

The morning breeze blow as soon as the door was opened, the sun shed golden light throughout the sky like paint in a new canvas, the lush green grasses collect the moisture in the air and creates dew drops. The flapping of tiny wings is matched with the chirping of the birds.

Such a peaceful scenery, a contrast to the grueling training ahead of the young men.

As they were told, Brennan found himself tied upside down in a tree branch. His lower half, completely covered with rope to ensure that he will not be falling on the ground.

A few meters ahead, the target was located. A dummy of a soldier with several red marks, in the forehead, in the heart, in the neck, and the abdomen. Marking all of the vital points to secure a kill.

"Ready?" Oraculi asked as he stood beside the young man.

"Yes Sir!" Brennan enthusiastically replied.

"Now, I know you've done this before that's way will change it up a little," the old man said.

"Pardon-" Brennan turned to look at his mentor, only for the old man to grab him by the leg and then push him back as hard as he can, like a child playing with a swing.

"Wha-" Brennan shook his head, the swinging motion making him wish to summon back the breakfast he just ate earlier.

"Start shooting boy!" the old man commanded with a loud voice.

As his mentor commanded, Brennan took an arrow from his quiver. Luckily, his weapons have frequent upgrades- courtesy of the one and one Clara Hadley, a close friend of Brennan.

He wasn't entirely sure how she did it, but ever since the last upgrade the arrows were secure in the quiver. The woman arguing that Brennan can just carry exploding arrow in his back ever so casually. A single misstep could trigger the arrows, sending the young man into an early death. Just the thought of Brennan dropping on makes Clara chill, therefore she made sure to secure each arrow in his quiver.

"Wait are those the arrows from Clara?" the old man asked.

"No Sir, I replaced them with regular ones last night" Brennan replied as he pulled the string back.

"Alright then," the old man nodded.

All the while Brennan finally shot his first arrow, as it flew he already know he would miss. It was too far, the arrow flew past the target. At least half a foot away from the dummy's head.

"Again!" the old man bark, his loud voice making the young man cringe.

Taking out another arrow, Brenna took his aim. Making sure to adjust his point along with the swinging motion, the wind, and the distance. He released the arrow but it missed once again, but closer this time around.

Brennan clicked his tongue, "Moving target is easier" he mumbled to himself.

Brennan took another arrow, this time he manage to hit the target by the collar. His marks are starting to grow closer to the vital spot.

By the fourth arrow, Brennan finally managed to hit the mark in the chest. But of course, he understand that the chest was the easiest target.

As the arrows in his quiver started getting fewer, the human dummy now has several arrows sticking in it. Three at the chest, another on the forehead, one in the shoulder, and one in the abdomen, while more arrows littered on the ground next to the target.

Now, he only has one arrow. A single chance to hit the mark on the neck.

"You better hit that or I'll send you in the forest tonight" the old man warned with a light chuckle.

His blood run cold, Brennan was not the biggest fan of the forest.

Why? Because it was full of monsters that's why.

Fighting some is one thing, but to face an entire nest of monsters while having to watch out for wolves. That was a completely different thing, not to mention the fact that he's a marksman. Which means he needs to keep his distance from the enemy. But when you are alone the monsters will jump you from every direction, not giving you enough time to defend yourself.

He took out the arrow, distracted with his thoughts. Brennan failed to notice the red mark painted near the head of the arrow.

The old man tried to stop him, but Brennan already launched the arrow. As it hit the mark, the arrow exploded with blazing fire. Tiny pieces of wood flew into the air, along with some soil and grass.

Brennan covered his face with a free arm, the others did the same.

As the wave of debris stopped, Brennan uncovered his face. His eyes focusing on a huge dent on the ground, immediately his face turned white.

"You said you replaced them!" the old man shouted.

"I-I did Sir! But it was dark then so maybe I made a mistake" Brennan reasoned. Sweat dripping on the side of his face. He smile and chuckled, maybe if he acted and pulls the right strings, he can get away unpunished.

"I will chop you up and feed you to the monsters in the forest," the old man said.

"Eh!" Brennan dramatically shouted.

Watching from the distance, Darius couldn't help but notice how close the two were. They already formed a bond as a mentor and apprentice.

"Well, you better clean that up," the old man ordered. "Darius it's your turn, we will spar for the time being." He said, turning his back from Brennan.

"Understood" Darius coldly replied.

As they walked away, Brennan shouted. "Sir! You forgot to untie me!" he said wiggling against the ropes.

"Your hands are free, you can manage. Besides you just blew up the field, you deserve a little punishment!" The old man replied, a hand waving beside his face.

"Wait!" Brennan shouted, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

"He'll be alright," the old man said after noticing Darius glancing at the younger male.

"While it is important to work in teams while hunting, it is also important to learn to fight on your own. Because if you can't carry your own weight you will just burden your group." He explained.

"Brennan used to fight alongside with another man, that's what he told me at least. It was a swordsman, naturally, he became dependent on the man. Always expecting a cover while aiming, but he can't always have a companion. There will be a time where he will have to fight alone, and I have to prepare him for that. This line of work is dangerous and messy, you've seen it yourself. The weak will drop down like flies, that's why I need to make sure that the two of you are ready."

Darius was stunned, to say the least, he wasn't expecting the old man to care so much. Not for an outsider like him, not for the person who once tortured him.

Having only Ravana in most of his life, he was used to be stepped on and never cared for. She was never kind, always angry, always scary, even when he was a child. She had always been… terrible. He supposed was the best way to put it into words.

He remembered when he was starving in the castle at the Dead Swamp, Ravana being her not-so-wonderful self. Tossed a rotten apple to Darius, worms wriggling just above the darkening skin.

Darius clenches his teeth, shaking his head.

'Enough,' He told himself.

He doesn't want to relive that memory. It was far too disgusting, it will only leave a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Leave your sword there, we will use dummy swords for now," Oraculi said as he handed Darius a normal-looking sword.

Taking the weapon, Darius couldn't help but feel off about it. The weight is far too different from his own. It was heavier and the length was way longer. "This is not balanced for me," Darius told his mentor.

"That's alright, you already had a sword you are used to. That's why it's difficult to adjust to a new sword. But using the subterranean sword will be risky, so you have to settle for now. We can just look for a new one in the armory later." the older man replied. His statement made Darius knit his brows.

"You know about the sword?" he asked curiously.

"Of course I do. You will be surprised how much people know about the legend of the devouring sword. I have to admit it though when I first saw it in the river. I didn't know that was the subterranean sword, many know its power but not what it looks like. So, I suppose you will be alright for the time being." He explained.

"Will be alright? What does that mean? And what do you mean by devouring sword" Darius said, clearly he didn't know so many things.

"What? You didn't know anything about your own weapon?" Oraculi asked.

Darius could feel his breathe tangling inside his throat. Yes, he didn't know anything about his own weapon. But only because Ravana just handed it over to him without telling him… well… anything.

He slowly shook his head, a part of him do not wish to admit it.

Because it would make him feel… stupid.

"That's alright, now we know what we needed to talk about later after your training," Oraculi said, the old man gesturing his head to the side. Pointing out the open field, where the fighting will soon begin.

Hi everyone,

Thank you for the review, it really means a lot to me.

The next update will be about Oraculi and Darius' past.

See ya!

princess_nincreators' thoughts