
Chapter 9 - Origin of the 7th Hour


"The nature of a choice, lies in its consequence"

Those words from Ashe, Neon took to heart. She's been guiding him towards relieving himself off the hunter's mark. The little girl at their side, Neon soon surprised to learn was the Shrine maiden, and it was with her help he could finally return to the Present Reality in Tarline. But, upon his request, was met an even more unexpected surprise.


"Ne-Neon…umm… uhhh there's … my-my name is Niki Tear and…and I'll … I wanted to talk to you." She nervously said.

Neon was shocked by how hard it was for her to say that, more by how long she must've waited out here for him. Then, he puts on a faint smile.

"Neon Black, you must be the umbrella girl" Neon introduced himself.

"Umbrella girl!?" she thought, shy at the same time as she hides her parasol behind her legs.

"haha, yeah, I always walk with it…" with a slight chuckle she replied embarrassingly.

"I'll bet" Neon smiles

Then he looks up to the skies, it was dark and the stars were just about shining brighter.

"Well, it's getting pretty late… why don't we keep moving. We can talk on the way."

Neon starts moving, Tear hesitated at first, then runs up to him; thus, started the journey home.

[-- The streets of Tarline at night were busy in its own way. This time though, the pace was slower. Fewer Cars roamed the streets as most people will prefer to walk and endure the cold and relaxing breeze at night. The road way was lit up with bright lemon green lamp lights, and the evening dew on the trees, flowers and tarred roads made the entire scene sparkly --].

Neon and Tear walking the streets along with others.

"so, what is it that kept you waiting out here so long for me?" Neon breaks the awkward silence.

"uh!!! Oh…yes, I … I found your … wallet! …in…the, can-canteen!!!"

Tear panicking, both at finding the right words and keeping hold of Neon's wallet, it slipped off her hand due to her clumsiness.

"Ahh, I'm -I'm terribly…sor-sorry!" she apologized and wanted to pick it up but Neon interrupted.

"It's alright, I've got it." Neon assured her

Then he goes down and retrieves the wallet.

"oh no no no… I screwed it up big time aww…. What is wrong with me!"

Tear was in conflict with her mind. Neon caught onto her thoughts as well.

"she was cheerful back then…what's got her so nervous this time?" Neon thought. Then he clears his throat

"no matter"

He thought as he dusts off the dirt, rearranges the contents of the wallet.

"Thank you Tear, must've dropped this. A bad habit of mine." He expressed his appreciation with a charming smile.

"oh! Its…it's no big deal" she blushes and fixes her hair avoiding eye contact.

"No really, I searched everywhere for this, and almost gave up so, I appreciate it. I must apologize as well; without you picking this up, I'm sure you won't be out here so late. I feel partly responsible for the worrying atmosphere I fear looms overhead your family right now"

Neon said sincerely, Tear was touched heavily by his caring words.

"oh no…and here I was trying to get a good first impression…instead he…"

A lot is going on in Tear's mind as Neon can testify with his mind read ability constantly active.

"It's…it's fine…I … contacted my parents…I'll spend…spend some time…out studying." Tear lied, her face all red.

"I see. Ha ha you are not very good at lying I take it" Neon chuckles.

"I! I am… not…" Tear was completely ashamed of herself.

"Oh…it's…it's over. I totally messed up. There's no way he's going to fall for someone as indecisive, clumsy and all kinds of silly as I am right now"

Tear in deep pain as she imagined how this encounter could've turned out better. She's looking at the ground as they walk on, trying to hide her embarrassment from the handsome guy at her side.

"Why is she trying so hard…" Neon thought.

Neon closed his eyes and gets deep in thought. They crossed using the crosswalk they met in the morning to the other side.

"well, I know how the story goes. I know what happens when you trust someone, enough to tell them secrets… only to be stabbed in the back by their betrayal. It's better I remain alone in this reality"

There was silence for a while as they walked, it was 6:33pm. Then Tear recovers herself and her courage, ready to go again, she initiated another discussion.

"ummm, if …if you don't mind…mind me asking…. Where … were you… ummm… dur…during Prof. Samantha's… last lecture? "

Tear still struggling to bring her words together, being so careful not to say the wrong words.

"oh that… was in the library doing research… must have lost track of time"

Neon thought up the lie on the spot, and said it even more convincingly.

"But immediately afterwards, I was in the library looking for you?" she was so sure of this her words came naturally.

"yes, 5 mins before the end, I returned to the canteen searching for my lost wallet"

Neon gestures at the wallet as he told yet another lie.

