
The Nueva Espada

When Ichigo, Rukia, and their friends are Betrayed by the Soul Society, They Want Revenge, They join with unlikely allies to build an army to destroy the Soul Society.

angelhalad · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 17:Sword Summit

The result of the clash of Jakuhō Raikōben and Lanza del Relámpago was an explosion that could be seen throughout the entire seireitei

The two attacks created a large of orb of fire, dyed with the green energy of Ulquiorra's Lanza del Relámpago, that was roughly 5000ft in circumference, even though the battle and the blast was in the air, the explosion practically vaporised the ground below them, leaving a enormous crater in the ground underneath them.

A whole fifth of the seireitei was vaporised, destroying the Squad 2, 3, 4 and 5 Barracks, and killing countless soldiers.

The two combatants were, needlessly to say, sent flying.

When the two attacks collided, they were sent gliding through the air from the from the beginning of the collision, before the shockwave of the blast kicked in, sending them flying back. literately miles away

The pressure was so great that Ulquiorra had trouble righting himself until he managed to stop, just feet away from one of the walls of the Seireitei, the attack had literately blasted him across the Seireitei.

Knowing that his battle had taken place roughly in the centre of the seireitei. he could only guess that the captain he was facing was sent to the other side of the Seireitei, and unlike him, she didn't have wings that could slow her fall nor did she have High Speed Regeneration which he quickly used to take care of the burns of his arms and his chest.

Ulquiorra could only assume that the Captain was either vaporised in the blast or sent flying into the walls of the seireitei

Either way, His battle with the captain was as good as done, He quickly sense a nearby reiatsu begin to fall, he wasted no time in rushing to the scene

On the highest tower of the seireitei, a man overlooked the surrounding chaos

He had been unfazed by the massive explosion that had destroyed a good part of the seireitei

The surrounding war only meant only one thing for him…

Kenpachi Zaraki was looking for a fight

"Which one's the strongest?" The Sinister captain smiled "Hmph…he's already fighting right now…and so is Ichigo"

"What about that one Ken-chan?" the little girl on his shoulder asked, referring to the nearest source of Reiatsu "He's pretty close, and he's strong too"

"Come to think of it…he might just be a good opponent" Kenpachi smiled before he rushed off "I don't recognise his reiatsu, he isn't the one I fought in Hueco Mundo…but he should be fun"

"I'm coming for you Espada, and you better put up a fight!"

The Noveno Nueva Espada collapsed to his knees, panting heavily as he dropped to his knees

He had lost

"You beat me…Niño" the spanish accented arrancar chuckled to man who had defeated him

"Where's Ichigo?" he asked casually "Is he here with you?"

"Why should I tell you?" Dordonii asked with a slight laugh

"You'll die if you don't" he stated calmly

"And I'll die if I do" he smirked "I'm a Nueva Espada, I serve my lord 'till the very end"

"Then you'll die a fool" he muttered quietly as he brought back his blade

"I'm sorry…Niño…Kurosaki-sama" were Dordonii's last words before his head was cleaved off his shoulders

His killer watched as the head of the Arrancar rolled off it's shoulders and hit the ground with a mild *Thud*, he wiped the blood off his blade as the Arrancars body dissolved until there was nothing left

"Idiot…You should of told me where Ichigo was" the man scoffed angrily as wiped the rest of the blood of his sectioned blade "Either way…I'll kill him before nightfall"

Renji Abarai took one last look at his blade that he used to kill the Arrancar before he turned around, from this point onwards, his blade was reserved for Ichigo's neck

"Dordonii has fallen…" Gamma muttered as he holstered his blade on his shoulder "Damn…Kinda liked him, wonder if it was that huge explosion a few minutes ago that finished him"

"D…Damn it" Sajin Komamura grumbled

"Are you still talking…?" Gamma grumbled as he turned to the furry captain, laying face down on the ground "Face it, you lost to my Resurreccion"

The Captains only response was to grumble

"Geez…" Gamma grunted as he began to walk away "Accept defeat furball."

