
The Novels Fate

“In this world morals is just a belief we all immerse ourselves in as those who ignore such emotions follow a predetermined path to victory” ———————————————————— I was a typical novel enthusiast living a everyday normal life until a car hit me during police chase Oh well didn’t really have much to live for “This.. can’t be right?” Well yes it can be It’s what I like to say ‘fate being a bitch’ I was transmigrated into the world where fate truly takes control It’s also the very same novel I wrote a low star review about how it was wasted potential The whole plot was about how the protagonist and his party suffer the ‘inevitable’ end as fate intervenes and they all die at the end due to ‘plot’ The novel was filled with war, magic, conflict, basically a jumble of uncoordinated genres I was transmigrated into the body of the side villain used as a stepping stone for the protagonist and his party. Jade Lockeheart the disowned member of the prestigious Lockeheart family. “Fuckkk, if this novel is really all about fate I am not going to survive as my fate is to die by the hands of the protagonist!” Jade Lockeheart was a despicable human being who mostly everybody resented and would be after “Well, I never liked fate anyways. I’ll change my fate and change the fate of this whole world” ==================== (Disclaimer: Caution while reading is greatly suggested. Get comfortable and immerse yourself into this novel filled with twist and turns that may have you falling of your seat) I do not own the image that i have used ———————————————————- Note: The Mc is not a villain or a Justice minded individual, so don’t expect an edgy or heroic mc

SilentDeath · ファンタジー
4 Chs

smooth sailing

-|A New Mission has been logged|-

-successfully enroll Newvoltsky Academy as a student-

-side quest- 'Allies in hands' befriend or encounter one of the main characters before entering-

reward~ 5 stat points, common crate

'oh god NO' I am not going to enter that academy which was basically a warzone nor am i going to interact with any of the main cast.

Newvoltsky Academy was the most prestigious academy in the entire world, it acted more like an training camp than an academy though. The academy was known for producing the most powerful, well-known sorcerers and augmenters known to mankind. Needless to say it was a badass academy being capable to give you the best opportunity to make a name for yourself.

But this was 'Inevitable Fate' we are talking about. It was the infamous novel that leaves no room for plot armor. A literal war was going to take place in 4 years which would ultimately lead to everybody death. Only pain and more pain would be promised if he was to be in this world any longer. 

Right now, what i need is power. Strength was the main fundamental key to surviving in this cruel world. It was the main base that humanity relied on to keep afloat, without it humans would have gone extinct a long time ago.

'how the hell am i going to survive in this shitty novel?!' looking around, i became utterly overwhelmed by the fact i was sent into another world, being murdered by a car chase. And now i was standing in a futuristic sci-fi world.

What came close or even equal to power was.. knowledge. Without knowledge we would just be mindless beasts struggling for survival. 'fine, lets see what i got to work with'

I scanned the room thoroughly looking for any options i may have. In the closet i was greeted with all kinds of clothing which were all made from what it looked like the highest of quality this world can produce. In the drawers, there was a collection of rings and necklaces underneath a fortified layer of glass, it was like looking into an extremely valuable treasure chest. 'fucking hell this person is rich'

To the side there seemed to be a high quality black and white tuxedo like suit placed on a stand which looked like this characters main clothing choice. 'hold on, who was i again?' i looked at the mirror above a desktop

'I remember the author calling me Jade Lockeheart'

Suddenly a bolt of pain coursed through my mind 'FUCKKK' The sudden pain was excruciating and was possibly the worst pain he has ever experience. His mind was being flooded memories that weren't his. To every miniscule detail, from the day Jade Lockeheart was born to all the way to the current moment. Each day the character lived, also did Alex himself.

A young boy soon became a teenager then eventually a young adult as his current self. It was as if Alex was reliving Jade's whole life so far and his emotions and troubles came along with it. A single memory which stood out was Jade as an infant, staring out through the window with a expression of nothingness. 

Alex.. no Jade was on the bed rolling around, trying to muffle the sounds of his own screams under a pillow. 'what the hell was that!' the pain soon subsided and was left was just a small headache. 'who am i?' Jade got up from the bed and walked over to the mirror once again.

Using all the concentration he has at that moment. 'yeah.. thats right. I'm Alex wright' he stretched his body trying to re-adjust once again. It was as if his whole original life was being overshadowed by Jades harsh life.

To be fair compared to a character who lives in a sci-fi setting and has a noble background, his normal life back on earth could not compare.

'fucks sake..' Alex felt bad for Jades life but it almost became self pity towards his current situation which made the situation more confusing.

Right, i have no time to be sitting around like this.


when the memory transfer took place, i suddenly remembered everybody in the world of 'Inevitable Fate' had a 'system'

Jade Lockeheart 


Race: Human

Ability: None

Def: 6

Str: 8

Int: 19

Dex: 11

Cha: 47

HP status: Slight headache 

Mana: 200/200


Equipment/Artifacts: None



Intermediate Swordsmanship lvl 3 (passive)

Charismatic Personality (passive)

A small board of numbers and letters came up on his line of sight. It glowed with a dark aura. On the board showcased his Name, Race, Stats, Equipment and so on.

'This is so shit!'

These stats were horrible apart from his charisma and intelligence. Most young adults his age would have most of their stats above 10 by now. His intelligence was way above average but what surprised him the most was his charisma. '47 charisma!' This was way above any early game characters he was introduced with and it was equal with some of the end game characters stats as well! The problem was charisma is the most useless out of the other stats.

I needed serious catching up.

What disappointed him the most was that he had no ability which he already knew but was still disappointed with the obvious outcome but what caught his eye was this specific skill

Charismatic Personality (passive)


Allows the user to look more approachable and friendly and those will instinctively be more persuaded by your voice. Effects vary on situation

This will allow me to grow a more stable connection with important characters which will benefit me through my journey. From my memories the effects varying on the situation meant, if i wanted to be friendly ill look more approachable but if i express my anger i will have a larger chance to intimidate my enemy. This will help me a lot to stray out of any characters i do not want any contact with.

'well i think i know what i should do first'

I got up and prepared to leave.

With the use of these new memories i will survive