
The Optimist

How does one deal with alien invasions, magical shenanigans, and incomprehensible horrors out there in the universe? The answer lies in the hands of one man, alongside his pet dog. Born with a gifted mind, he uses his genius and optimistic hope to set out and save the universe from literally everything where no one else could all. Join him in a series of anthology-like stories consisting of 4-10 chapters per story and with the look on our main character and his escapades across the universe.

Spartan_217 · SF
20 Chs

6. Unusual Slime

Another morning has passed and he was inventing more as usual. "Well I want more action." He declared to the world but none replied back to him. Suddenly he stepped on some purple slime. 

Normally it wouldn't have been an issue but there was no indicators of slime forming on his workshop, nor was ever any presence of said slime. He grabbed a sample of the substance and placed it on the Microwave Analyzer. After it rotated around, the results were in. 

"Union Slime. Looks like someone's trying to infiltrate my head." He facepalms himself and destroys the slime inside the machine. He left the house and placed it under quarantine. "Initiate Universal Decontamination." The house activated all its blast doors, windows and locked all exits. 

Kasey saw Garrick's house under lockdown and went to see the situation. "Hey, Gary. What's with your house?" She caught his attention. 

"Ohh hey, Kasey. Umm, long story short. My house is contaminated and I need it cleaned. Just for reference, the contamination I'm referring to is not some normal infectious agent just to clarify." He answered. 

"Well that's nice. I actually came here to ask for your help. See, we stumbled upon some weird slime that looks like green slime but is hard and tough to remove. Not even our best cleaners could remove it." She explained her reason of being here. 

"Shit! The Union Slime must be everywhere. Better be careful since I don't have most of my stuff right now." Garrick became more concerned and asked her to show the problem. 

The three of them, including Garrick's pet arrived at Kasey's house and this is his first time being here. He was feeling nervous but tried to keep calm. Entering inside it was clean and organized. He liked the spick and span of the whole interior. "Everything's clean here. Where's the slime problem?" He curiously asked. 

Walking upstairs, The Union Slime infestation has taken root only it hasn't reached the first floor and is stuck at the second floor, covering everything. "When did this happen?" He asked her as he grabbed some tweezers from his pocket and took a small sample lying on the staircase. 

"Alright don't panic, good news is that the slime hasn't completely infested your whole house. But the horrific thing is that once the slime envelops your house, it's gonna do something that even I can't speak it." He said. 

She was already more scared of the slime than it was before. "What do we do?" She asked him as he was trying to figure out the issue. 

"Where did you get this slime?" He asked her. "I was out camping with my friends outside the city and we found the source on a green-colored lake." Garrick looked into this green lake and found one source and it was in Oregon. Placing the sample in a glass container, he grabbed a canister and typed some buttons in it. 

"This is a compact, Universal cleaning agent. It can clean all kinds of dirt even the most peculiar ones. When necessary, press the green button and it will clean your house. But only when necessary, as we don't know the full extent of this mystery slime." He said to her and she nods. 

"I'm going to take a look on this green lake. I'll be back." He summoned a wormhole infront of him and jumped in. Kasey was about to walk away but she slipped and fell backwards, and caught by the pull of the wormhole just as it was about to close, leaving behind his dog. 

Garrick looked out and saw the Green Lake. But Kasey bumped into him and the wormhole closed. "Shit! Are you okay?" He asked as he helped her stand up. 

"Sorry, I slipped. Your dog is still in my house. What do we do?" She asked him but he wasn't worried at the slightest. 

"My dog is trained and also knows what to do. Took me 1 year to train him with a bit of help from me. Anyways, this is the Green Lake you're talking about." He noted as the two walked closer to it. The slimy liquid behaved erratically, as if filled with life itself. 

"What do you know about this lake while you were camping? Any related or distant-related information you can give." He needed more information as this was a very serious problem. 

Kasey searched on her phone and looked through her gallery and found a video and played it to him. The video showed her recording her friends as they went to observe the Green Lake. A deer came close as their friends hid from its sight. The animal sniffed the lake and took a sip before it did something horrific to it. 

The video ends. "How come I don't remember this? This is terrible." She said as she started to breathe faster. Her movements became more spastic. Garrick grabbed a tranquilizer and shot her as she fell asleep. 

"Sometimes, the brain forces itself to forget something so incomprehensible to protect your body and mind." He uploaded the video on his watch and deleted the one in her phone. 

"I see. Any organism caught in its vicinity are [REDACTED]. Hmm, But what about humans? I came into contact with one and I wasn't affected by it." He started thinking. 

Garrick risked it and walked closer to the lake. "Time to see what's on the other side." He didn't really have anything in mind and he really wanted to learn more about this slime so without second thoughts, he jumped in the lake.