
Chapter 6: California Dreamin'

Small raindrops started to fall as Katrina entered her neighborhood.

She let out a shaky breath, cupping her hands together.

It wasn't unusual for it to be this freezing this time of year, but it sure kept getting harder to get used to.

Exhaling another breath, she looked over to see the house next door. A dark figure moved by the window before disappearing. It still seemed to have the same creepy feel to it, even with it being fixed up and having people living in it. She felt bad for leaving Adrian behind, but she couldn't help to rush home, knowing who was waiting for her there.


As Katrina turned towards her yard, she noticed a red truck that she's never seen before parked in the driveway. She gasped as her legs moved faster than she could think, running through piles of red and orange leaves and up the white wooden steps, almost tripping over their jack 'o lanterns.

She swung open the front door, catching a glimpse of short golden hair on a tall figure standing in the dining room.


Her brother turned around, his green eyes gleamed as he smiled.

"Long time no see, Carrot."

"I still hate it when you call me that."

"I know, that's why I do it." He said as he went in to hug her.

After a few moments of hugging, he pulled her back. "Man, you have gotten so much taller." He laughed as he rubbed his hands through her hair.

"Yes, I know!" She said, pulling away as she straightened down her hair. "Jeez, thanks for that."

She didn't even notice the pretty young woman sitting at the table until she let out a laugh. The two exchanged glances and gave awkward smiles.

"Oh, yeah. Katrina, This is my wife, Monica." Chris smiled as he wrapped his arm around her, playing with a strand of her strawberry blonde hair.

"Hello," Katrina gave a slight wave.

Their mother walked into the room holding two glasses of water, gasping when she saw Katrina.

"Oh, hon, where have you been? We've been waiting on you."

"Sorry, I lost track of time."

"Well we just got here, so it's all good." Chris said, taking one of the glasses.

"So," Katrina mused as she sat and joined the others around the dining table. "Now you have to tell us all about California."

"Ooo, yes, tell us what it's like there." Their mother chimed in. "What all there is to do and such."

"It's really not much," chuckled Chris. "I mean, there's the walk of fame,"

"And Sunset Boulevard." Monica added, her voice had a hint of excitement to it.

"Oh yeah, that too. And uh…" Chris thought for a moment. "Yeah." he said as he chuckled again.

Katrina stared at him, expecting more. She had thought it was strange for someone who has lived in California for four years to know nothing about the place.

"I don't know," he sighed. "I just went to school, met her and got married. I didn't really care much for scenery."

"Well, how did you two meet?" Katrina asked, motioning at them both.

They began to smile and giggle to each other, debating on who should be the one to tell.

"We met at a Rolling Stones concert in '76." Chris smiled.

"I was just walking, when I tripped and fell next to him," Monica giggled. "Got a bloody nose."

"Yeah, I helped her to the medic station and well, the rest was history."

They both smiled at each other, laughing.

"Oh, that's… good."

"Well, at least you knew how to care for her from the start." Their mother smiled,

An awkward silence grew around the room.

"Hm, that might be a miracle." Katrina muttered.

The four of them chuckled as they continued to exchange stories around the table.