
The Origin of the Cosmos

Story about Primal Chaos first Origin Primal System. 1. It has sub systems like Tribe, Clan, Sect, Kingdom, Bloodline system, etc First few chapters are very fast and confusing filled with grammatical mistakes hopefully it will improve. 2. I will try to make romance less generic as possible and will add a bit of modern romance environments. 3. Sorry for story's power scale being unbalanced right now but by end of vol 1, I will balance it out to make future power scale unbalanced again. 4. Interactions is a bit problematic because of confusion in first, third person, and narration. 5. Its has harem, romance, etc it will later have more on martial art comprehension. 6. Sorry but cultivation upgrade will always be fast. 7. Will try to add humour. 8. I am writing this as I want to write a story of my imagination as I felt many things are left out in the novels I read. 9. And please join discord and give ideas and help me writing the story things you want to add. 10. My last updated chapter will always be incomplete and it will be completed when next chapter will get uploaded. 11. Criticism are always welcomed but please do it with while pointing my mistakes out exactly so that I can correct myself. Adventures to the peak of existence He who is revered as LOrd of aweSomeness. I am a science student writing literature so please give me forgive my mistakes, support and give ideas on my discord. discord; https://discord.gg/EnsFuvm

omegasensei · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Remembered me?

When they went out side they saw a tall man laughing fanatically.

"Remembered me?" uninvited guest mockingly asked.

"welcome crown prince how can I forget you?!!" Nasir said will cold face.

"So how have you been? have you eating well?" said Shi hai crown prince of Chaos Desolate empire while laughing.

"Well I have been fantastically well, but it's seems you aren't much happy about me out here in open, is it my handsome ness that attract your envy or my talent?" while laughing Nasir said.

"Don't be too happy who can say how long you can be for free our here" crown prince casual stated.

"Well crown prince we haven't seen each other for so long why don't we compare our skills to see how much you have improved?" Nasir said while looking at crown prince.

"you have been in chaos forest for so long your realm should've dropped at least one or two large realms or more right? you still want to compare when I advanced 1 large realm reached Golden Core Realm 4th layer?" mockingly crown prince said.

"I don't if you are a fool or just a naive kid who doesn't know the height of mount Everest?" laughingly crown prince again said.

Jasmine was getting angry she was ready to kill crown prince but she thought about a bit and changed her mind decided not to do so as it will bring disaster in whole empire.

Seeing Jasmine angry ready to attack crown prince licking his lips said "I can spare you, give me you wife for a night I know you two hasn't done the deed yet, I will even give you big rewards"

Nasir loudly shouted "Enough!!" ready to attack crown prince.

Jasmine stopped Nasir and said "Stop dear~~ I can kill this lowly rat with one finger giving him a lesson I think you should allow me"

Nasir "...." thinking about it he said "okay"

"Hopefully crown prince won't mind right?" Jasmine slowly waited for crown prince's reply.

Crown prince laughed more loudly and said "You come!!"

Well please support and join discord help me improve story quality.

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