

The skies clouded over, the sound of my horse galloping at top speed made me more nervous than I was already {Will they follow me? Camus will be ok?} Then I heard Eva squealing, so I calmed down a bit.

As I rode I was haunted by thoughts of the past when I gave a bag full of silver to some people, what was I thinking at the time? It is too late to repent, there is no forgiveness for me.

Then an image in my head formed a cross {that sign is cursed, that cross has been haunted by the gods themselves anyone who dares to mention it or wear it will be executed}.

There is no future of good for those who carry that cross.

I felt something cold in my arms it was raining drops of water it was raining I drove more carefully, I had several things to worry about.

{He must be ok}


"We surrender!" they had stopped, and I laid my sword and shield on the ground the last guards had also laid down their weapons {This was the best option}.

I saw a horse approaching our position so we just waited for it to arrive and when it did my surprise was great it was the one who had spared me I recognized his face, I felt calmer.

But I noticed something instantly his look at me was hatred, pure hatred I stepped back instinctively then he spoke "Kill them all!" 

He ordered his soldiers hesitated "But captain they surrendered" said a soldier "Check the caravans, and you will change your mind" The soldier checked each one of them and then went for the last one that belonged to Jax then after a few minutes the soldier had a somber look behind him there were children with chains and his mouth gagged with ropes.

"You see these people don't need forgiveness" The soldiers nodded at his words and killed some of the guards tried to pick up their weapons, but it was too late everyone was dead but me.

"DAMN YOU! We had surrendered...we didn't know about this, I will kill you!" I grabbed my shield and sword I was full of rage I couldn't control myself, the first one who had something green on his chest I would kill him.

When my sight met directly with one of these soldiers I ran towards him, and before he had reacted my sword had already pierced him I was not afraid to kill and even if their numbers were exorbitantly large as far as I was concerned, I would kill as many as I could.

The road where several caravans had passed was now covered with blood and bodies. A giant man who was surrounded kept swinging his sword wildly, leaving several weak spots visible for several seconds.

The once shining armor was completely covered in fresh blood.

The infantry was retreating, and I kept killing or wounding whoever was in my reach, but during my frenzy I did not notice that a whole cavalry was charging at me with great spears.

I have changed the title of the novel, do you like it better, or shall I go back to the previous title?

therockcreators' thoughts