
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Trash Storyline (1)

It was then that I woke up, hyperventilating as it was just moments ago that I had a heart attack, but after 3 minutes I regained my calm as I wasn't feeling any pain anymore.

It was then that I noticed that I was in a small room with only the bed I was on, a small desk, and a bathroom to my right.

Seeing this new environment I wasn't sure as to what was going on, and as the typical troupe of any transmigration novel, I decided to head for the mirror.

Instantly after getting up from my bed I noticed that my height was quite small, almost as if I was back in middle school when my height barely reached half of my dad's.

then I saw a young-looking kid with red eyes and white hair with a not so muscular average-looking body that was of course that of a child.

I suddenly remembered this character's description in the novel, Keith Devans, a side character that was the typical bookworm that was in charge of the library like in any other book.

After looking at my appearance, I had a sudden thought.


Then a screen popped up in front of my eyes.


[Name: Keith Devans]

[Overall Rank: SS]

[Strength: SS+ (Potential: Unknown)]

[Agility: SS+ (Potential: Unknown)]

[Endurance: SS+ (Potential: Unknown)]

[Magic: SS+ (Potential: Unknown)]

[Inteligence: SS+ (Potential: Unknown)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: D+ (Potential: Unknown)]




[Martial Arts]

-[String Arts]


-[Truth Eyes]

-[Avid Reader]

-[The Hawk]

-[Two Faced]

-[Spirit Communication]




-[(S-)Glomer's Gloves]

-[(S)The 40 Knives of Shi]

-[(SS-)Detective John's Hat]

-[(S+)Blood Fox Mask]


'Huh? WTF are these overpowered stats?'

Names of skills and items that I had never heard of before appeared in my stats and stats that should only be possible for the protagonist appeared in my status bar.

Suddenly the memories of Keith returned to my head, and just like the novels that I had read in the past I felt an immense amount of pain in my head.

It was then that more memories started to come into my mind, memories of myself.

Memories of how my mom was killed, memories about the academy, memories of being kidnapped, memories of my life as a contractor, memories of Iris, and memories of me killing the demon king.

I started to breathe heavily after the tremendous pain I felt from the multiple memories returning to my head.

'What just happened?'

'Wasn't I just killing the demon king moments ago?'

I felt as if nothing made sense, I held my head and after a few seconds, I was finally able to calm down.

I looked around and saw that I was once again, back in my room back in our house in district 3, and according to my new memories, I should be back to the day I first reincarnated inside of this world.

I decided to sit on my bed as my head was starting to hurt from the many memories going on inside of my head.

And If I'm not wrong, mom should be calling me for breakfast soon enough.

"Kei, come downstairs breakfast is ready!"

I stood up and started to head downstairs, with a great amount of hesitation in my steps, as recollections of the events that happened to mom and Emma still remained in my head.

Still, I mustered the courage to head downstairs and could see that Emma was watching the tv happily while mom was preparing the table.

I decided to sit down on my usual seat and waited for Emma to approach me so I could help her into her seat like I always did.

Mom then brought the food and I helped Emma get up to her seat, and just like my memories of this day, we talked about the academy and nothing else.

After eating I went back up to my room and sat down on my bed.


I stayed silently looking at the floor for a while and then...

"I know you can hear me", I said out loud.

"I still remember that message before my previous death"

I started to recall that after defeating the demon king and falling to the ground a message suddenly appeared in my mind, almost like telepathy.

'You ruined the storyline, you bastard', was what it said.

"...System, I know are there"

The room was silent for a while until a screen suddenly popped right in front of my eyes.

[Tch, bastard]


"I knew you could talk"

[I hate you]

"Huh? Why?"

[You ruined the storyline, and made it into complete trash]

"Huh? How?"

[HOW!? Well first you completely ruined the rival arcs by stealing their future power-ups!]


[Then you went and ruined the contractors' arcs by becoming a dumb appraiser and getting kidnapped just to have the Round Table act faster than they needed to!]

"Eeeh kinda"

[And finally, you went and messed up the final arcs of the alliance, the war, the dukes, and finally the DEMON KING, YOU KILLED THE ONLY REASON AS TO WHY THE PROTAGONIST NEEDED TO BECOME SO STRONG!]

"OK, now calm down, I didn't think it was this bad"

[NO! YOU DUMB BASTARD!, tch, if it wasn't because of those viewers, I would have left you to die]



"Ah, I get it, no, I think I finally understand"


"What do you mean no? I haven't said anything yet"


"...You are gonna keep quiet huh? Maybe I should go kill that demon king again, what do you think?"

[Tch, this is why I hate bastards like you]

"So? I already knew this was a novel"

[...No, it's you are wrong it is more like a live stream]

"Oh, so you stream the protagonist and show his growth to these so-called viewers?"

[Sigh, yes and no, I stream the protagonist and the characters that affect the story but I mostly show his story]

"Then when you said, if it wasn't because of the viewers, it meant that they were also looking at me, right?"


"And the fact that I'm back to the past must mean that they liked what I did, right?"

[NO!, they didn't like it, they liked your character and your wishes for being a shadow and having your revenge but they didn't like the way you rushed the story for no reason]

"Huh? No reason?"


"Let's leave that to the side, I already knew about how much I rushed and how stupid I was back in those times"

"So anyway I'm guessing that me coming back in time with all my items and abilities isn't exactly a coincidence"

[Yes, a viewer donated and asked for this to happen]

"...So my whole life here is made by your story writing and a bunch of viewers, that's kind of sad, I guess"

"Btw, my other world is it like your world and you are the author of this book?"

[No, there are many worlds, and there are also humans that can see into such worlds and some may write the stories that are spread around in your previous world, and also I'm not the creator of this world]

"...What do you mean you are not the creator?"

[This world already existed, I'm just some sort of game master that can change stuff around and create quests for the protagonists, things like the dungeons for example]

"Then turning back time and skills, are those things you can just throw around?"

[No, you can already probably guess, but I get sponsored and donated points, and using those points I'm able to change things in the world, the fact that I was able to turn back time for you and still have you with your memories and items is thanks to a large donation from a viewer]

"I see"

[...You are taking this better than I thought]

"Oh, it's probably because I don't really care at this point"


"Did you really think, that after dying 2 times and having to live 2 lives filled with nothing but stress and pain, that I would feel like doing anything else?"

"I'm already strong enough to protect my family and I can also easily eliminate most threats that will come to this world, so why should I care?"

"Not only that but the protagonist is going to become strong enough either way, why should I even bother with the storyline in this world?"

[That is true]


[If you don't consider the fact that viewers can also donate to curse you and take away your powers]

"...Wait, so you are saying that if I don't do the work assigned to me by your viewers, I will literally get fucked over for no reason?"

[Yes, remember what I said? About the large donation and the reason, that you are still alive in the first place?]


"I get it, I get it, so what was the request?"

[I already told you before didn't I?]

"is it to be a shadow?"


"So how do I become a shadow?"

[Didn't you have it planned when you first reincarnated into this world?]

"Pls don't bring up plans that were made during my growing stages"


[Btw, I find it weird that you are not questioning anything about this]

"Oh, that is because after reading so many novels, I have stopped trying to understand the crazy plots surrounding the world and learned to just enjoy the ride"

[This is going to be harder than expected]