
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

First Heroine (I)

[Third Person Perspective]

The hunting process was remarkably effortless. No, it might be a bit too simple for Kaito. He, possessing a heightened awareness, can effortlessly sense any creatures in his vicinity. It seems he had been crafting himself into a hunter of those unfortunate creatures.

Additionally, thanks to the incredible abilities of the string-string fruit, Kaito can effortlessly ensnare the animal and confine them in an instant.

The bounty from the hunt was an impressive wild boar, likely weighing around 200 kg or perhaps a bit less.

Before making the decision to remove it, he carefully searched for any nearby family board, as it seemed rather unseemly to eliminate it if he happened to be the child's parent.

"So... the next inquiry is, how can I tackle the task of butchering this massive boar without the aid of a knife?"

He possessed remarkable knife skills, yet without the actual knife in hand, how could he possibly showcase his talent?

"Alas…" With this in mind, I ought to collect some knives from those drop items before trading them with the system.

What a misstep...

[Host, elegantly carve a nearby branch into the form of a knife, then embellish it with vibrant decorations to enhance its sharpness.]

"Impressive, what a clever companion you are!"

Kaito let out a weary sigh, feeling the weight of his foolish tendencies still clinging to him, as if his intellect had not quite blossomed even after his reincarnation.

He then adheres to the system's guidance and brings that magnificent wild boar to a tranquil end. The wild boar was expertly transformed into an array of cuts, executed with precision and efficiency, showcasing years of honed skill in the art of butchering.

Moments later, an assortment of components was elegantly displayed beneath a mattress crafted from delicate threads. ranging from skin to an array of meats, bones, and eye components, among others. He discards nothing, for his extraordinary skill ensures that every component is of unparalleled quality.

Kaito then opted to prepare a delightful skewered meat boar before unfolding the map to survey his surroundings for any charming plants or herbs he could gather.

It's probably an exotic herb that elevates the taste of the meat, though it does come with a potential drawback. Yet, when Kaito wields Purification, he effortlessly mitigates the side effects, all while elevating the flavor with his additional talent.

He swiftly makes his way back to the site of the wild boar treasures. With a deft touch, he harnessed the strength of string to gather slender branches, crafting a charming campfire at the heart of the campsite. Here, he would likely spend the night, all the while keeping a watchful gaze on the unfortunate elves nearby.

Regarding the fire, he employs the overheating skill from his abilities, reminiscent of Doflamingo's techniques.

The flames swiftly consumed the wood, casting a warm glow from the campfire. Gradually, he began to craft his culinary masterpiece featuring wild boar skewers.

[Ding-dong!] Congratulations, host, on successfully finishing the unexpected challenge! Are you ready to seize the reward now?

"Of course," Kaito replied, his voice steady as he focused on the culinary preparations.

[Bravo, host! You have received <Aphrodisiac Body Fluids: Opposite Sex.< p>

"???" Kaito, engrossed in the art of threading meat onto his handcrafted wood skewer, is taken aback by the astonishing reward he receives.

"What the..." The name alone sparked a sense of intrigue; he had a fleeting notion of its meaning, yet he still sought clarity from the system.

It is quite simple, host; your body's fluids now possess an alluring effect, captivating the attention of the opposite sex.]

"..." Kaito nodded, a subtle sigh escaping him, as if he were in sync with the same essence.

The mere thought sends a thrilling chill through me, stirring an intense wave of nausea that's almost overwhelming.

[Flashback End]

In the present moment, the dark elf captain and Kaito sat together, savoring the exquisite taste of a simple skewer of boar infused with a medley of herbs.

Gazing at the dark elf beside him, Kaito noticed the woman indulging in her meal, unfazed by his frosty, sardonic demeanor. She resembled a whimsical creature, cheeks adorned with delightful morsels.

He experiences a profound joy within as he observes others relishing the exquisite dishes he has crafted.

With a sense of being observed, the dark elf gracefully turned her head, even as her mouth remained delightfully occupied with food. She suddenly blushed before quickly chew the food and made a shy expression.

"W-what?" She expressed a sense of unease as she was gazed upon so intently by her hero and husband in her dream.

She felt revitalized and returned to her vibrant self after glimpsing a shard of memories shared by Kaito just moments ago.

She felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude as Kaito embodied the ideal husband from her dreams, lying there in a state of unconsciousness. His mere presence sent her heart into a flurry of erratic beats, leaving her breathless and captivated.

"It is nothing really; I just feel a sense of joy when you savor the meal I have prepared," Kaito said with a gentle smile, savoring the succulent skewer meat before tossing the stick into the flames.

The dark elf captain's heart raced wildly, caught in a whirlwind of emotions as she discovered the intoxicating sweetness of love, a feeling so fresh and exhilarating after her arduous journey.

It resembles an iceberg succumbing to the warmth of an opposing force, slowly dissolving in a dance of contrasting elements.

"Well..." "Thank you for the food... it was so delicious... Sir Kaito," the dark elf murmured, her voice a soft caress, for she had never imagined a meal so extraordinary that it ignited within her a fervor to savor it with an intensity she had never experienced before.