"but… but I figured you'll go back, so when I didn't find you in the library, I rushed to the – "

"right! That was when I stepped out and met some of my friends in the hallway, spent a few moments with them too" Neon interrupted, lying comes naturally for him it seems.

"But- "

"You know we could do this, forever right?" Neon smiled as he asked.

"ah! Hahahah yeah…"

Tear laughs pretty and lets out a charming smile. Then she realizes she's getting carried away and suddenly looks away

"oh no, I'm screwing up again. If I appear so forthcoming, he's going to think even less of me… that's the opposite of what 'The firm relationship, Chapter 2' says…" Tear once again with conflicted minds.

"I see now… that's why she is different… when it comes to building a relationship… she's taking reference from a book… she's not being herself. A few moments ago, she was herself, she could talk clearly, she let out such an endearing smile too; her soothing voice allures even the most stone hearted person, she has no idea that being herself makes her the perfect girl. Huh, such a shame."

Neon closes his eyes.

"well, I suppose that's her own source of imperfection, lack of internal locus" Neon concluded in his mind.

Then he gently puts his wallet on his back pocket.

"Anyways… the good thing is, I recovered it. I'll try to catch up for Prof. Samantha" Neon said.

"That is true…oh, maybe I could help"

Tear comes to a realization as she takes out her mobile phone.

"I have a recording of the last lecture; I could share to you if you want" Tear verifying she still has the recorded file on her phone.

She is becoming confident in herself, it's in her nature to help others out too.

"Chapter 4 says boys like girls that are very helpful, lucky me I enjoy helping others, so that shouldn't be a problem. If I can aid him, he'll like me just that little bit more" Tear thought happily.

Neon had been removing his phone from his side pocket, then on hearing that, abandoned the idea.

"Oh sorry, my mobile's battery's run completely dry…" Neon lied.

"I see… that's…that's too bad…" Tear depressed.

"What was I thinking…I shouldn't help someone because I want him to like me back…I am normally not like this…maybe Sasha is right…that book really is messing with my head" she thought.

"Now you're regaining control of yourself. Well, I suppose if not for myself, then for the fortunate soul who may actually like you back, I'll help you with the only thing it appears you lack…self-confidence" Neon thought to himself.

They soon reached the gates of an estate. It was well lit up, beautified and heavily secured (not with personnel, with technology) entrance, sophisticated designs… a proper structure of a very Rich family estate. It was hard to find a building that stands out from the others in Tarline. Tear's home, was one of such grand structures.

"Oh…we've…reached…my home already…"

Tear trying to appear modest in front of such a grand structure that is her own.

"I see, that's good. Now your family won't worry anymore." Neon remarked.

"I-I guess!" Tear was shocked by his comment.

"He's not fazed by my home… instead, he cares about the wellbeing of my household…I am sure of this…He's…he's-"

Tear is reaching a conclusion, one Neon didn't want to hear, he immediately interrupted.

"Well, I should get going. Thanks again for the wallet" Neon said waving his wallet as he turns around to leave.

"Wa-wait!!! Please… you are certain? …is there no way…I can help you…with Prof. Samantha's. She has the 1st lecture tomorrow…and you know how she gets" with her meek voice sincerely pleaded, wanting to help by all costs.

"…Well… it's an archaic method but…I still prefer and use mail services. Could check it when I get back…that is, if you can send-"

"Of course!!!" She said aloud and smiles.

"of course. Please, your email." she reiterates

She happily rushed to Neon and handed over her phone, with the pen. Neon opens up a quick note app and writes his email address, then returns it to Tear, her eyes were beaming with joy she didn't see Neon leaving until.

"Cool, I'll be waiting then. Goodnight Tear" Neon said his farewell and was on his way, Tear waving back.

When he was a fair way out, Tear leaps with joy

"Yes!!!" she shouted.

Then starts bouncing up to the voice recognition speakers besides the gate.

"Open Sesame!" She yelled.

Then another area opens up besides the wall for an Iris scan. She got her eyes scanned then the gates open up and there was a maid standing ahead, bowing down.

"Welcome home, lady Tear".

"hehe, thank you Nabe." She responded merrily.

Tear walking in courteously, as the maid took her umbrella and follows up after her

[-- The Estate Courtyard was simply breathtaking. Green, fresh and highly beautified gardens, giant flower jars and small trees, you could spend hours just walking around the yard. It had water fountains at sections, Chairs with chessboards for recreation and benches to take in the scenery. At the center of the yard had a statue, representing the Niki's family. There was also garden fruit, and the gardeners were still out making sure everything stays perfect. --]

Tear and Nabe walking through the roadway to the Estate, Tear offering her salutations to the gardeners they come across.

