
Mass Restructuring

The morning after the Nafriton team returns.

Aayla sipped on her morning coffee looking over her new schedule. She wasn't the only one issued a new schedule today. Fortunately, her schedule's only change was the professor of her first class. The previous professor, Elias Rosewall, was fired after the fight with Lysander Foryl.

Since the team arrived back early, Aayla has a couple of extra days off of school. Sleeping in that morning in a soft, warm bed was pure bliss. The only task that was on her to-do list today was to visit campus for a meeting. With all of the students back, the headmaster announced a university wide meeting that morning.

After putting her cup away, Aayla followed the crowd to campus. She felt a tap on her shoulder just as she walked into one of the temporary stands. A familiar face was smiling behind her.


"Hey Aayla! I haven't seen you in a while. I heard that you went on that trip with the fourth-years. Was there really a snow shark? Did you see it?!"

Several heads swiveled to look their way on the words 'snow shark'.

"Shh! Keep it down! But yes. There was a snow shark. I only saw it from a distance."

A very, very short distance. Aayla talked with Jacki about the past two weeks on campus while they walked. All of the first-years gathered on the north magic practice area, where a temporary stadium had been set up. Large screens had been set up in the center.

The duo met up with the other Halcyon first-years. A few minutes after they squeezed together, the screens came to life. Headmaster Marin and the deputy headmasters stood in the image.

"Students, faculty and staff of Nafriton University. As you may have already heard, the university is about to undergo a bit of restructuring. Many of our faculty have tragically vanished over the winter break. While we fear for their safety and look forward to their safe return, we have jobs to do.

"From next week onwards, educators from Sarrasak and our sister school Chinebar National University as well as former Nafriton students will fill the void left behind. Most have been sent under the direction of the Department of Education, but a few are volunteers.

"Still, there are still too few educators for all of the classes. Schedules have been rearranged in an expedited manor to ensure that all students get the education that they need. I would like to extend my gratitude to the administrative staff who made this possible on behalf of the entire university."

The headmaster paused and a smile formed on his face.

"I believe that students and faculty alike will like this next one. Starting this semester, we will reopen the original Nafriton Gardens, the trial grounds developed by the first headmaster of Nafriton University. Select students may enter for a preview starting from today. The grounds will open to the public starting within the next week.

"As of today, Nafriton University is no longer the only university without a world-class trial ground."

A happy cheer rang from the crowds. Jacki was so excited that she grabbed Aayla's arm and firmly jumped up and down. The original trial grounds developed by the first headmaster!!! How exciting! Even better was that it opened in her first year. She had many more years to experience it!

"How exciting! Aayla, where do you think it is? You spent the entire winter break in the residence hall. Did you see something? Or did Deputy Heston tell you something?"

Many eager eyes were directed towards her. Several of them were not from their group. Aayla scratched her head. Well, the headmaster already announced it, so it should be fine to tell them a little bit, right?

"Fine. I'll tell you what I know, but not here."

Before Aayla could blink, the group had basically kidnapped her out from the temporary stadium. They settled down in a tiny, hidden enclave on campus. She was soon surrounded.

"Okay, spill Ms. Glowery!"

"Have you been inside? By the Celestials you have, haven't you?! I heard about that incident during the first semester before the first exams."

"That's right! Jacki mentioned it."

"Wait, didn't the rear courtyard get closed off around that time, too?"

"Yeah, I've heard the third- and fourth-years complain about it all the time. I bet you that's where the entrance is."

"Okay, okay. Stop shaking me, I'm getting dizzy! Give me some breathing room or I'm going to faint before telling you all anything."

The eager crowd quickly backed up. With shining eyes, they impatiently stared at her.

"So, the first time was an accident. In the back of the rear courtyard, there's a gate. I had a set of keys that I needed to find the lock for. In the process I opened the gate and entered without understanding what was actually behind it."

Aayla pushed back the first years who had gotten way to close again.

"The first time through was a dilapidated hedge maze with monsters running around. I nearly died, so I'm not going any further into that. Later, I helped the researchers run some tests on the maze after they neutralized it."

She described a couple of the more interesting runs, such as the crystal themed maze, and described some of the questions to them. The first years wilted. They realized that they probably would have to wait to enter the trial grounds if the questions were in a different language that they haven't learned yet.

"Well, that's not all that was in there, you know."

Immediately their sparkle returned. Honestly, the first-years were so cute when excited. They were like puppies or kittens. Each was full of energy, excitement and curiosity.

"Inside the trial grounds is a… how do I describe it?"

Aayla purposefully dragged out her thinking. The first years fidgeted with impatience as they tried to restrain their curiosity.

"Well, inside is a large plaza with a very interesting building. It might be the original school building, but I'm not sure. The lights were off when I went inside, so I could only make out a little bit."

"You've actually been inside?"

A new voice interrupted the storytelling. The second-, third- and fourth-years had arrived, led by Daren and Chris. Aayla repeated what she just told the first-years. Just like them, the new arrivals' eyes sparkled with curiosity.

They were thrilled that such an interesting thing happened in their time. This was a relic of the first headmaster! The second- and third-years were a bit sad that they only had a couple of years to check it out. The fourth-years were even more depressed. They only had the semester to explore, after all.

"Do you know exactly when It's going to open to the public, Ms. Glowery?"

"Nothing beyond what was mentioned today. The university has been keeping that information tightly locked away."

The upperclassmen nodded. They didn't expect anything less. The addition of a decent trial ground could be a major game changer. After all, practical experience was always a concern in the wizard community. Providing this experience without killing the students could be tricky at times.

One of the first-years raised their hands. "Um, can we try to see it today?"

Aayla looked at Chris and Daren.

"I'm not sure… Have you two heard anything?"

Both shook their heads. This was the first time that they heard about the grand opening as well.

"Well, I guess that we could head over the residence hall and see if it's open."

The first-years cheered while the second-years obviously resisted their own urges to cheer. The upperclassmen tried to act cool and calm as usual, though you couldn't miss the sparkle in their eyes. That enthusiasm was gone by the time they arrived at the gates of the residence hall.

A large crowd blockaded the front. Many complained and yelled. Obviously, others had guessed or heard about where the new trial grounds were. Dormi probably locked everyone out since the residence hall could not handle this many people at once. Especially if the guests were rude, angry troublemakers.


Aayla covered her ears as a magical shout erupted from the front of the crowd. Most quickly shut up, though a few had to be sharply elbowed by their friends. An angry Disciplinary Committee Chair stood in front of the crowd with several other Disciplinary Committee members behind him.

"Only those with special passes and residents may enter. If you are not in one of those two categories, then scram! If you do not know if you meet those requirements, then scram! If you want to cause trouble, then scram!

"You all are blocking the residents from getting to their rooms. Either present your school ID or leave! I'm not dealing with any nonsense today. Like the headmaster said, the trial grounds will soon open to the public. Until then, scram!"

The Halcyon students left. Though they were sad that they didn't get a preview, they didn't want to mess with the Disciplinary Committee. Those people were strict and resolute. Most of the crowd began leaving as well.

Aayla, Chris and Daren were the only ones left. However, a few of the bolder, or perhaps stupider, students also decided to stay and argue their way inside. They were clearly going to need more rough persuading.

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