
The school itself

People tend to call this place the" Magestical School of Misfits" , but I just call it an unnecessary hell. This place are for the people who can't live among normal people due to their ability. I mean don't you think it would be different sitting next to someone who can freeze anything she touches. I would not want to be around here during the winter season... brrrrr. Or sit by someone who only has one big eye who can literally see everything including the truth. It is hard for people like them to go to school when all they do it's get bullied for being different. So to solve this solution this school was opened up officially called Phoenix High. Where these people of different capabilities can come together and be their selves. The only problem is... WHY AM I HERE THOUGH. I can't do anything special. I can't freeze things. I can't turn things to good. I can't turn invisible. I don't have an odd number of libs or eyes. I don't have the power of life or death. I am just normal I guess. I just don't know anymore. Let me tell you this it is much easier to go through this school and not question anything because absolutely nothing makes sense.