
Trail of fire XV

Me, Barg, and Zul are heading south we are following the trails of wagons and hooves in the dirt road, we walk endlessly all day saying very few words every now and then I see Zul and Barg shoot daggers at each other I know they still don't like each other but they both wanted to come and I couldn't really stop them either way even now that I at least know basic fighting with and without weapons, I'm determined to find Benjamin tho and nothing will stop me it was like a grandfather to me and I cannot sit around knowing he could be in danger, there is a wooden sign near a cross road it says "South central city" with the end of the sign being an arrow pointing down the road we follow the directional sign, we walk through the night because I refused to stop it's early morning probably around 4 am when Zul finally speaks up

Zul:"that's enough Whitney, we have to rest we are basically out of water and exhausted, let's just rest til the sun is up and then we can keep going a few hours of sleep won't change anything"

Barg:"I agree we should rest there are some trees over there we can go rest there until the sun is up"

I sigh and nod at them

Whitney:"fine but as soon as the sun is up we are leaving I told you both that I wanted to get there as fast as possible even if that means not stopping" we all head over to the trees and sit down barg on my left and Zul on my right we all lean against the large tree trunk and quickly fall asleep, I'm not sure how many hours have passed when I open my eyes we are laying down on the ground I seen Zuls large chest in front of me his arm wrapped around my waist, I blush slightly feeling his arm around me again I soon realize there is not only his arm around me behind me barg is spooning me his arm wrapped around my chest, my face turns bright red being trapped between them both, I feel Barg shift a little and feel his hard member poke my butt cheek which makes me want to die of embarrassment it's super strange being trapped between the two orcs who I have somehow started to have feelings for more and more, I lay looking up at Zul he saved me and made me fall for him I trusted him so much that I let him take my virginity, and Barg he was there for me when I felt so betrayed and sad, he made me laugh and was kind to me when I thought it was forever hopeless to find someone to love me for me, I try to ignore the thoughts and focus on finding Benjamin I can't move to get up so I just stay laying there hoping one of them will wake up soon, eventually Zul wakes up he looks at me and smiles groggily

Zul:"good morning why are you blushing so much" he asks and seems to just realize that barg is behind me with his arm wrapped around my chest he doesn't say much but he removes himself from me and stands up he goes and kicks bargs leg lightly he wakes and tightens his grip around me

Barg:" piss off zul" he snaps and grumbles pushing his face into my neck more "can't you see I'm busy here"

Zul:"stop touching her and get up it's already the middle of the day we need to get going" Zul comes over and pulls barg off of me barg swats his hands off of him and stands up it looks like they are going to kill each other I stand quickly and get between them Zul is behind me as I face barg.

Whitney:"guys please don't fight we need to work together and Zul is right it's already late in the day we do need to get moving or else we won't make enough progress" I put my hands on bargs chest he calms down and nods turning and stomping away down the road, me and Zul follow behind barg he is walking faster then me and Zul.

Zul:"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, I just can't stand that he gets to touch and kiss you but I cannot, I know it's my own fault but I am still jealous of the relationship you two have"

Whitney:"i agree you shouldn't have done that but barg shouldn't have been touching my like that in front of you he knows it bugs you"

We continue walking stopping a few hours later to get food and water and rest a little before we continue walking Barg doesn't talk to me or Zul, he stays ahead of us on the road I can't help be feel that this is my fault, Barg suddenly stops walking me and Zul catch up to see what he is looking at, there is a house a barn and a giant field on fire

Whitney:"holy shit let's go people might need help!" I take off running towards the house I look at barg and zul and yell "guys go to the barn! Make sure you let all the animals out and check for people" they both nod and head to the barn i open the house door as smoke tunnels out of it "Hello! Is anyone inside!" I yell into the house and hear nothing I can't risk going in to the burning house unless I know there is a person

Zul:"Whitney! We have people here!" He yells to me so I turn and run to the barn I see a family a man, woman and two young boys,

Whitney:"please don't be afraid me and my friends here aren't here to hurt you we seen the smoke and flames do you remember what happened or who did this?"

We have moved away from the barn to allow them to get some air without the smoke the horses, and cows are scattered running away from the flames,

Woman:"oh thank you" she coughs trying to catch her breathe

Man:"you are friends with orcs?!"

Whitney:"not all orcs are bad sir these two for instance just saved you and your families life you should be grateful"

Man:"ah yes forgive me, I do not mean to be rude we just don't see orcs around here much if at all. We aren't sure who did it they we where out in the field and seen our house go up in flames so we all went into the barn and hide behind hay bails by the time we noticed that our barn was burning it was nearly to late to get out they locked the barn doors and left I guess they figured we where hiding, whoever it is they didn't take anything and as far as I know didn't stay long it was probably 30 minutes for them to come in light everything on fire and leave."

Zul:"thank you for the information I'm sorry for the loss of your home you aren't the first people to have this happen to them, her village was burnt to the ground as well but they left no one behind, no people no live stock nothing you are all lucky that they didn't find you"

Woman:" oh my goodness they might be heading to the city, it's only about a day walk u..uh we have horses you guys let them out they are probably scared but if you can get them take them and go to the city or else the whole city will burn"

Whitney:"thank you sir we will need you to come with us you are a survivor of the attack the knights and guards will be more

Willing to listen"

Man:"I'm sorry I can't my family needs me here"

Barg:"come with us then all of you it will be safer there for you and your family anyway"

They eventually agree we manage to calm down the horses luckily the family has a small wagon I'm on my own horse while Barg and Zul are with the family on the wagon they go as fast as possible we get to the city finally I sigh in relief to see it standing still, we ride through the town I start to notice that it's not only humans who live and work here, there are cyclops, goblins even some other orcs working in shops and walking the streets, I'm shocked to see this all I didn't think this type of place even existed but it does and it seems peaceful no one is scared of the others, there are Minotaurs, they only have on pants there are people who look like lions but are also standing like humans and have arms and hands like humans to, it's amazing to see everyone living in peace with each other, I ignore the looks from the city folk as we ride to the guards tower I get down from my horse as a knight approaches me

Knight:" is there something you need from us traveller"

Whitney:"yes my village in the north was burnt to the ground by raiders we came south to find my villages people and about two hours from here that man and woman's farm was attacked and burnt to the ground, we came to warn you and find my people I suggest you get guards and a lot of them as well as have people on stand by they have flaming arrows"

Knight:"is this true man?"

Man:"yes it's true our farm was destroyed this woman and her two friends barg and Zul saved us from being burned alive in our barn"

The knight stops and yells for some of the others to spread the word and get everyone ready

Knight:"you all may stay in our tavern we have rooms upstairs for travellers as for people coming from the north we could have but there are a lot of people coming in and out of the city I suggest you look around the shops they may be able to help you better then I can"