"What…What was that" Komamura muttered as the darkness began to take over "What just attacked me…wasn't even a person…It was like…a demon"

"He talked way to much…" Gamma muttered

His Resurreccion had exhausted him

His fatigue was only half of what it usually way

So he knew it wasn't good news when 3 Shinigami appeared in front of him

"Hold it right there!" the blond one of the ground shouted

"Shit…" Gamma grumbled as he overlooked the three "And who're you? The Quirky Miniboss squad?"

"Lieutenant of Squad 3, Izuru Kira" The blond one declared

"Squad 10 Lieutenant, Rangiku Matsumoto" A large breasted, strawberry blond hair coloured woman announced

"Yumichika Ayasegawa" A flamboyant one declared "The most beautiful one whole will ever grace those ugly eyes of yours"

"Great…Just fucking great" he muttered as he readied his blade once m-

"You look tired" came a voice from behind him

Gamma turned around to the one that had spoken, finding a familiar comrade


"Yeah" he said as he scratched under his arm "Look, you're kinda beaten up soooo...why don't you let me handle this?"

An Unfamiliar feeling graced the body of Nelliel Tu Odelschwank

A feeling that she hadn't felt for eons

The feeling of Panic

She was losing

She silently cursed as she attempted to gain her breath, as the Nueva Espada split up, she headed to the south-east section of the seireitei, unaware of what she would find

what she found was her greatest opponent yet

She had ran into the area belonging to one of the 13 court guard squads, she needlessly dealt with weak ranked officers, even taking care of the two idiotic third seats, but it was then that she was cornered by Captain Jushiro Ukitake.

Rather it was her who cornered him, she had quickly approached the captain in light of defeating quickly, for one time in her life, Nel let her arrogance get the better of her, and she paid for it as the Captain parried her attack and delivered a strike of his own

She cursed silently as she held the wound on her hip that had been caused by the Captain's dual Zanpakutou, she had recklessly tried to recover from her botched attack, only to receive the injury that caused her deep wound

"Please, give up now, I do not wish to fight you" Ukitake said, lowing his Dual Zanpakutou in a sign of peace

"I am an Espada…a Nueva Espada" Nel grunted as she regained her composure "I…am the soldier of Lord Kurosaki…If I lose…If I lose to you…here…I can never face him again…

That's why I fight Shinigami

Because I want Ichigo…to respect me…because…I love him…I love him so much it hurts to see him with another woman who isn't me…but…I want him to be happy…

Declare, Gamuza!"

And with that, Nel charged into battle once more

"Damn" The Captain of Squad 10 muttered as he backed away from the blade of Tensa Zangetsu

"What's wrong Toshiro? You should be capable of so much more"

Toshiro Hitsugaya looked up to see the mocking smirk on the face of Ichigo Kurosaki

"Damn it…" he muttered as he readied his blade "Just let me ask one thing…Why, Kurosaki?"

"Why…Why, What?" he asked

"You know what I mean!" the captain snapped "Why…why rebuild an enemy faction just to invade the Soul Society!"

"It was revenge" he declared in dead tone "And it has made me oh so much stronger, Toshiro"

"But that's just it!" The white haired captain snapped "You're just trying to escape your misery by seeking revenge! You're involving people who had nothing to do with this! You're taking thousands of innocent lives!"

"Innocent? INNOCENT!" the orange haired man snapped as he pointed his blade at the captain "I wouldn't be seeking revenge if you bastards hadn't made me do it in the first place! None of you were innocent! all you declared me an abomination when I trusted all of you! That is unforgivable!"

"We're aware that you weren't an abomination after all…but we made you into one" Hitsugaya said solemnly

"That right!" Ichigo snapped "All you destroyed me! My family! You destroyed my life…and if I had not gained a wife and a child in the process…then the Soul Society would be ever worse off..."

"Kuchiki…?" Hitsugaya asked, Ichigo nodded his head "I see…and a child?"

"She's two weeks along…"

"I do not wish to rob a wife of her husband…or a son of his father…but nevertheless, If he is an enemy to the Soul Society, then I must!" Hitsugaya roared "BANKAI! D-"

"San no Mai, Shirafune."