Her awareness of Kaito's name stemmed from a fleeting shard of memories that had found their way to her. In spite of his humanity, she recognized that the man beside her was truly one of a kind.

Unbeknownst to her, a being of extraordinary power existed, one who bore an uncanny resemblance to Kaito. The shadowy perception of humanity she clung to could not possibly encompass him.

He stood apart from every other soul she had encountered, particularly that rogue who had materialized from the shadows, casting his gaze upon her queen and princess as they bathed in the shimmering waters of the lake beside the castle.

Unbeknownst to the dark elf, the intricate web of the system remains a hidden realm, shrouded in mystery.

"You are most welcome, and if it pleases you, feel free to call me Kaito."

"I am still too youthful to be called Sir by someone as enchanting as you," Kaito felt a wave of nausea at the mere idea of being referred to as Sir.

He can also hear the sound of his partner's laughter, a symphony of mockery that dances around him.

"Then... K-kaito..." It is a delightful experience to hear his name spoken by a breathtaking beauty.

[*Snort* Despondent Innocent...]

Indeed, the system ridiculed him, and over time, this became the accepted reality for Kaito.

"May I inquire... What is your name?" Furthermore, may I inquire about our current location?

The dark elf was momentarily stunned by the question, for she had believed Kaito possessed an intimate understanding of their surroundings. In the fleeting recollections that danced in her mind, he had approached her with such swiftness, expertly selecting the very plants and herbs that would elevate his culinary creations.

"Cough, I am Naruss Linhen, the esteemed bodyguard of the queen and the First Captain of the Knight Elves of Agraliel. Concerning our present surroundings...

The mysterious dark elf, Naruss Linhen, elegantly reveals the story of their surroundings to Kaito.

Though Naruss imparted most of the information, Kaito nodded slowly, as no memories emerged to the forefront of his mind.

In conclusion, he found himself within the enchanting realm of the Agraliel Kingdom, the domain of the Elves. They found themselves a considerable distance from the kingdom's gate, and it would likely require them half a day to reach it.

In the moment when Narrus finds herself ensnared by the Orc's ambush, her sentiments regarding the assailant are conveyed with striking clarity to Kaito, reflecting the deep trust she places in him.

"I appreciate the information, Um... Linhen." Kaito inquired, his hesitation palpable as he contemplated addressing the captivating woman by her first name.

In the realm of tradition, one might find a delicate boundary, reminiscent of the customs of Japan, where the honor of uttering our first name is bestowed solely upon those who share the closest ties of kinship, while the family name remains the veil that shrouds our identity from the world.

"K-kaito may simply call me Narrus. If you desire..." As Kaito's voice dances through the air, calling out to Naruss Linhen, a veil of distance envelops her, prompting her to speak her truth with an unguarded heart.

"Then... Narrus, I am grateful for the wisdom you have shared," Kaito spoke, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

As Narrus becomes aware of this moment, a gentle flush dances upon her cheeks, reminiscent of a tender-hearted schoolgirl, untouched by the bittersweet essence of genuine affection.

In that fleeting moment, her cheeks, a delicate hue of bashfulness, danced in stark contrast to the cool, ethereal beauty that graced her visage.

As the sun dipped gently below the horizon, yielding to the soft embrace of the moon, their words flowed effortlessly, weaving a tapestry of familiarity as if the threads of time had bound them together for an eternity.

Kaito mused softly, "I have just come to the realization that the night has already draped its velvet cloak upon the world."

"Indeed," Naruss replied, a spark of understanding igniting within her. In that fleeting moment, she became acutely aware of how Kaito's every gesture captivated her, weaving a spell that ensnared her gaze and thoughts, leaving her unable to look away.

"So, what do you think? Are you in the mood for a nice, relaxing bath or not?" After all the shifting and swaying, I find myself wrapped in a blanket of unease.

Kaito, just an ordinary guy, found solace in the warm embrace of water, making it a ritual to soak away the day's worries around this hour. He noticed, with a hint of curiosity, that even as he danced through the hours, his skin remained untouched by the beads of sweat.

Yet, habits have a way of weaving themselves into the fabric of our days, and he found himself growing restless, a quiet unease settling in whenever he skipped his bath.

[Hmph, you look like a girl that needs to take a bath~]

"Silence, please."

At the sound of those words, Narrus feels a stir of unease, as if her thoughts have slipped away like whispers in the wind. In the quiet corners of her mind, the memory of that intimate moment with Kaito lingers, casting shadows of thoughts she never dared to entertain before. It's as if the air between them crackles with unspoken possibilities, nudging her imagination toward paths she had never wandered down.

Kaito raised an eyebrow, "Narrus?" he called out, noticing her gaze drifting somewhere far away, a hint of drool escaping her lips.

"H-huh? "Oh yeah, I want to take a bath too!" exclaimed Narrus, her excitement bubbling over as she embraced the moment all on her own.

"Alright…" The dark elf beauty standing before Kaito had a wild imagination, and he was well aware of it. He just smiled, feeling a mix of resignation and acceptance.

Kaito had this incredible knack for picking up on what people really meant, almost like he could read their minds.

It's hard to say whether Lady Luck was gracing him with her presence right now.


Later on, he'll take the plunge into a whole new world with this enchanting dark elf beauty.