
the old mirror : do you want to find love ?

warning: matured contents included the old mirror : do you want to find love? it's the story of a girl, yu Yan. a typical independent girl living far away from her parents in country c... she owns a cafe of her own. one day, in her quest to find an antique mirror for herself , she met a mysterious old woman from whom she bought a mirror. the old woman spoke: " do you want to find love? " after a while she spoke: " find him, he will find you " the old woman disappeared the very next day along with her shop leaving yu yan in absolute shock. she found a piece of note from the mirror ' light a match near the mirror and... " she turned the note nothing more written... " what!!! what is this... no more? " with that hard rain pouring outside, her house had a short-circuit which caused her to find a candle and a matchbox Infront of the mirror. she doesn't remember keeping that near it! after she woke up the next day , she found herself wrapped in bare arms of a very handsome man ... he spoke: ' you are my queen ' can she find out the main reason for her time travel? what do you think is her relationship with that man? will she be able to solve all the mysteries ahead of her? past mistakes took her back. love from the past. will she be able to change her fate which she did. a love , a mistake, an undo and a travel. stay tuned with me to know her story, her story of her past life... this story includes some matured contents, but mild ones... #do not copy the story...

Silver_claw · ファンタジー
13 Chs

last birth!!!?


sorry!!! guys.... I was busy in my exams and it just ended yesterday so I uploaded the chapter today and I'll make sure to be punctual and upload as soon as possible!!!....


Yan :" lewei. where are we going? "

lewei was leading Yan to a place where Yan didn't yet knew because she was still new to the place and know nothing about the palace.... he lead her and opened a big glass door with royal patterns drew up in it.

Yan :" woahh!!! " she exclaimed... she was in a awe of the place they were in right now....

she felt the wind and closed her eyes and then she felt someone kissed her cheeks. she opened her eyes and saw lewei smiling at her....

lewei took her in one of the balcony of the palace... it was right across to the throne room and the whole kingdom can be captured from that one* balcony.... the small and big house of every shape and size. the river and ponds in between everywhere and the big high walls of the boundary of the whole kingdom which was nowhere near to the palace but can be seen as just a line from the very balcony.... she was so happy and light weighted now after looking at the view and the people of the kingdom looks like ants.

it was not hard to fall for Lewei . he was handsome. he was a pure gentleman and he respects her and loves her so much.

she don't know why but she was starting to enjoy here.

lewei :" I hope that I will see your smile always " he has a very joyful and cherry smile on his face. he was like a child who wanted an ice-cream from his mother and his mother finally gave him an ice-cream. and all this was just for the smile that was on yan's face. he never saw that full and joyful smile ever on her face. he always wondered what she looked like when she was all happy and cheerful.

lewei :" please smile like this often you look so beautiful and gorgeous when you smile in this way. I would do anything for you to see this smile of yours. I love you so much Yan "

this guy was making her heart to beat faster. she might really fall for him. actually it was not hard to fall for him. or has she already fallen for him??? hmmm!!!! let's see.... by the way why not.... he was handsome but that's not the only thing but he loves her so much from the time she woke up here.

she might not know why but just that time she felt like she knew him from before like she was connected to him. she felt like she had done something that she have to correct. she was in a total lost because of this... she never felt this before... she even was never interested in relationship or any boy around her. it was not like she was a lesbian but she was just not interested in any of the boys around her. it was like she was waiting for her knight in the shinning armour or a prince coming to take her in a white horse. it was just in that way.

he has all the trails that she wants. he was a pure gentleman , he was a handsome which can only exist in the imaginations of someone , he looked like a handsome protagonists who walked out of a comic book. he respects her and cares for her like if a single scratch was done to her, he would burn down the whole kingdom and kill every single person around him. he cares for her like his life was attached to her. if anything happens to her it would be like a hundred death for him. he was just too Caring for her.

they looked at the view and he told her that they went here before they got married. they planned their future together here, to have a happy family , have kids, grow old together, see their children taking their place , be with each other till their last breath. which should have been fulfilled in the last birth!!!!

[ a/n:oops I think I have given you some hints but nevermind ]

[ ***RR***: HUH!!! who's last birth!!!? ]

[ a/n: who's birth!!!? ( smiles sheepishly ) it just slipped out of my Google correction !!! ]

[ ***RR***: OHH !!! ok ... ]

[ a/n : yup!!! you can go back now... ]

[ *** RR***: ok !!! ( leaves right away) ]

[ a/n : phew!!! ]