
The Novel's Villainics.


Noxx_In · ファンタジー
31 Chs


In the corner of a class, a boy was sleeping with his head turned towards the window seemingly not caring about the students around him, the hustle and laugh of boys and girls around him, and taunts about him also.

well, it was not the case though.


'What happened just now?!'

'That was weird, I just now had the urge to laugh like a maniac, more appropriately was it my ridiculous I felt that time? or is it my mental exhaustion taking a toll on me?'

Well, there are chances that mental exhaustion can be the case.... after all, I died and transmigrated here in a novel if I am right that this is the novel I have read before, and then I took Deamon's hand, whose process of acquiring was also strenuous to the body which can affect mental health in a way also, well in many ways physics can affect mental health.

"Look at that bastard, sleeping like that, does he not have the self-consciousness to get out of this academy already?"