
The Number Five

A tortured child, living with horrors of the past. after the others risked their life to let the main character have one. having a life proves more difficult due to his mind in a constant state of blur. will the main character be able to control the state he is in, or will he be forced down to dirt. A simple task is seen too hard for him in this new world. not understanding how this world works, also dealing with the confusion of his mind. he seems that their sacrifice was in vain. will he ever be able to grasp the surroundings around him?, or will the past experience be too much for him?. that is the daily struggle of Five. He finally somewhat gets an understanding of his new life, his past tells him that he is being hunted down. after finally getting a grasp of his new life he he thrown into another one. this one seems more connected with him, while roaming around in the world. Marcus discovers a road leading a to town this town has too many secrets about it. the biggest one is a Statue of A man Name Adamsin will he ever go back to save the rest of the Numbers?. will his past chose a path for his Future? one thing is for certain his path was never in his control or was it?

James_Hill_4251 · ファンタジー
141 Chs

Volume Fifty Four

As I keep reading the book, more questions arose from it. How come this kid died approximately seven years ago. How come the ink in this book is fresh ink?, it doesn't seem to me that how ever wrote this book. Is still doing research on the matter, I decided to that the book from the library. " ma'am I would like to check this book out", the librarian completely ignored me. All she did was just wave me off. While exiting the library the moans grew louder, it make me sick knowing that this is acceptable in the world. It wasn't always like this it bacme like this since the war of Adamsin, I knew that this world was going to change after his death. Not on this kind of caliber even the children are at the point where they realize killing someone or something is better than living. This is what happens when society loses all sight of right and wrong. I remember when we didn't sell or children to make ends meet,or heck train children into thinking that women are nothing but a vessel for your offspring. I'm tired of seeing all of this happening, before me. The doors open into the hellish place called Daragain, walking through the streets of Daragain. You will begin to notice that everyone here is poor, I don't mean poor as in that have a roof over there head. Most people of Daragain live in the streets, laying on crap,piss,dead bodies to keep them selves warm. This concerns me I do the best I can I give the majority of my profits to the poor. All it does is feed the problem at hand, it's not like I'm doing it on purpose. Heck I want these people to change for the better, they can't see the better all they can see is the survival aspect of life. I'm trying my best to give them another outlook on life, Everytime I do so to brush me off. As if I'm a mosquito to them, all I've ever done to them is show them love. I don't say I blame them for them treating me as so, my people never caused them harm. They saw differently we didn't mean any harm we just told them that they way of living wasn't the greatest. So when the demons of this world am ushed my people, they people of Daragain ignored the screams. Once they realize that I was the only survivor they celebrated the death of my people. I missed my brother and sisters, I can't grieve over the past. The last can't change the future all is does is block what someone is capable of doing, if I would have held onto the past. I wouldn't have became the crusader that these people need. Their light in the dark, even though thats not my mission is. The goal is for them to seem the truth from the Creator, ever time I try to show them the love of the Creator. I get spit on cursed out from speaking lies to them, I just wanted them to appreciate the things in life. While making my way to the guild to claim the reward from the quest, several adventures were standing outside. " great here comes the righteous crusader!", the others hate me. It's simple on why they hate me, most of them were taught to hate me from birth. So you have kids wishing for my death, most of them even praying for the day I take my last breath." Hello Adventures!, it's a beautiful day today isn't. Another day that God has granted us!.". I knew once I mentioned God A.K.A the Creator, it would get under their skin. Jonax came forth blocking my way into the Guild, I love everyone Jonax doesn't believe in my cause." You still read the pile of junk!, trying to live in the way of christ like. Even though he doesn't exist, I feel sorry for you. Living you life as if all you good deeds even matter to these people. Why don't you just become a paladin it's way easier?!, think about it for people who don't believe in the ideas of me. I can simple kill them in the name of Drad, it's much easier killing in non-believers than trying to converting them.". While gripping the Bible," see Jonax I like a bit of challenge. It's not easy to live your life as a Christian, honestly it's the most difficult thing to do in this time. That the excitement In it though, I do warn you now. If you were to mock the Bible again I will showcase the power of a believer, and it won't be Christ like either!". The others started mumbling under their breathe, I can't make out what their saying due to the sound of Jonax breathe. I slide past Jonax, pushing the doors back. The guild seems more empty than usual, it doesn't seem that nobody accepted anymore quest. The same quest from yesterday are still pinned on the board, those quest are against my moral code. Most of the quest are bounty hunting, while reading off the remaining quest. " hello Jim how was your quest with Marcus?", the voice of the guild secretary. Her story is very sad, she saw my grow into this great man. Well at least I think I'm a great man," it went will he had a bunch of questions. I have a quick question for you?,. I reach deep inside of the sack with the items for the quest, " can you tell me more about tht child. Also what is this thing called Dark Magic?!". She simply gather the items from my bag. Reaching under her desk pulling out a small bag full of copper coins, " why on earth you want to know about that type of Magic?, also is this because of Marcus. Look Jim I have no information on the matter".