
The Other Half Of Me

Inseparable twins, Lyn and Aiden, spent their entire lives in a horrendous orphanage. With the twins turning thirteen, they are unable to get adopted. So instead, they are sent off to a place, to work for a living. But little did they know of the giant hurdles of problems they will face, which all stemmed from one very stupid decision.

MonsterUnderUrBed · ファンタジー
6 Chs

An Unexpected Surprise

"What?" the twins exclaimed in unison.

"Wasn't Baron Fedrick supposed to come in 3 hours?" Lyn asked.

"You're no longer going with baron Fedrick," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Yesterday, quite a wealthy aristocrat sent a messenger to convey a message to me. They wish to adopt you."

"a-adopt?" Aiden faltered.

"Yes," she smirked. "Quite frankly, I don't know why anyone would want to adopt two useless vermins, but oh well, they paid quite a hefty price for you guys."

"So you sold us off!" Aiden exclaimed.

"You should be grateful, you brat! If it weren't for me, you would be forced to work at Baron Fedrick's manor for 18 hours every day, for the rest of your worthless lives," she scoffed.

As much as Lyn hated to admit it. She was right. Once children in Mother's orphanage reached the age of 13, they were sold off the highest bidder. Lyn didn't see how it was that much different from slavery. The only difference was that they were allowed to leave once they paid off the price that the owner bought them with, which sometimes took years, or even decades.

"In 15 minutes, you guys better be ready, wear your best clothes." Mother said.

"But-" Aiden started. Lyn elbowed him in the hip before he could say anything more that would get him in trouble.

Lyn did a light bow. "We understand."

"Good," Mother retorted, before slamming the door on them.

"Urgh, I hate her," Aiden said, with a frown on his face. "But who do you think is adopting us? And… Why?"

"I guess we will have to wait and see." Lyn shrugged. "Never mind that. We need to get ready. Hurry and go to the washroom," Lyn said, pushing her twin brother in the door's direction."


"When you enter, you quietly sit down on the couch. Don't get up until he says so, don't speak until he says so, don't introduce yourself until he asks you too and don't even look at him unless he talks to you." Mother commanded. "You understand?"

"Yes, Mother," said the twins, who were following closely behind her.

Mother owned two properties. The main house and the guest house. The main house was where all the children lived. And the guest house was a smaller property that contained Mother's private study and living area for established guests. The guest house was lavishly decorated with rare paintings and fancy furniture, all of which the main house did not have.

Mother stopped right before the door. She slightly turned around to face the twins. "Remember what I said," she whispered before opening the door.

"Sorry for the wait!" Mother said in an unusually cheerful tone.

"No worries at all," a deep but gentle voice replied.

Unable to handle her curiosity, she took her eyes off the floor and brought them to the owner of the voice. He was a man who Lyn assumed to be in his mid-20s. He was sitting on a deep red couch, sipping tea.

Next to him stood an older fellow whose hands were behind his back, and a long sword was attached to his hip. He was a dark-skinned man who wore his long hair in a low ponytail. One of his ears was gone, and what replaced it was a large scar that went from his 'ear' to his neck.

'Maybe his bodyguard?' Lyn pondered.

"These two must be Lyn and Aiden." The younger man said, snapping Lyn out of her thoughts. "Why don't you two take a seat." He offered, this time making direct eye contact with Lyn. It was just then did Lyn notice his deep ocean blue eyes, which all seemed too familiar.

Lyn broke their momentary eye contact by doing a small curtsy. The twins then sat on the couch opposite him.

"I truly apologize for you being notified on such a short notice," the man said with an apologetic expression. "You see, my wife and I cannot have children, and it was always a dream of ours to have twins. And I happened to be on a trip to visit my brother when we heard about this orphanage, and you pair of lovely twins," he continued.

They both nodded in response. He sounded earnest, but it all seemed suspicious. Why would he adopt a pair of boring commoners? Did he perhaps know of their powers?

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "I forgot to introduce myself. How impudent of me."

The man stood up and put one hand across his chest. "My name is Luther Winsterton. Pleased to meet you," he said before doing a small bow.

Lyn's eyes widened. 'Winsterton? As in the family in charge of a quarter of the kingdom's military,' she gaped.

"N-nice to meet you," they replied, overwhelmed by the information.

"B-but there is no need to bow. We are simply commoners." Aiden faltered.

"Nonsense! As of today, you are Winsterton," Luther declared. "If you allow me to adopt you, of course," he added, this time a little quieter.

For as long as the twins could remember, they dreamed of being adopted by a noble family and to be spoiled with love and affection, all which they never experienced. But now that the moment had come, it all felt rather artificial. After all, who were they, mere commoners to become the children of one of the four most influential families in the Arohara kingdom?

Lyn glanced towards mother. She was smiling, but not her eyes. It almost looked like she was daring Lyn to say any other answer other than "yes". But what other choice did they really have? It was either him, or slaving away for the rest of their life at Baron Fedrick's place. It was a no-brainer to choose the former, but that didn't mean she would have a little fun messing around with Mother.

Lyn looked back at Luther. "We-" she started, before Aiden interrupted her. "We would be honoured to join your family," he replied.

Lyn rolled her eyes mentally. 'Since when was he the goody two shoes,' she thought. 'I was just about to-'

"Lovely!" he clapped, snapping Lyn out of her thoughts once again.

"Ed, could you help these two with their luggage and then escort them to the carriage," Luther asked, talking to the man behind him, I will be there shortly.

"Of course, sir," he responded. "Please show me where your luggage is," he added, this time addressing the twins.

Thanks for reading!

What do you think of Luther? He does seem a little sus... hehe

Anyway... This chapter was a long one, although I suppose that is a good thing.

Don't forget to comment! I love seeing your opinions.

And finally, if you see a mistake, PLEASE LET ME KNOWW

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