It is the story of the heirs of Eragon and Elidor, one of the royal family of the elves the other heir of the wild dragon king. Follow their adventures and see Alagaësia from another point of view.
Author's note:
I took your requests for a change of pace into account and tried to adapt it to my story. It's currently quite difficult because it's not my natural writing rhythm. I hope I have found a fair average, please let me know if this pace suits you, if it makes the story more enjoyable for you to read.
I'm stupid… With the help of Egan, by pushing to my limits the energy that I am able to manage perfectly within my own body without taking risks, I completely recovered from my injuries in less than a day.
I can't help but berate myself for my stupidity. Months of immobility while the solution to the problem was so simple!
The problem now is that even fully recovered, my muscles have lost their tone and straining them after such a long period of inactivity quickly fatigued them. But now I can resume physical training and exploration with Egan.
Time has passed again… We have always made sure to return to the village to sleep comfortably and without risk, so that has greatly limited the scope of our explorations. However now even the most dangerous creatures around were no longer much of a threat to us. Egan could tear apart the biggest predators we had encountered without them even being able to hope to break through the protection his scales provided him.
In my case, I was even more dangerous than Egan, I could literally kill any creature that crossed my path with a mere thought. Knowing that I was always stronger than him really upset Egan. He was very competitive and very sensitive on the subject. We got into the habit of training together several times a week. Our training fights took place in 3 different variants.
The first part consists of physical training, Egan takes the role of the attacker and harasses me. The purpose of this exercise is to dodge his physical attacks. Of course, he kept himself to a level that was always slightly higher than mine because on a purely physical level, Egan surpasses me by far. In this way, he tests my agility, my speed, my endurance and he attacks me with different strategies ranging from sneaky to a more direct approach to give me a better combat experience. He was able to take on this role easily, being a super predator, attacking prey is instinctive for him and his hunting methods are diverse and varied.
The second I go on the offensive, then it's his turn to do his best to get away with my magic. Of course I limited myself to spells that wouldn't hurt him. Shackles, freezing, impacts strong enough to make him roar in pain without hurting him, and any other ideas capable of bothering him enough to make it an ordeal.
With the versatility of my magic we were able to create many different scenarios ranging from me sitting down, having placed traps around me and him having to manage to reach me or him having to try to stay free as long as possible or try not to submit to my magic or simply endure my spells to increase its resistance. There were a number of exercises.
The last game is a simple spar between Egan and me, unfortunately for Egan he is at a distinct disadvantage in a head to head with me. Certainly his physical superiority is undeniable but he is far from being as fast as a thought. My magic crushes him completely, his only and slim hope of victory is in the feat of beating me to wear by exhausting my endurance but for that he would already have to manage to resist long enough to tire me. For the moment it is infeasible for him and that despite my restriction has weak magic without real danger for him. He knows it but his anger and his frustration allowed him to never give up and to train ever harder to turn the tide.
All this frustration generating a spirit of rivalry in his mind against me for our martial skills. His damn dragon pride distorted reality. Even though he knew we had a relationship of trust and equality, in his view he was submissive to me.
His way of seeing things annoyed me a lot and it created the second big argument between the two of us. I had asked him if I had ever shown any sign of trying to dominate him and that logically he was destined to surpass me as a dragon and that by using his logic, the weakest was subjected to the stronger then I was destined always according to his logic to be subjected to him for his superiority in the food chain. I was really pissed off and asked him if that was how he saw our relationship developing, me being subject to his wishes?
He of course denied that he ever considered me inferior to him and that that won't change no matter the balance of power between us. Even if the conversation proved to him that his way of seeing things was unhealthy and distorted from reality, he however did not change his mind and always worked harder to surpass me in order to unload this psychological weight.
Unable to do anything about it since this head of mule understood my reasoning perfectly, approved it but did not want to change its mind. I ended up accepting it, telling myself that it was part of his personality and his flaws: he was stupidly narrow-minded and in a bad way without bounds if anything damaged his damn pride that went along with it. with the giant fire-breathing lizard race.
One day, during one of my practices, I felt an explosion of joy and pride in our bond. He directly shared his senses with me to share this experience with me and what he showed me stunned me. He steals ! It was messy and chaotic but he was flying.
I don't have the words to define this experience, I simply lived in a daze this experience. The feeling of flying is amazing. I am not a dragon but I believe that I too am made to fly, it must have been my destiny to bond with a dragon.
Egan's elation adds to mine and feeds it, my emotions doing the same with his. Neither of us will be able to forget a moment like this. I did not attend this first flight, I lived it!
The wind blowing against my wings causing them to swell and contract so as not to lose control of them with the wind, the whistling of the wind against my scales, the excitement caused by gaining altitude, the freshness of the wind blowing accentuates, the ground which becomes smaller and smaller, the sky which takes up more and more space until it feels tiny in the middle of the immensity of the sky, the view of the horizon...
All of this in full makes the experience completely amazing. Learning to manage air currents and the wind was new and although it was instinctive for Egan, it was not easy but it did not take away from the pleasure we felt in flying at the moment.
The muscle fatigue caused by his wings quickly turned to exhaustion and despite the pain in his wings, we continued to fly. It was when his wings started to shake that he decided to land with a very awkward landing.
I ran to his side to share my excitement with him, I literally jumped! Unable to contain the joy I shared with him.
"That was amazing Egan! Thank you for sharing your first flight with me, it's a gift I will never forget. »
He was panting heavily but he didn't need to answer because I felt all his joy to share this moment with me as well as the happiness he felt at the fact that I was so enthusiastic, proud and passionate about this shared moment of flight. . The amplification of our emotions was also an incredible feeling, our emotions were in tune and they reinforced each other, making this moment even more powerful and memorable.
We took a while to recover from our emotions and I decided to tease him a little because he was way too proud of himself right now.
"Congratulations partner, you have officially passed from the lizard-cat-hamster stage to that of dragon. All you need is your breath of fire and you'll have the weapons and abilities of an adult dragon. »
I laughed out loud, smug at his sudden sense of joy mixed with annoyance at the pseudo affectionate insult knowing he couldn't physically chastise me for revenge like he did in his first few weeks. I've always enjoyed teasing Egan, but more so since he can't really get full revenge for my teasing.
A gasp of surprise replaced my laughter as a thick liquid fell on my head and spilled over the rest of my body. I completely froze in surprise, very quickly the liquid stopped falling on my head. When I looked up it was to meet Egan's laughing eyes.
The indignation also overwhelmed me when I finally understood what had just happened. Looking down and noticing the damage a very pronounced grimace formed on my face.
Turning to Egan who didn't miss a beat of the show, I yelled "Damn Egan, that's disgusting!" »
My fury didn't have the desired effect at all, he howled with laughter! Rolling on the ground making the ground shake… I had never seen him in such a state before!
Despite the deep disgust in which I was immersed, I could not prevent the corner of my lips from lifting at the sight of Egan's giggles.