
The Origin of the Cosmos

Story about Primal Chaos first Origin Primal System. 1. It has sub systems like Tribe, Clan, Sect, Kingdom, Bloodline system, etc First few chapters are very fast and confusing filled with grammatical mistakes hopefully it will improve. 2. I will try to make romance less generic as possible and will add a bit of modern romance environments. 3. Sorry for story's power scale being unbalanced right now but by end of vol 1, I will balance it out to make future power scale unbalanced again. 4. Interactions is a bit problematic because of confusion in first, third person, and narration. 5. Its has harem, romance, etc it will later have more on martial art comprehension. 6. Sorry but cultivation upgrade will always be fast. 7. Will try to add humour. 8. I am writing this as I want to write a story of my imagination as I felt many things are left out in the novels I read. 9. And please join discord and give ideas and help me writing the story things you want to add. 10. My last updated chapter will always be incomplete and it will be completed when next chapter will get uploaded. 11. Criticism are always welcomed but please do it with while pointing my mistakes out exactly so that I can correct myself. Adventures to the peak of existence He who is revered as LOrd of aweSomeness. I am a science student writing literature so please give me forgive my mistakes, support and give ideas on my discord. discord; https://discord.gg/EnsFuvm

omegasensei · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Emperor's worries

The messenger saw the emperor he quickly kneeled and praised "Long live the Great Emperor"

While staring at the eyes of messenger the Emperor slowly opened his mouth and said "so what message is it have you brought for me and from whom is it?"

The messenger quickly said "Your majesty it is sent by Fire war god"

"Your Majesty we got information about entry of visitors from outside to our planet, they call themselves space patrollers of this galaxy" messenger reading while pondering about the information.

"Space patrollers?...oh continue, present the informations in full detail" the emperor said thoughtfully.

"They arrived here today morning, they first contacted commander Luke's wife's brother Sahad who was on duty near forest, they asked him about who is the ruler of this planet and also asked him to somehow arrange a meeting with the ruler in two days if he can't do that they will directly break in Imperial palace... after that this message was sent to commander Luke and then to Fire war lord and finally to your Majesty" messenger said while giving the emperor an idea of whole situation.

"You may go, call all war lords and ministers to be present in Royal meeting room in 30 minutes" the emperor said.

Within 2 minutes every war lords and ministers got the emperor's call they were in chaos they were afraid of unpredictable situations. Many of them are thinking if this is related to them, only leaving Fire war lord as he already knew what all this is about.

In Thunder Fire Dragon War Palace there was discussion assumptions about the situation that may happen in Imperial palace Royal meeting room. They were worried about the fight that happened between Nasir and Crown prince.

"though I am not sure but I think it's something serious that's why emperor called all war lords and ministers it's something related to maybe invasion...? whatever I should go you guys guard the city" while thinking deeply Haim Ahmed, the Fire thunder war god said deeply.

Soon he vanished and appeared before the Imperial palace before Royal meeting room he saw everybody were already present, they quickly entered the room they saw the emperor in deep state in some thoughts.

The royal eunch coughed " Your Majesty all war gods and ministers have arrived"

"Welcome everyone today here without wasting time for greetings let's start meeting" the emperor voice echoed throughout the room.

The emperor voiced out " Fire war god quickly explained the information to everyone one here"

"of course your Majesty" fire war god quickly explained everyone about the visitors soon there was some silence for sometime.

"Your Majesty are they really "space patrollers" not "invaders"? what should we do? " one of ministers questioned.

The emperor slowly sighed and replied "I don't what is the truth but one thing is for sure they are more powerful than saint kings Imperial ancestors fought with the visitors to conform the information I received, he nearly died if not for him saying he is Imperial ancestor of this planet, tomorrow they will come in Imperial palace hopefully we wouldn't have to fight them otherwise..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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