Ukitake was in awe of the centaur like Arrancar, the release was unlike any arrancar release he had seen before

"I'll end it here" Nel declared as he opened her mouth and a black light began to form in her mouth

"Cero Oscuras"

The pink light fired from her mouth and headed in the direction of the captain

"Sōgyo no Katawari"

Nel's eyes widened at the sight of her cero heading back towards her, she quickly remembered that Starrk had informed everyone of the Captains Zanpakuto's ability

Not only did the Zanpakutou absorb the attack, it increased its speed and power

So she quickly devised a plan

She opened her mouth and the cero entered her mouth

"Cero Doble" she chanted silently as she fired the blast once again

"This has to b-" Nel began but her eyes widened at what happened

The Captain had once again absorbed her attack and it was heading towards her once again

Much too fast for her to even consider another Cero Doble

It was too late for her to do anything

"Cero Oscuras"

Ukitake's eyes widened at the emergence of another Cero that intercepted the one he had fired back at the Arrancar, it had not come from the Arrancar he was fighting, but rather from the left of their battlefield

Both of them turn there heads to see who had intercepted the blast

Nel's eyes widened as she looked at the figure.


"Tch" Grimmjow scoffed as another Shinigami fell to the ground in defeat,, crashing into one of the many surrounding buildings (1), joining the 20 others before him "Is this it?"

"You look like you're having fun!" Came a booming from above him, not a second later a large figure landed on the ground in front of him

"'The hell?" Grimmjow scoffed, the figure wasted no time in swinging his blade down, which the arrancar swiftly dodged

"Don't back out now!" he scoffed "You went to all of the trouble of making your presence known, and I went through all of the trouble finding you"

"What are you doing here, Shinigami?" Grimmjow scoffed as he started to draw his blade

"What'd ya think?" He laughed "I'm here to fight ya!"

"'That right?" Grimmjow asked, the scowl on his face had become a smile

"You bet your ass!" he roared in delight as he charged forward, Grimmjow brought his blade up to block in time, the impact of the two blade causing a shockwave, sending parts of the surrounding earth to blow away, Both Shinigami and Arrancar grinned in delight as the two blades grinded against each other

"It's time for you to die" He laughed as he pulled back and delivered a vertical slash, Grimmjow sonido'ed out of the way in time causing his opponent to slice up the nearby huts, not a second later, Grimmjow appeared behind him and began to charge

"Pathetic!" he roared as he turned around and struck Grimmjow away, the arrancar blocked with his blade causing him to skim across the ground "What's the matter? I thought you were going to show me a good time? Why are you just defending?"

"Hey, Hey you!" came a small voice from beside Grimmjow, he turned his head to find a small pink haired girl sitting on a nearby boulder "You can't beat Ken-chan if all you do is defend!"

"Ken?" Grimmjow asked before he turned to face the captain

"That's right" he smiled sinisterly "Captain of Squad 11, Kenpachi Zaraki"

Grimmjow's eyes widened at the name, Ichigo had briefed them all on the captains as best as he could without visual references, and according to him;

"Kenpachi is a rampaging bull, he just wants to fight 24/7, If you're not up to it, he'll just shrug you off, but if he takes an interest in you then you better get ready because he won't back down unless you can beat him, I barely beat him back in the Seireitei, and even then I was badly injured, He's also the one who killed that Nnoitra guy"

The fact that Ichigo had barely beaten him and that he was the one who beat Nnoitra who once was a higher rank that him was all that he needed to get into the 'fighting spirit'

"Yeah, Kurosaki mentioned you" The Arrancar smiled as he drew his blade "And I can already tell that this is gonna be fun!"

"That's the spirit" Kenpachi chuckled "What's your name?"

"Quinta Nueva Espada, Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez" The Arrancar declared

"Quinta, That was Nnoitra's rank, wasn't it?" Kenpachi asked

"Was" Grimmjow snarled "I'm the Quinta now, I'm also gonna be the one who kills you!"

"Is that right?" Kenpachi smiled, some twisted form of glee written on his face

"Kurosaki beat you…and so will I!" Grimmjow roared as he charged forward