
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Training (1)

Currently, it has been 6 days since the start of our journey, the first 3 days were spent in district 3, clearing two dungeons but after going to district 4, we couldn't really find anything.

"Is it around here?", Alicia asked.

"Yes, it should be right here actually", I said while getting annoyed.

We were currently inside a small shack in district 4, that should have a dungeon, but there isn't anything here. I was starting to understand that most of my information was inaccurate due to the difference in the timeline.

After not finding anything after 3 days of searching we both decided to head back to the academy.

Well, those were not the only reasons but it was also due to the fact that Arthur should be waking up soon enough.

it was currently late at night, so if we returned to district 3 and took the train back to district 1, it should be about 8 hours before we arrived, so we both decided to sleep.


After arriving at the station of district 1, I and Alicia both decided to head in different directions, she said she had something to do and I went to the academy through the north gate only to be blocked by the guards.

I looked at them in confusion but then I understood why.

I wanted to leave but before I could say or do anything, the guards had already restrained me, and not even 5 seconds after, a teacher appeared, It was Monica.

"So this little kid stole the ID from a student?", She said in an intimidating voice.

It was then that I turned off my skill and bitterly smiled at Monica. Who then noticed it was me and started to burst into laughter.

The guards let go of me and I was finally inside the Academy.

"You have quite the interesting ability don't you?", She said mockingly.

"Shut it"

"Haha, I'm sorry", She said and followed by asking, "So have you thought of becoming my disciple, kid?".

I stopped walking for a second and began to think.

Currently, I have noticed how lacking my mana control was, as I could barely even control 5 of the knives which are pretty small, and not only that but they didn't have any force in them. I could stab the monsters thanks to the piercing trait in the knives but apart from that, they didn't really have any speed or force within them.

"Yes", After thinking about it, the person that is best at telekinesis and mana control is right in front of me, I have been rushing a lot of things recently and I think it would be better to slow down for now and learn the basics.

Monica had widened her eyes and questioned if she heard correctly.

"Yes, I said I would become your disciple", I repeated.

Monica then smiled and put on a self-praising look on her face.

"Hoh, that's great, that's great," she said.

"Yes, it's great", I said.

"So you probably already know but Arthur, Ciel, and Noel will be joining us in our training as well"

She then went on to explain that during this month they would be training from 7 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon and all of that stuff.

After almost 10 minutes of hearing her talk, I was finally able to escape from her and went to my apartment to relax.

But thinking about it now, I don't know why I was in such a rush. I still had years left in the academy and while it is not exactly the safest place, it is still good enough for me to grow stronger.

And the mercenary group, while it was nice to have, I wouldn't really be utilizing it for another 3 years, maybe during summer and winter breaks but that would be unlikely.

Well, the main purpose of the mercenary group wasn't exactly to use it at that moment but to make a connection with Ray, and that allowed me to make investments that will be coming back to me soon enough.

I do feel sorry for dragging Alicia with me though, but if I find her some good members and allow her to run the mercenary group it should grow quite a bit, under her leadership.


I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar white ceiling. Is this heaven, I thought to myself.

After all, I said I couldn't even protect them.

Snapping me out of my thoughts was someone screaming my name.


I turned my head in the direction of the screen, and I saw Ciel, who was crying while smiling. I tried to stand up but the pain in my chest was too much for me to move.

"Arthur, don't try to move yet, you just woke up", Ciel said to me.

She then went away after saying she would call the others. And soon enough, Monica, Noel, and my sister arrived in the room and all sat next to me.

After seeing Monica and Noel come in, I was able to understand that I had succeeded and the power, that surged in me during that time was able to protect them all.

I was too happy not to smile.

Noel who seemed to be crying was getting angry at me for smiling after I almost died, but I couldn't help but smile seeing them all here together with me.

After talking with them about how I was fine and laughing together now and then I asked about what had happened.

They all looked at each other for a moment and then began to explain how I used a skill called [Judgement] and that I was the one that killed Wilham.

The only confusing part was, how did they know I used that skill even though they were unconscious and of course, I had no choice but to ask.

They all once again awkwardly stared at each other and finally revealed that the one that explained it to them was Keith, the telekinesis kid. I was about to ask how did he know but when I did, my sister shook her head and told me not to ask.

The others looked at her with concern but she then explained that Keith has a great network of information and finding something like this would be trivial to him. I think everyone including me was confused but we let it go.

Monica who had noticed the awkward atmosphere changed the topic.

"You see since you are hurt it would be better for you to rest, and you can join the training sessions later on"

"Okay", I said while trying to nod but failed because of the pain I felt.

She then smiled brightly and said, "We also have a new member that will be joining us".

Everyone focused their attention on what she just said but everyone could already guess who the new member was.


*Hac chu!

'Is someone talking about me right now?', I thought to myself.

I was currently on my way to the bookstore as Frank had asked me to come to check it out.

Since there was no training today because Arthur was just waking up, I had the whole day to relax.

I arrived at the store and the walls on the inside were now clean and almost brand new, the first floor was emptied out and the second floor was still under remodeling but the third floor was now filled with books which made me satisfied,

But, isn't it going faster than expected, if I'm not wrong it would have taken 2 to 3 weeks to be completed.

I then went to Frank to ask him why that was.

He then went on to explain that someone had called and paid a large sum of money for them to increase the pace and finish this place faster. I'm guessing it was Ray, so I didn't inquire about it any further, as he was known to do anything to get a favor back.

I then left the bookstore and went to the branch to meet with Ray.

I did the same as always. Went in, found Ray, and went to his office with him.

He is always annoyed by this as every time I meet him, he has a different disguise.

"Thanks for paying for my bookstore, you ain't going to get a favor for that though", I said with a smug face to which Ray clicked his tongue.

I sat on the chair almost as if I owned this place.

"So what did you come here for?"

"You see, I want to send some money back home to my mom but I don't really have any excuse right now"


"I need you to promote my appraisal services and also make an ad and post it on the pages in the VIP app for me"

Ray made a frown and glared at me, but I soon followed with something that made him smile with satisfaction.

"I will give you 3 free appraisals of any item", I said.

Ray then agreed but also I told him to do it when the store was done being remodeled and also told him to pay for a sign.

"A sign?", He asked.

"Yeah, that says, Truth, yeah, Truth would be a nice name", Mostly because it is all thanks to [Truth Eyes], that I'm able to even appraise the items.

"So Truth is the name of your appraisal store?", He asked, to which I nodded. He then told me that he would do the sign and to tell him when I want him to promote the store.

With Ray having connections all over the realm and being someone trustworthy he should be able to bring me a good number of high-end customers.

The ad would contain that I can appraise items all the way to S which is extremely high, even higher than the most famous appraisers at A+ items.

It will also contain the link to a page that will put them on a waiting list and I will attend them one by one, it also contains the location of the store for people to come and get their items appraised once they are called.

Most of the top-ranked heroes all use A+ equipment because they know what effects they have as they have been while others might use S- and higher ranked equipment because they can kind of guess its uses.

This was the case for most races though, as even the dwarfs weren't able to appraise their items up to A+ but since they knew the method of making, they could pretty much guess what traits it had.

This is all so I can have mom and Emma move up to the third district and live with me. As in the story, district 1, was never attacked or destroyed because the Round Table is of course located in this district.

While it might cause me to receive unnecessary attention if it's for my mom and sister I will always be willing to do anything.