
The Orange Bar

in this Orange Bar . people are going everyday. But over here there's a small bar across the clear river of Red houses. The boss of the bar wasn't a good . People Ain't sure about anything yet. But ana is the smartest maid in this bar. She knows mostly anything creep out happening in this bar , But she never tell anyone. Then the boss is also smarter than ana . Half knowing that there's one maid who's hiding his bad things.

Emmalinnie · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 3

The sunshine shines through the crowd , the crowd stepped into the bar in this early summer .

Having fun in the bar with so many drinks and plates . Having fun the whole time , even the birds starts to sing along.

The maids almost have ear problem . But Ana is very quiet Everyday. cleaned the dish with clear water.

And the other maids were not helping even they saw that she's tired already . but they're playing with the white cat in the ground .

She totally knows that they're helpless , but she never say it out loud. Every time they're so selfish.

But Ana is selfishness every time.

The white cat almost bitten their finger tips. Anna looks kind of up to them. she was singing a beautiful sound like a colorful bird standing in the green tree with a group of birds .

She smiled while cleaning everything that the boss told them to do. One night the boss has a thinkable brain with smartness.

But Ana was also smart but the boss was even smarter than Ana.

He was sitting in this black big Richard chair , And a cup of dark tea in his dark brown table. He was thinking as much as he can to know well of that.

Because Ana know his privacy . And he doesn't want to let this bar know that his a killer. he's gonna kill anna tomorrow morning.

The boss woke up . He tied his scarlet shirt . 'And hide his knife in his jean . He walked out . After he got into the bar . Ana wasn't even here yet .

The boss was waiting . He's waiting for Ana to know his words. But he might not kill this girl Because he thinks he's not going to kill a 17 years old girl.

But When Ana saw The boss . The boss Grabbed her arm quickly . then locked Ana into a dark room like a jail room inside looks like a prison. Ana said in a terrifying way.

After there's one costumer coming in. the women in orange dress . saw him putting Ana into the Room.

The boss was so scared he put his hand up to his head . And the women called the police in a second .

The police came in to the bar then .

The police lock his feet and hands with golden key.

The boss once wouldn't do anything like that anymore .

The boss prisoned in for 36 year.. Ana saw the police and told the police he is a killer as well.
