
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Reevaluation (1)

The past few days, were crazy during our time in the academy.

Students were talking about the new headmaster and many feared him as if he was some sort of dictator, but the public praised him for his honesty to his students and teachers.

Many also agree with the view of the headmaster, that stats mean anything to a hero while some deny it and mention that the mastery of a weapon could help defeat someone of higher rank.

The debates have been happening too frequently, but even then, the main focus of everything is the item that the headmaster had mentioned.

Even heroes were begging to obtain the item, but the headmaster denied them all and has called out many of the members of the Round Table, as self-centered and not looking out for the future of humanity.

However, most of the public is agreeing with the headmaster and hoped that he would guide the future of humanity to victory.

The uniforms were already delivered around a day ago and have been one of the greatest changes that all students could agree on.

Normally the uniforms were annoying and sometimes got in the way of training but now, the uniforms are extremely comfortable and resistant to damage.

So that is one thing that everyone can agree is right.

Although there were some protests around the school grounds about how the changes to the midterms, finals, and class changes were unfair, the headmaster silenced them all down by stating that the need to protest against something that is expected just shows their lack of determination.

I even remember the words that he had stated before, "Then prove me wrong, and show me the need to keep those that have already failed once. You kids that don't know the real world, don't understand that a single mistake will lead to your death and that your lack of knowledge will one day come to bite you on the back".

The biggest issue after that was that all clubs were shut down and that the executives of the academy, would now decide on the creation of the clubs, although that would mean that only the headmaster would work on that.

Even then, many students are praying about becoming someone like Angelica Ravens, whose popularity increased after being called out as an incredible future talent.

"Arthur Drajar, it is your turn", Monica said in a nervous tone.

The reason for that was that today was the day of the reevaluation and many students had left while crying, at the words of the headmaster.

Everything was being transmitted live, and all the human realm could see the reevaluation, and there was also a tv near me, so I could hear how he called many untalented and nothing but spoiled brats that got far with the support of their families.

I took a deep breath and headed inside the room.

It was completely white and I could see some bloodstains on the walls and ground.

This was because the headmaster used an ability and discovered some students being in cahoots with the demons.

Though many of them tried to transform to fight back, they were killed in an instant without being able to even react.

I could see the headmaster checking for papers while sitting down behind a small desk.

"Oh, it's you"

"Yes, I'm Arthur, headmaster"

"Now, stand still in that spot, it won't take long, and you could probably already see, the process that was performed before"


He then smiled and started to observe me carefully with intimidating eyes, it was then that a sense of fear passed throughout my body, and I fell to the ground, almost passing out.

"Yup, you are indeed the first human (SS) ranked"

"T-t-thank you", I responded while breathing heavily.

"You can leave now...oh but before you leave, I want to inform you that you will not be eligible for the tournament, but I can guess that was already expected"

I nodded and then headed out.

Another student headed inside but before I could even close the door, he was stabbed in the neck by a knife.


"It is really surprising, how many contractors are in the school", The headmaster stated as he walked towards the student that was dead on the ground.

He then summoned a bag, that had already become famous, around the human realm.


He then summoned 1 undead warrior and stationed him in front of the door.

"You are lucky, Arthur, one more second and your leg would have been poisoned already"

The headmaster stated as he lifted a knife that was inside the student's dimensional pocket.

"Monica, I trust you will guide the student Arthur, to his room would you?"

Monica was surprised at his statement but after staring at the undead warrior, she decided to accept and guided me away.

As we walked away students that noticed that there was no escape tried to jump at us to attack, but were all brought down by an unknown force.

I looked backed and could see the headmaster smiling while ordering the undead warrior to kill the students.

After that, we headed into the cafeteria and met up with Noel, Ciel, and Angelica, who was previously the big center of attention.

we sat down at the table and Ciel, who noticed my dark and pale expression, asked what was wrong.

"Nothing, Nothing", I responded while trying to regain my calm.

Monica then asked, the girls if they had seen the news, or even watched what was happening during the reevaluation but they said, they didn't as they were inside the cafeteria all day.

"Then, that would make sense, but you will probably understand tomorrow"

The thing about the reevaluation was that it was divided into two days, and the next day, it was going to be the turn of Noel and Ciel.

They then checked their watches and turned pale at the news.

[Multiple deaths at the academy, reevaluation]

[Almost 100 contractors were found in the academy, after today's reevaluation]

[Multiple students, scarred for life after the use of skill from the headmaster]

It was quite terrifying if I do say so myself, in the first place I wasn't expecting my whole body and mind to go blank after the activation of that skill.

"Oh look the headmaster is going to address the recent events"

It was then that Ciel started to show us the hologram of the headmaster, sitting in a big chair while smiling at the camera.

[Today's events might have been disturbing to many, but I also believe it is a sight that must be shown to others for them to understand]

[Understand that death is what should be offered to you if you dare to side with the demons and most of all, the academy and the humans are in no need of contractors amongst ourselves]

[Finally, the news about the fact, that many students are scared and don't dare to return to the academy after the incident has made its way into my ears]

[All I have to say, is that the academy has no need for cowards, heroes who get scared and run away after sensing danger, are nothing more than little rats]

[Humanity and the academy has no need for those that run away in the face of danger, if the heroes run, who will protect the common people]

[Heroes are not cannon fodder, they are not cowards, they are the frontline that stands in front of humanity and fights against its enemies, with honor and valor, that is a hero]

[And the academy has no need for those that will run away, the academy's goal and wishes was the creation of heroes, and those bastards that run away have no right to that title]

[I shall say it again, heroes are the wall and shield of humanity, and if such heroes run, then who will protect the common people, that is why the academy has no need for these cowards]


And just like that, the headmaster left.


[That was a nice speech]

'Yeah, I took it from the protagonist, he used it during the war'


'You know, I kinda like this new role'


'I know'

For the past few days, the system and I have started to mark ourselves within the human realm and are actually trying to get as much attention as possible.

It is quite evident when you notice, that only I appear on the news and that most of humanity has forgotten the previous headmaster.

The reason for that is because we wish the identity of Sky, to be the main shadow identity.

The headmaster is going to be the first identity, followed by his fake identity followed by Keith's identity, and finally revealing that Keith is actually Sky, it is almost 4 layers deep.

[Yeah, the viewers are not interested]

'Huh? They wanted this.'

[Yeah, they don't like it and said they will be donating for something else to be added to the story]

'So much effort for nothing'