
The OP idiot's Journey

You can pretty much geuss where the story is gonna go from the title guy gets wishes and goes to another world with pretty good advantages enjoy oh and I do not own any of the original story or claim any of the stuff (that is not my own) that I happen to use in the story

DARN1t · その他
5 Chs

THE DEATHNO*cough*... just the note

'I'm..... I'm not really sure how to phrase this but, Johnny Depp left me a note.

if you couldn't guess I'm still in the ship heading east. so one day I wake up and there's a note by my bed. It doesn't say who it's to but considering it's in my room and the content inside, I'd say it's for me.

The note is really freaking long but here's what I can gather from it. Depp really likes his perverted jokes.

And if I am able to defeat a fully fledged avatar I can ask depp to 'transfer' me to a different world. not sure if that means just me or what, but I'm going to assume it is. 'sigh... that sucks. I mean come on, he could have told me that when I was talking to him before. but no, he just had to leave it in a f*cking note. like come on how lazy can a person be. Sigh'

That aside he said I can still return so that's a plus. but that means I'll have to defeat that world's strongest, or one of the top ten strongest. so that means if I go to marvel, guess what, I'll probably have fight thanos, alone. it says ALONE. like just what the sh*t is this. just me no backup what so ever. and what if I had to f*cking fight THE ONE ABOVE ALL. no one can fight that being.... period.

sigh... all that out of the way it seems that for every world I go to I can get a new power from said world. for example if I go to dbz I can become a saiyan. or if I go to dxd I can get a sacred gear. and so forth and so on.

he also said to watch out for stupid suprises he put in the worlds. he wrote 'stupid suprises' sigh.... I can only geuss its gonna be something like 'the fire nation are the good guys' or 'the lion turtles were evil','oh azula was the only sane one'.

I can only hope the changes are gonna be better than those.

Back to topic, he also basically wrote good luck and be careful and, stuff you'd expect a mother to say to her kid when they live on there own. and that's all the shortened version of his note said.'

So, everything I remembered about the series stayed the same so no suprises yet. as In all their back stories are all basically the same.

you know Zuko sweet then emo, Azula petulant then sadistic, Mai normal girl then uncaring, Ty lee.... well she's just Ty lee.

they all almost stayed the same, well as close as you can get with me in there. for example Azula well...turned a little yandere. and Zuko's more leaning towards the light side then he was. As for Mai she is just about the same in the series again. but the feelings she had for Zuko, as in the 'crush' or 'love' I dont know at this point. was instead directed at me and, also seemingly alot stronger, as in she would just about do anything for me.