
the one reincarnated

In the year 2277, humanity had become one of the most powerful species in the galaxy, having colonized 1% of the planets in the Milky Way. However, this rapid growth drew the attention of other advanced species, leading to a devastating war that resulted in the near extinction of humanity. Alden, a highly skilled strategist, dies in this war but finds himself reincarnated 150 years in the past, to a time when humanity is just beginning to colonize planets. Armed with knowledge of the future, Alden sets out to prevent the destruction of humanity in his previous life by building a vast empire that can withstand any threat. Aboard his new vessel "Varenna R54", Alden leads a group of 230,000 crew. They land on a planet that was once inhabited by an advanced alien civilization, which has now died out. Alden sees an opportunity to salvage the alien technology and learn from their mistakes, while also building a new civilization for humanity. With his trusted team, Alden establishes the first city of the new empire, and begins to explore the planet's resources. As the population grows, Alden establishes a centralized government and begins to uncover the secrets of the ancient civilization, hoping to use their knowledge to build a better future for humanity. As Alden's empire expands, he faces challenges from other alien species and internal strife, but his strategic mind and determination to succeed propel him forward. The story follows Alden's journey as he builds a new empire, faces challenges, and uncovers the secrets of the past in his quest to prevent the same fate that befell humanity in his previous life.

nimko · SF
10 Chs

chapter 2: building akabia

Alden and his team had finally established a new city, Akabia, on the planet they had landed on. It had been months of hard work, but finally, they had something to show for it. The city was small, but it had everything they needed to survive and thrive. There were basic infrastructure and housing, medical facilities, a food production area, and a water treatment plant. The city was situated near a river, which made it easy for them to access fresh water.

As the colonizers settled into their new homes, they began to explore the surrounding areas. They discovered that the planet was rich in resources such as precious metals, minerals, and fertile soil for farming. Alden knew that these resources would be vital for the growth and development of the new empire he was planning to build.

He called his team of advisors, including Richard, Robert, Manil, and Mohand, to discuss his vision for the future. They gathered in Alden's office, which was the largest building in the city. It had a view of the surrounding areas, and Alden found it peaceful to look out at the landscape as he worked.

"My friends, we have accomplished something great," Alden said, looking at his advisors. "But this is only the beginning. We need to keep working hard to make Akabia and our new empire even better."

Richard, the old man who was Alden's right-hand man, spoke up. "What is your plan, Alden? We are ready to help you in any way we can."

Alden smiled at Richard. "My plan is to make this the greatest empire the galaxy has ever seen. We have the resources, the technology, and the manpower to achieve this. But we need to be careful. We don't want to attract unwanted attention ."

The others nodded in agreement, knowing that Alden was right. They had to be careful not to make this mistake .

"So, for now, we will work on developing our infrastructure, mining resources, and building up our army fleet to protect us," Alden continued. "We will keep a low profile, and we won't make any rash moves. We will grow in silence, away from anyone's eyes, and when the time is right, we will reveal ourselves to the galaxy as a force to be reckoned with."

Robert, the chief engineer, spoke up. "We also need to work on salvaging any technology we can find from the ancient alien civilization that once inhabited this planet. Who knows what kind of advanced technology they might have left behind?"

Alden nodded. "Yes, that's an excellent idea. We can learn a lot from them and use their technology to improve our own."

Manil, the chief of security, spoke next. "We also need to keep an eye on our surroundings. We don't know what kind of dangers might be out there. We should set up surveillance around the city and explore the surrounding areas to ensure there are no threats nearby."

Mohand, the pilot of the ship and Alden's friend, added, "We should also start exploring beyond the immediate area. Who knows what kind of resources and opportunities might be waiting for us out there."

Alden nodded, pleased with his team's ideas. "Very well. Let's get to work, then. We have a lot to do, but I know we can do it. Together, we will build the greatest empire the galaxy has ever seen."

With that, the meeting was adjourned, and the advisors went back to their respective duties. Alden sat in his office, looking out at the landscape before him. The city of Akabia was beginning to take shape, with the buildings and infrastructure coming together as the days went by. It was a marvel to see how far they had come in such a short amount of time.

Alden's mind was already on the future of his new empire. He knew that they needed to develop in silence, away from any potential threats. The fate of his previous life was a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked in the galaxy.

He had already begun to develop plans for the expansion of the city and the eventual establishment of a capital. His first order of business was to continue the development of the necessary infrastructure, such as mining and agriculture, to support the growing population.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. It was his chief of security, General Manil.

"Sir, we have detected some activity in the surrounding area," Manil said, with a hint of concern in his voice.

Alden's heart rate quickened. He had not expected any visitors so soon.

"Are they hostile?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"We're not sure, sir. We've dispatched a scouting team to investigate," Manil replied.

Alden stood up from his desk, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that he had to act quickly to protect his people.

"Prepare the army fleet. We must be ready for any potential threat," he ordered, his voice firm.

As he made his way to the command center, Alden's mind raced with possibilities. Who could be out there, and what did they want?

The command center was a hive of activity, with officers and crew members rushing to their stations. Alden took his place at the head of the room, surveying the screens and data before him.

"Report," he commanded, his eyes fixed on the main screen.

The image of the scouting team's view appeared before him, showing a group of alien creatures moving cautiously through the surrounding area.

"They appear to be non-hostile, sir. They are armed, but not in a threatening manner," the officer reported.

Alden breathed a small sigh of relief. It seemed that they had dodged a potential bullet. But he knew that they couldn't let their guard down just yet.

"Keep monitoring their movements. I want to know everything about them," he ordered.

The next few days were tense, with the alien creatures continuing to move around the surrounding area. The colonizers kept a watchful eye on them, but didn't make any attempts to engage.

Alden spent most of his time in the command center, pouring over data and strategizing with his advisors. He was determined to protect his people and make sure that they could continue to build their new home without any interference.

Finally, after a week of observation, the aliens began to move away from the area. Alden breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that they had no interest in Akabia or the colonizers.

But he knew that this was just the beginning. There were sure to be more threats and challenges on the horizon, and he had to be ready for them.

As the days turned into weeks and then into months, Akabia continued to grow and thrive. The colonizers worked tirelessly to build their new home, and Alden continued to develop his plans for the future.

He knew that they couldn't afford to become complacent. They had to continue to grow and expand in silence, away from any potential threats. But he was confident that with his strategic mind and the support of his advisors and crew, they could build a new empire that would stand the test of time.