"How's your day been?" Tear asked

"It's been good, but life has no meaning when my lady is not around"

"haha oh Nabe, you are ever so direct"

"and you seem very happy today lady Tear, might I ask how your day has been?"

"oh, you're not going to believe this- "

They talked as they walked their way through the Estate courtyard.

-- Meanwhile -> Streets of Tarline – 6:46pm –

Neon still making his way back home. Then Eclipse activates their telepathic conversation.

"Hey Neon! You alright?" Eclipse asked.

Neon recalls when he was being transferred back to the Present Reality. He makes his entrance at the back of the Canteen walls. Lucky enough, he was alone when he scanned the perimeter. It was 6:22pm then.

"Yeah, made it back fine… I suppose I should thank you."

"No need, though I understand how hard it is for you to accept…we are one. Have to look out for each other."

"…right. Took you a while to come through though"

"Didn't want to risk exposing our location to the likes of Seyhn once more, or any other wannabes for that matter"

"Heh, must've been a rough battle back then." Neon smiled slightly

"Yeah, we got lucky more or less. But I've been through worse" They carried on, reaching the Neighborhood of Milan's Home. Streets were a little less busy, most couples going out for a romantic night, dressed in fancy clothing; while their kids sleep back at home. Can't blame them, with the state of the city, Night time is the only time to spend on Leisurely activities.

"I should warn you though, it'll soon be the 7th hour, so we'd best hurry" Eclipse reminds Neon.

"Darn! almost forgot"

Neon stared at his watch; it reads 6:48:39pm. Then he remembers Nafika's warning.

"Nafika warned me about it. Tell me Eclipse, what exactly is the 7th Hour, and why should I care?"

They walked for a few seconds in silence, then a cool breeze was blowing through the streets, the clouds getting thicker, will rain soon. Neon waited for Eclipse…

"…Well, there is a legend…it says there once existed a supreme hunter…"

Eclipse starts Narrating the story, a cold story for the cold windy night, it was the perfect setting.


"This Hunter was so powerful…he could achieve anything asked of him by the Maker. He quenched people's lingering regrets, he abolished evil, he… even brought peace to the world they say.

But then, a threat emerged… a threat so great…so life ensnaring… it could reap out the entire essence of one's existence in mere seconds. This threat was of unknown origin, and was one he could not face alone.

He had to be accompanied by the other 7… the other 7 hunters at the time, joining forces to become 8. Now this Hunter, he acquired a lot of fame… a lot of prestige, and alongside it… a lot of jealousy. During this task, when he was going to…to vanquish the threat, this threat that remorselessly instigates animosity, panic, destabilizing the balance of the universe, of existence itself… he was betrayed by the 7 that accompanied him, and thus, slaughtered.

Some say he's the first hunter to have ever reached the void… as the result of his … premature death. "

-- Eclipse ends the Narration.

"Heh, who can tell, after all, it's just another legend. So, at night, during the 7th hour, he seeks retaliation, retribution for the wrongdoings in his name; for every hunter that is found at night during the 7th hour, he will try his utmost, to drag him to the void with him. "concluded Eclipse.

"I see, but then why the 7th hour." Neon enquires.

Neon bumps into someone, then apologizes with a gesture of his hand, the person accepts the apology and they carried on.

"Well as the story goes, they say during the 7th hour at night, he is reminded of the betrayal. Upon his demise, he was sent to the void, and it was at night when that happened. Also, during the 7th hour, it reminds him of the 7 hunters that accompanied him that day. So, whenever it is this time, he releases his void vortexes. For every hunter that is entrapped in this vortex and unable to escape… the hunter will eventually join him in the void. That is his form of retaliation… that is how he carries out his vengeance. Heh, apparently, 7 is the number. It's just a legend I should reiterate, I wouldn't say you should take much heed to it."

"Well you don't seem to believe in the story that much Eclipse." Neon said as he stocked his pockets with his hands.

"What can I say, if he really was a supreme hunter, then maybe he would've stopped the threat, or would've seen the betrayal coming. It's pretty obvious where jealousy lies when one rules the competition's outcome of many. Despite that, he should have been able to escape from the grasp of the 7 that attempted ruin on his life. I will say he was just reckless, or maybe the fame blinded him of what makes himself. There's nothing supreme in that. He chose his own death, and that is why I abhor him." Eclipse coldly said.

"Hmm, you do make a valid case. But I won't say he chose his own death. If it really is as the legend goes, then he would've done a lot good. But that's just it. Good in this world is repaid in kind…in kind with evil…and that is why the good people are few, because they never get far. It's just the sad reality we live in… what I wouldn't do to get out of this nightmare." Neon coldly replied, with a deep melancholic expression.

