

I could not support myself on my foot and now I can no longer support myself on my hands, in these conditions I could not sleep at night.

When day breaks, I have a ball of anger in my stomach. When it's clear that I couldn't sleep, I get up and resume my position from the day before to continue digging my holes.

Egan respected my wishes and left me alone. I didn't see him on the way and despite my anger I'm also a little worried. He is still very young and I am not reassured that I don't know where he is or what he is doing.

'Egan where are you?'

'Please don't sulk! I'm serious where are you Egan'


No answer so either he ignores me or the distance interferes with mental communication.

I don't know how far we can communicate since it's the first time we've been apart. Unable to do anything about it for the moment, I resume my work and connect to my magic.

Physical and mental fatigue calls me to order and several times I am forced to take a break.

During each break, I tried to reach Egan but he remained deaf to my call.

To wait for his return, I resumed my work until the daylight faded.

'Egan please answer me'

A pang of grief goes through me after my call and this time I know he heard me.

'I'm going home, please join me, we need to talk.'

Groaning in pain, I set off for home. I find it really difficult to move around and I have to lean on my cane with my hand whose fingers are broken in order to be able to walk. Each step is followed by discharges of pain.

I arrive home shaking and full of sweat. I notice that my water bottle is there as well as a piece of meat.

"Egan? »


'Okay I understand that you resent me but please I would like to at least apologize face to face. It was I who tried to provide you with energy without knowing what would happen. I lacked caution

I know he heard me because I felt his pain and his guilt.

'It was more my fault than yours Egan… You can come back and sleep by my side whenever you want, I miss your warmth'

Receiving no response, I resigned myself and went to bed after emptying the canteen and nibbling on the bloody piece of meat he left me.

He must not be so angry with me if he brings me back to eat and drink. I caught his guilt and now I blame myself for getting so carried away.

He made a stupid mistake, but he's still a dragon. Even with his intelligence he must always learn what I already have. He's tried to help me as much as he could since he came out of that egg and I now feel crummy for my outburst.

The pain and anger made me say things that went beyond my thinking.

Today I go to bed alone and the cold that I had not felt for some time now accompanies me.

Right now I realize even more how lucky I am to have Egan. Although my heart is heavy, not having slept yesterday and having pushed so hard on the magic today makes me fall asleep almost instantly.

When I wake up, my body is heavy and my eyes have trouble staying open.


Receiving no response I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep, I forced myself too hard yesterday to escape my moral problems and to kill time. I don't take long to sink again.

When I wake up for the second time today, it's dark. I don't try to call Egan for fear of waking him up. He already seems to sleep on his feet during the day so I don't prefer to disturb his sleep at night.

I still feel our bond and it reassures me because I know he is still alive, however I am not reassured about his condition.

I would like to bring him a little of my strength that I feel growing in me to help him.

I focus on our bond, and failing to be able to send my energy to him trying to understand if I can use it to locate Egan. When I try to transmit my energy there, nothing happens. I can't physically interact with the link, nor can I do it with my magic the only other method I can think of and just the one.

We communicate by thought and can we transmit memories and even share our senses through this link. I try to imagine my spirit, its shape, its color, its aura and try to look for the connection that I have with Egan with.

The conclusion comes to me quite quickly, it will not work. I don't know how to proceed, it discourages me a little but I continue to think about finding another method.

I ended up giving up using the link, it's too abstract for me to understand let alone use.

Egan sent me his live view when he couldn't fit through the door leaf with his stick. I then try on this side and try to concentrate on my senses.

When I try to put a tiny bit of energy towards my ears, I realize that I hear better but it's also very slightly painful, I feel my ear as if it's compressed even if it's very weak and that quickly It's starting to give me a headache too. But I hear better! And the difference is quite significant.

Since it works with the senses, maybe it works with the mind?

Since the concept of spirit is also a bit abstract for me, I imagine a completely identical self but transparent like a ghost and releasing streaks of white light all over its outline.

I don't know how to send energy into a mental image but my spirit is part of me like my body so I try to imagine my energy supporting my spirit and praying that it works.

My mental image is working and I can psychically feel my mind, I should now have no trouble supplying it with energy. All of a sudden my senses aren't really connected to my body anymore but to my mind and the world seems completely different.

The white lights that escape from my mind work like radar and I see in a completely different way than with my eyes. I can feel every obstacle that collides with this light and these collisions help me to vulgarly map the places around me.

I can feel there every life form within reach of my light and see them as an aura whose size I suppose varies according to their vital or mental force. I can see a number of life forms that makes me dizzy. I never imagined that there were so many life forms so small.

I can see millions of little ones in the trees and underground. If I didn't concentrate so much, then I would simply see a faint haze of aura enveloping the mass of insects.

A throbbing headache greets me when I open my eyes again but a big smile forms on his face.

I found Egan!

Enjoy the longest chapter available so far.

I basically wanted to create two chapters of quarrel and depression so that they realize how lucky they are to share this link but in the end I did not have the cruelty to make you wait two days before foresee the end of this situation.

Sygmaarcreators' thoughts