet nothing truly compared to the turmoils of his heart. His friends, comrades and even his lover had died to the hands of the demon that stood above. The man clenched his teeth , he wanted to say how much their death was glorious and just but that would be a lie.

The truth was this was a one sided massacre. He regretted in his heart. He regretted not training harder. But this wasn't the time first he had to kill the perpetrator , The Demon Venerable. 

He ignored his body as he struggled to climb up to the Demon Venerable , his pace unsteady. The Demon Venerable watched with pure black eyes as he finally reached him.

The man raised his sword as panted heavily , he stared down at the demon's eyes. Why wasn't he fighting back ?

" What a pity , had I just had one more decade I would really be worthy of the title The Demon Venerable but alas this is my fate as well. Tell me great warrior what is your name ?" 

The man hesitated , the only thing that could be heard was his laboured breathing.

" Chang Ming of the Blossoms Sect " He finally responded.

" Ah Chang Ming , I shall remember your name " The demon venerable said as he closed his eyes.

Chang Ming understood what was happening. 

" Come on pick up your sword and fight !! Let us kill one another only in battle " Chang Ming said as his rage grew.

He had been brought up in the values of fighting to the death to be the most honorable form of death. 

" Why bother myself when I fully know the outcome . At the end of it all Both you and I will die in this forsaken place " 

His tone was full of acceptance and it seemed there was no way of convincing him otherwise. Chang Ming gritted his teeth as he raised his sword. With one swift action , the Demon Venerable's body fell down integrating with the pile of corpses as his head flew by a nearby tree.

Chang Ming finally let out a sigh of relief. His body relaxed as he looked to the shining sun . 

' I did it Su Yan , I avenged you ' Those were his last thoughts as his body lost all form of strength and fell down.

His consciousness slowly drifted away until he was no more.

*** Kuoh Infirmary ****

" Ah !! " Isamu woke up with a complicated gaze . He looked around the area , he really wasn't dead. 

" Chang Ming huh " Isamu muttered.

" So I really did reincarnate like she said. But why delay so much to return my memories ?" Isamu questioned no one in particular. 

' However what matters is that I am alive and this time I will... '

A flash of recognition appeared.

' Highschool Dxd huh . I can't really remember much due to the long life in my past life but I do remember some parts of it... Devils , Angels , Fallen angels and gods all exist. And the main character so happens to be Issei . Other than that I cannot seem to recall anything . ' 

Isamu wasn't really disturbed . He instead gave out a disturbing grin. 

' Does it really matter ? I shall still ..... '

The curtains were opened and the nurse appeared. She was quite beautiful but not really his tastes

" You are awake , how do you feel ?" 

Isamu let out a pained smile.

" Nothing life ending so that's good " Isamu said. The nurse let out a sigh of relief.

" That is quite nice to hear. You have no idea how afraid I was you were going to die but luckily you managed to get better almost as if it was a miracle. "

Isamu let out a smile . He looked at his watch and saw it was already thirty minutes after school ended. 

" Oh this .... I have to go . My guardian is a bad cook and I do not want him to cook supper. " Isamu said.

" Oh that's fine but ... " The nurse walked to her table as she took out some medicines on the cupboard and wrote some instructions on the cover. Isamu meanwhile used the time to get his belongings that were to the side of the table with finally wearing glasses.

" Take this three times a day and if you feel weird make sure to contact me. " Isamu thanked the nurse before leaving.

**** At the ORC ****

The people there were everyone except for Issei . Kiba was narrating what had happened. Rias was actually surprised with what he learnt.

" So Isamu smells like a fallen angel but it seems to be weak for a full fallen angel. He is most likely a half - fallen angel but the child of a high ranking fallen angel as it is definitely more potent than normal. " Rias summarized.

Kiba nodded.

" Do you know anything about his parents ?" Rias asked Kiba and he shook his head.

" Nothing , all I know is that he lives with Issei's grandfather . " Kiba said.

Rias turned to Akeno .

" Monitor him for the meantime. We have to know if he is dangerous " Rias ordered.

Akeno slightly bowed before a magic appeared before her and she disappeared.