"Heh, what are you complaining about Neon Black. I've given you 2 realities to work with."

"Well, I won't say the other is much better but, I'll choose it anytime above this present reality." Neon said with a faint smile.

"Hohhhh I didn't imagine that will be the case. Not with such a cute girl being acquainted with you. Seems to like you too. "Eclipse jokes.

"Please, she's just another stranger to me. Ask yourself, when I tell her about my ability, if our relationship is to get that far, will she then act the same way she did today? that I highly doubt… and you know how I get when I'm betrayed."

"…I don't need a reminder of that. Really, it is such a pity."

"Anyways Eclipse, I appreciate you answering my questions for once. You seem to have pushed every attempt aside back then. "

"Well you were not prepared to know. But right now, I believe you should. Not with Crexilius Ignisia and Seyhn lurking about. We have to stayed prepared."

"I agree."

They reached the door.

"Come then Eclipse, let's get inside… before the 7th hour meets us"

"heh I suppose we should" scoffs Eclipse.

They got inside. The time was 6:58pm.

-- The Thor'd Gates – 7:05pm –-

[-- The Thor'd Gates was a Gigantic Tower-Like Stone gate securing the entrance to the Abandoned City of Thordna. 2 Giant Totems stood each side of the Gate, one Totem holding a Modeled Tower Shield with Dust covering its design, and the other Hold a Very Large Ax, stained with Rusty red. These Gates were far from ordinary as the entrance could be seen to have a Magical Barrier, preventing entry of unauthorized persons. --]

Thordna was a city found at the top of a very large mountain. As such, it could only be found after a certain degree of mountain hiking is done and the cold breeze was particularly heavier. Seyhn makes his way up the hill road leading to the gates tired, as he tries to fight back the winds. He walks slowly to the Totem holding the Ax and leans on the front of it facing front. On the side of the Shield Totem, another person stood, dressed in ox-blood cloak, covering all but his mouth. He spoke with a cold piercing voice.

"You failed in the mission, Seyhn, that was…unexpected to say the least. You realize the consequences if you fail to meet our demands- "

"I ran into an obstacle alright? Didn't prepare well enough…" Seyhn wearily protests

"You always prepare well enough, that is why we hired your services." the person argued.

"It…was a surprise…I indeed found Eclipse but…he was different somehow"

Seyhn said as he remembers Eclipse going his way to rescue Neon from Crexilius' Rods.

"Eclipse is different…" he thought.

"Eclipse is Eclipse. Myraida is Myraida. Your mission remains; you have until the Merge Phenomena to bring either one's essence. That is of course, if you want Gayle to survive – "the person threatened.

"YOU WILL HARM NO HAIR ON HER!!!" Seyhn warned, to no avail though. He's not making the demands here.

"well, that depends on you Seyhn. 2 days left; I'll prepare well enough this time if I were you. Do not disappoint us"

The person said and disappears like the fog of early mornings, his last words echoes in the silence. The heavy breeze that was blowing soon gave way to drizzling rain, as Seyhn stood alone being soaked, thinking of his next step, where to go on from here, his emotions boiling, burning inside.

"CREXILIUS!!!" He shouted in agony.

At once Crexilius blazed in from Crimson flames, appearing at his side. This time the chain shackles on his hands and legs hadn't been broken yet, and there's an iron bangle around his neck. Crexilius was like a chained beast.


"You know he does not have Gayle; he dies, she dies. That's not a trade you're willing to make I trust." Crexilius said.

"Otherwise, you're not fit to be my Lord"

Crexilius concluded in his mind as he strengthens his grip, causing fractures on the bindings.

"Tsk…Darn it… why…why Gayle…darn it."

Seyhn transferring his aggression by banging on the Totem's legs with his fists. Yes, he was only tall enough to reach that height. The Totem's were gigantic.

"Just…hang in there Gayle…it's going to be over soon."

"…with Ignisia still harnessing, you think we should go after Myraida instead?"

"Yeah…we have to. It'll be difficult during the Merge Phenomena so we haven't got much time" Seyhn agreed to the decision.

Then he steps away from the Totem and walks to the edge of the road leading back down. Down to Tarline City which stood bright and well lit up at the base of the mountain.

"When will Ignisia be ready?"

"A day before the merger…" Crexilius responded.

"Risky…we have to get to her now, before she gets any crazy ideas and form a link with another Hunter."

"A wise decision" Crexilius remarks.

"Come, Crexilius. We must make preparations" Seyhn coldly said as he starts returning to Tarline, Crexilius ashes out in flames and his aura fuses with Seyhn once more.