

After my confession Rebekah and Elijah said they needed space from me for awhile and I understood so I didn't stop them, but it didn't stop the pain of being alone yet again.

After my siblings left I never left the house I just wallowed in my self-pity and drank for days on end(Alcohol and the occasional human blood), and then like a flash ten years had went by before I finally decided to move on with my life.

So after getting out of my depressed state I packed my bags and hitched a ride on a boat towards Mystic falls or as I like to call it…Home!

{TimeSkip: Mystic Falls}

When I finally touched shore in Mystic Falls, what I saw was a buzzing small town filled with people and then I saw them, The Salvatore Brothers in all their glory before I decided to introduce myself to them.

'What I liked them in the show!'

"Hello sirs my name is Nicklaus Michealson, nice to meet you!" I say with a smile as I hold out my hand which damon takes quickly!"

"Hello nice to meet you as well Nicklaus, my name is Damon Salvatore and this is my brother Stefan!" Damon says as Stefan shakes my hand and we all start up a conversation and I must say we get along well and before long, we are all laughing and talking like the best of friends.

"Well it was lovely talking to you both, but I must be off to find an inn!" I say as I begin to turn away before Damon stops me.

"Wait Klaus why don't you stay at our home with us, I'm sure my father wouldn't mind!" Damon says as Stefan looks nervous.

"There is something else you should know about me!" I say to which both Damon and Stefan lean in waiting for what I'm about to say.

"My family is one of the founders of this town!" I say with a smile as both Damon and Stefans eyes light up with joy before I grab my things and we head towards the Salvatore house.

After reaching the boarding house I am introduced to Giuseppe Salvatore who immediately becomes a gentleman after finding out My family founded this plot of land and agreed to have me stay here for as long as I like to which I happily accept before me and the Salvatore brothers run off to put my luggage away and heading back out to enjoy the outside.

{Timeskip: Salvatore Brothers Reborn}

It's been two years since I met Damon and Stefan and I can honestly say we are are truly brothers, but I was too late to stop them from being turned after they became smitten with that bitch Katherine to which I never liked, but what are you to do, anyways after promising to be the protector of the Bennett's line Emily took me to the brothers and I found them and when they saw me they were so happy to see me that they ran and hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you!" I say sadly to Damon and Stefan.

"Don't be, but why are you here?" Damon says confused.

"I'm here to help you!" I say as I show my my fangs and my eyes surprising them before they accept my help, but are really upset that I didn't tell them about me being a vampire sooner.

When they agreed to my help Emily gave them daylight rings we set off for a new life, but the nice life didn't last long because Stefan became a ripper and killed a woman Damon had been seeing before Damon promised Stefan an Eternity of misery and they went their separate ways and I was left alone again.

So after being abandoned again, I left for where New Orleans would be in the future, but I found a child Marcellus being whipped so I helped him and took him in as my son and he has grown up to be a great man and has already found a woman he wants to spend eternity with and asked me to turn her as well as him to which I accepted and afterwards I trained them both to control their thirst before they set off to see the world together after getting married leaving a smiling and proud father behind, but unbeknownst to me Rebecca and Elijah watched it all and couldn't help but be happy for me before becoming worried as they see we suddenly start running from Micheal and they realized that they left me at the mercy of our father and tried to catch up, but with me being a hybrid they couldn't not by a long shot.

After escaping my father yet again I find myself in England and just as I get myself situated in front me stands Rebecca and Elijah, my brother and sister.

"Well hello there, how may I help you?" I say to the woman walking up to me completely ignoring both siblings as they look at me sadly before I start to walk away with them following behind me calling my name before I make a sudden turn in a alley way to which they follow before I use my vampiric strength and hold them by their throats against the wall while glaring at me.

"What do you two want?" I asks them coldly as they look at me worriedly.

"What happened to you brother, you used to be so happy?" Elijah asks as I look at him as if he is stupid.

"What happened?… I was abandoned…AGAIN!" I yell as I throw them against another wall before walking off to find a meal to which I do in a potential rapist before I use my speed and take him into a dark alley before compelling and starting to drink his blood just as Rebecca and Elijah speed into the alley to see me draining this man dry…something they never saw me do.

"What!" I say as they just stare at me as I drop the body before using a napkin to wipe the excess blood from my lips.

"We're sorry Nicklaus, but you have to understand we were hurt and felt betrayed!" Rebecca says like I don't understand that.

"That's the thing Rebecca, I'm not mad about that in fact I understood that, but you abandoned me for FIFTY YEARS!" I yell as I start to walk away before Elijah pushes me against a wall.

"I'm sorry brother, I know we hurt you, now more than ever I know…and I'm sorry!" Elijah says as Rebecca nods.

"You don't get it do you, he always found me every ten years and I almost let him kill me this last time because I was alone…I had no one!" I say as both siblings stare at me with shock as I speed away with tears streaming down my face.

[Rebecca POV:]

'What have we done' that is my only thought after seeing that my brother…my Bestfriend was willing to die to end his pain and loneliness.

"I'm so sorry!" I say aloud with tears streaming down my face knowing that Nik is already gone.

[Elijah POV:]

'Brother' I thought as I can see all the pain in his eyes as speeds away leaving me and my dear sister alone understanding just how much we have hurt him.

[Back to Klaus]

After the confrontation with my dead-beat siblings I returned to my home and began painting to clear my mind, because much like the original Klaus painting calms me and helps me clear my mind so I can focus only on this canvas and the picture I want to paint.

As I finish the painting I remember I received an invitation to a ball for the rich, so I clean myself up and head out to the ball where I come face to face with my stubborn ass siblings yet again, but I put on a fake smile and start to introduce myself to all the other guest before I am before said siblings who are looking at me with a pleasing look before I sigh and we go up to a balcony so we can talk.

"You know I always knew I was different!" I say as I lean against the balcony railing.

"How so?" Rebecca ask curiously.

"It was always a feeling when I was around other wolves and my anger, it honestly scared me sometimes but after that night with henrik I knew I wasn't normal it was like the wolves were calling to me!" I say as they both look at me shocked.

"The Night I confronted mom all I wanted to know was why, you know just like why do this to me , but my anger took over and before I knew it I killed her and in that moment i knew I was going to be alone I just didn't want to accept it so I held off on telling you, but eventually I knew you deserved the truth so I prepared for you both leaving I knew it was going to happen, but I thought you would come back in like ten-twenty years, but you both stayed away for fifty years…I honestly thought I would never see either one of you again!" I say as both Elijah and Rebecca look down sadly.

"We were upset, and for awhile I just drifted from place to place with no real direction…I even had a daughter and one day she asked about you and after that when she was old and gray she said it was time I looked for you and she was right because I missed my best friend…I missed my brother!" Rebecca says running up and hugging me as I just looked shocked before slowly hugging her back with a soft smile before I open my other arm for Elijah as he comes over and hugs me tight.

"I missed you both!" I say happily too them both to which they agreed and we all went and enjoyed the party before heading to my home to talk more.

"So what about Elijah what we're you up too?" I ask curiously.

"Well I found love and then she died to old age and I had taken care of her children as my own before went off on their own paths, but I'm glad that I finally have my brother back!" Elijah says as I laugh at them both which confuses them both.

"So…what you're…telling me is…y'all was being whores…the whole time you've been away!" I say as I laugh them with them smiling before laughing with me as we continue talking into the night.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Make sure to comment and Vote!!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts