
The One Eye Sniper King

A mishap happened on a mission, as a leader when my falcon encountered a mishap, I didn't let them down and retreat, but fight with them. But although we won in the end, I lost my very important part of my body, my right eye. As a sniper, these eyes especially the right eye I am using to scope, but now that it lost, I decided to retire early. But it turns out that heaven has another plan for me. A new path, more powerful than before was endowed to me.

The_Supreme_Bird · SF
1 Chs

Chapter 1


Not literal darkness, but... This is how I see my life right now. No hope and no longer optimistic about life. Having said, I am a sniper, or I should I used to be a sniper. A captain of a falcon named Hawk Falcon, although not that popular and powerful to become the number one in the whole country or world, still, we have our name and reputation.

It's just that, in the latest mission we received, it turns out to be a trap from the terrorist (Dark Yama Terrorist), because of the mishap the team was surrounded and got ambushed.

We don't expect that the source lied to us, we didn't even find any hole in his statement and the evidence he gave us that there really was something fishy happening.

Trapped, the fear and the anxiety were there but the promise as a soldier too. We didn't retreat, we didn't plan to escape. There's nothing we could do, after all, we can only fight, so a battle broke out.

With our own abilities and technologies with us, we subdued, killed the enemies. But we also received huge casualties. Two in my specialized group (10 members) died and one lost his arm, but that's not all my right eye... Also lost.

It's okay if you won't laugh if you wanna laugh at me, but even tho I can't see, I know your modules still there waiting for you.

Forget about your modules, I won't talk about that, and I don't care about that. What I care about the most right now is how to face my troop? How to face the soldiers' corpse that lost in my command? How to face the family, son, daughter, wife, girlfriend of the late soldiers. Although I know that I need to explain to them, the pain and disappointment also inside me. Deep within my heart, it is like a plant rooted within me.

I want to talk to them but at the same time not. Some call me a coward, I just don't know how to face them.


Actually, I also don't know how to come to them. My eyes are still covered with white something, I forgot what it is called, my eyes feel like a hollow. My left eye still here and can see although a bit blurred and there is a big chance for it to also lost the ability to see after the next second years.

As a sniper, eyes are important to me, now that it was lost; I don't know how to continue. I don't like to face the truth but I  have to. 

[...But doesn't a sniper only need one eye to scope the enemy? That's how things work in movies...]

Can you give me more time to emote? Ha? These idiots!

The tears in my right eyes slowly condense and fell from the corner of my eyes, it walked to my cheek and socked the white mattress. I'm currently laying in a yard. A probate hospital for soldiers.

I'm here with their other soldiers, but they still asleep right now.

I think I need to buy a cracker right now, then I'll wait in a chair outside wait for an old lady to come at me and ask one price of the cracker. After that, I'll give her one, even tho it's the last piece, I'll give it to her. And I'll just wait for 'Because of your kindness, I'll give you one wish'


I took a deep breath and shook my head desperately, which made my eye hurt again and made my tears more.

I think there's no need to think for those childish dreams of me to see a fairy acting like a beggar and help her for a wish. Do fairies really exist?


What am I talking about again?! I'm a masculine and brave soldier and fairish isn't my forte. Haha.

I raised my hand and wiped my eyes dry. After it dried, I mean dried because the tears don't exist anymore. I looked at the ceiling and slowly calmed myself down. It turns out that staying like this, without thinking too much, just looking at one area and breath properly, I feel alive and better.

After a while, I closed my eyes and sleep.

I know that this thing, thing mishap or accident happened to us is just a challenge for us to see if we could still stand up after this fall. Although maybe I'm not able to know that I lost my right eyes that I only used for sniping. Maybe I'll give up for now, but I'll try to help my other soldiers to stay active and reach their dream that they used to dream.

Maybe I'll just assign a new leader before my departure or the higher-ups would do that. I also don't know, I wasn't listening that much when I was still a student and learning about soldiers.

I think they'll just do it, it's too troublesome.


Life, I know this really how life is. Life is full of challenges and difficulties. Difficulties exist for us to feel happiness after overcoming the problem. Life without problem can be compared to a fine dish. The dish tastes good but without the rice, it's boring to eat. As an Asian, I need a dish as well as rice in a meal. And that's how in life too, is there is the dish or the happiness, there also is the rice to make it feels better and let us feel that we are alive.


Without me realizing it, as I am in deep thought, my body also felt the comfortable warmth of the mattress, the coolness of the breeze, and the exhaustion makes me fell asleep unconsciously.


Helo, racist doesn't welcome here guys. If you like the story I hope you could support it, help me in my adventure, and win this challenge. I know my story isn't that good enough but don't worry I'll do my best to do my duty and write better as life goes on.
