After Ursa left Zuko was obviously distraught and upset. While I was in a pretty bad mood as well. Other than that the coronation went off without a hitch. I mean Azulon dying is a bummer but, it's not like he was a really good person. He even ordered his son to kill his own eldest son.
Other than that I'd say things are still going pretty well for me. As in my fire bending is getting much better. I got the red fire down and I'm just barely getting the blue. I mean for a kid under the age of 15 I'd say that's pretty good. But something interesting that I found out about fire bending, is it's more 'emotional' then you'd think.
Let's take the red fire for an example. It draws on a hunger for power and, anger to help empower it. key word is help, like all other novels, and manga, and anime. anger is not the solution. It is mearly a booster not a power source.
And for blue fire you need some more 'colder' feelings and emotions during but that's about it.
I also managed to create some green fire, but like the others its a little more emotional. more specifically you need to feel more towards lighter, warmer emotions. While blue fire is hotter than red fire, my green fire is... about the same temperature as red fire. Other than the color I couldn't tell anything too different or really special about the green fire.
I couldn't get purple, if my bloodied clothes scraps are any evidence of that. I didn't get any other but three is enough for me, for now.
unlike fire the other elements didn't have too much emotional interference. earth you just needed a strong will and, go straight at it face first. Now for water and air just adaptability and fluidity. You know like emotionally as well as physically.
My earth bending has progressed well enough. as in I can bend earth, rock, sand, minerals, and some crude metals, as well as a limited seismic sense, through earth bending.
I mean it's not like my seismic sense is overpowered or anything but, I can sense around thirty five feet-ish around me. Obviously not in incredible detail but as long as you know what most things look like you can tell what most things are.
For water, you know the basics. water, hot, and cold. As well as turning it into ice and steam, and snow. but what I'm least skilled at is blood bending. I can just barely do it, and it's not all the time, as in I need the moon. doesn't have to be the full moon, but the moon does have to be out an visible and not a lunar eclipse.
With my air bending, its pretty much what you'd expect. blasts, blades, cyclones, pushes, you know, that stuff. But I've also been trying new stuff with air, as in changing the temperature and humidity and stuff like that.
I have also been experimenting with a form of gravity training. Meaning I've been trying to put a form of air pressure on myself. And it wasn't going very well at first. My first attempt I made myself fly twelve feet forward. Second attempt I nearly broke my leg (thank you OP healing).
Since then I've been trying to be more gentle with it and I can confidently say I'm on the right track. By that I mean I've got my overall physical resistance to a (from what I can tell) 1.10Gs.... It may not sound impressive but, take into account I'm not a tech genius nor am I in a technologically advanced world. Meaning I had to CREATE an entirely new way of resistance training. With only bending at my disposal and no I'm way too proud to take the easy way out by binding rocks to my body for training.
And no I have not unlocked my ki yet. the reason for that is because the benders use chi. While the Saiyans use (mostly) ki. To give an example of my predicament is 'you need to take a blind taste test to differentiate two bottles of water of the same brand bought from two different places.' If you drink a specific brand from a specific place for long enough you can eventually tell the difference. But with me not using either in my past life I can't tell the difference between the two enough to be able to find the ki in my body. So while I know I'll be able to tell the difference eventually. I just can't right now.
So I just put ki finding and training on the back burner since I still got stuff to do.
While that is the more physical part all bending is as much physical as it is spiritual. So while I'm amazing at the physical part due to my saiyan heritage. The spiritual side came a little bit harder. Especially with airbending as airbending's the most spiritual of the bending disciplines. I may say it's harder but it's just a tad bit harder. I mean living a life and dying before will make you at least a little bit more spiritual and philosophical.
So with all my power I think I'm pretty qualified to journey to the colonies (earth kingdom colonies).
I may be a little over confident, but isn't it always good to have at least a little confidence.
So while I'm hanging out with my 'girlfriend' yes I got myself girlfriend. if you couldn't guess its Mai. Yeah, so... moving on Zuko should be in the war meeting where he offends Ozai.
Yup, now it's time for the Agni Kai where Zuko loses his face. And I'm sitting next to Azula and Iroh in between them. uuuuuww. welp there goes his face.
damn, I forgot, how am I supposed to get to toph, when I'm not entirely sure where she is. f*ck it I'll just wing it.
but shouldn't she be South of Omashu around the bottom of the bottom 'continent' of the earth kingdom. So I guess ill just start from omashu and keep asking people directions.
(many days later)
Currently I'm on a pretty small war ship heading eastward. After some conniving, convincing, blackmail, and psychological warfare. I managed to get Ozai as well as Iroh to let me go to the Fire Nation colonies. For two years, but that will definitely be enough for me to put my plans into action.
'sigh... Azula' I sigh. you're probably wondering why the sigh. So I'll tell you about it.
when Azula heard I was leaving she basically demanded why and how I can 'leave her alone and abandon her to what... to go gallivanting with some earth kingdom harlots.' After a few hours of consoling and convincing she let me go... literally. Because when she was yelling at and pleading to me she sorta grabbed onto me. So yeah, that happened... well one thing that is definitely different then the original is Azula, more specifically her personality.
she... sorta turned a little yandere.... for me.
Hey! No! Don't think I purposefully turned Azula that way! Just stop!.... NO!
On another note I had to say goodbye to my little Mai. 'giggle'... you don't get it do you, my Mai... Mai my. it's the spelling and pronunciation together that make it funnier.
I had to say goodbye to her and I had my first kiss and it was a goodbye kiss. and yes I'm that much of a pervert even with like no libido. I mean how high can an eleven year old saiyan's libido be. And no I am not a pedo because in this life we are the same age.