
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · ファンタジー
141 Chs

Volume Hundred and Twenty Three

The way he would say something's and expect us to fully understand them is amazing to me. Something did bother me though why did he get blessed with Mana?. How come he knows more about mana reduction than most Mages, I asked him. " Why do you so much about Mages?. How come you don't use a staff or take a potion to give yourself mana?!, think about it with your knowledge of Mages. You could easily become the greatest one. Is it cause of your pride?.". He just waited patiently for me to calm my emotions down. Layed down on the mud beneath him, " it's neither. I knew about the mana potion for a long time since I was about eight, even my master tried to pursue me. I thought about it for quite some time. Of course I would get stronger with Mana. With that being the case, it would feel like cheating in sense of combat. Even with all of my training I'm very envious of y'all. Having the ability to create a fireball or suffocation. That one is a very unique one too do, now with that being said. I don't want to have that stress. I know your asking what kind of stress am I talking about. It should be pretty obvious. When you train, let me guess you were taught about how long spells take. Which is a good thing then sometimes they teach y'all which ones do the best for certain situations. Which is also a great thing, the real problem is that y'all are taught about range combat. That is a huge problem in fighting. Think about this, what if I got close to you. Stabbed you in the neck. Guess what then you are completely useless in any type of for of combat, sure you could ask for a healing potion. Then you would fail the lives of those who have party with. That could easily led to those deaths. Which to be completely fair, it's not your fault that your not good enough. It's the system they have raised y'all in. Let me guess most party's are what about for maybe five people at max, if a mage goes down. Then there range drops tremendously. In the moment of seconds this small fraction in your squads formation could led to a Early grave. I'm not judging you be all means you are very powerful and passionate about you ways of a Mage, yet you have failed to become a true Mage. I can easily teach you a better method than those who soo call them selves masters. So what do you say?. You want a ten your old kid to teach you have to become almost on my level. I do have one condition. Always save your self at least ten percent of your mana, trust me doing this will cause your body to constantly reserve some. What is your answer?!". Technically he has said nothing wrong at all, how come he knows all this knowledge about my world. My life is an open book to him. That kinda pisses me off knowing that I've trained my entire twenty eight years of my life just for a child tell me I've failed. Who the hell does this kid think he is!?, I started to gripp my staff. I wanted to cast another spell at him. Knowing that it will never land on him, I don't really have a lot of options it's either I join him. Or I go back to Daragain to see if I could join another party that could have a high chance of failing. I leaned against the tree completing about my life altering decision, I could live a very peaceful life and give up being a mage. tree was very hollow. The leaves were turning colors while I waited to give Adamsin my answer. This sounds crazy I'm actually thinking about taking lessons on fighting from a mere child. I have over a decade of experience on this person. Even with all that experience I still lost to him, so maybe just maybe he could possibly give me a huge boost to my stats. Right now I'm at a Mage level ten, which I'm not bragging. Most of the Mages around Daragain are around levels eight or nine. What else do I have to loose though. I looked down on Adamsin. Took a very long deep breath, " sure why not?!". He smiled. I'm glad that I can learn something new from someone, I was getting tired from learning the same thing over and over again. Cause I was told that if you mater one spell then you can master anything. Adamsin is the proof that that ideology is false, he has mastered several techniques. Yet has never shared them with no one. That seems very fishy to me. Also I think he is quite to young to be Adventuring by himself, who gave him the idea to do this. It must be the same one who taught him the ways of combat. He jumped up. Placed both of his blades inside of my palms, the blades were shining in the dark. What kind of magic was in breaded into these blades?, is it dark magic. Maybe it is a claim type of Magic?!. No it won't be nobody has yet been able to master that type of Magic, he snatched them out of my palms. Started spinning them around the ground around him, after five minutes of constant spinning. He stopped, dropped the blades next to him. I can't believe my eyes he made a perfect oval into the grounds. I thought maybe he was just happy to train with someone. I was completely wrong about his expression, he was filled with anxiety. It was covered up very well with his smile. " Now. You have until the sun rises to hit me with any spells, you have at your disposal. If you fail to land any type of spell on me. Then tomorrow we will train for two days!".