
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Headmaster (1)

I was currently in Ray's office after being called, as news of the assassination that happened yesterday night was all over the news.

"So, he really did die"

"Yeah, it was just as I predicted"

"Can you tell us the real reason as to why you wouldn't save him?"



'Real reason?'

'I didn't have any other reason other than becoming the headmaster'

I was asked a question, that had no answer other than, I was the killer so decided to change the truth a little bit, and create another identity that could become useful later on.


"Sky? Yeah, what about it?"

"No, I mean that's the name of the assassin, Sky"

"The assassin is named, Sky, so what does that have to do with anything"

"Similarly to me, he also knows way too much about this sad world, but his ways are different, from mine"


"That is all that I will say about him"

Ray clicked his tongue while Lucia seemed to be thinking deeply about the situation.

"In two days, I will probably be taken as an enemy due to an attack, that day I wish for you, Lucia, to name me as a secret agent that was assigned the position of a secret bodyguard to the kid"

Lucia let out a sigh and accepted.

I could probably guess, that they didn't like that many things were hidden from them, but they also understood that they should listen to my requests.

Before leaving I told them, that I will soon be telling them about Sky, but this was mainly because I needed to find more things to link to Sky and what he does.

However as I was walking back home, Ray called out to me and said that tomorrow was the day, and I just nodded to his statement.

'Did the death of the headmaster alter the actions of the main characters in any way?', I asked the system.

[They were shocked, but this made their determination stronger as the sudden attack during the summoning and the headmaster's death, meant that they needed to become heroes to fight against the demons]

[Apart from that, Monica was the most shocked but after noticing the determination of the kids, she accepted to continue training them]

'I see'


Today was the day of the attack and I was currently waiting inside the teachers' training area.

I was waiting until I saw a man walking inside the room with a big smile on his face, he stopped in the middle of the large room and didn't seem to notice my presence at all.

This was not because he was too focused on the ambush but because of a skill called, [Shadow], which was perfect for me.

You see, yesterday, Ray had called for me and after arriving at his office, he handed me a unique book, which contained the skill, [Shadow], which I requested from him, a few days ago.



(Description): Allows the user to hide in the shadows, and can only be detected by those with the same rank or higher.


The skill was quite the strong one for those in the higher ranks, but considering that many are ranked (S), the skill wasn't actually popular amongst the high rankers because of the part that says it can be detected by those of the same rank.

It wasn't hard to get for Ray, but in the end, it did take some struggle because it was still a good skill to monitor lower rankers.

It was then that the door opened and the 4 main characters entered the room.

Monica, Arthur, Noel, and Ciel.

They started to argue with one another and the fight started, the reason as to why I was here was of course to take credit but it was also to make sure no one died.

We were changing the storyline quite a bit, so it was best to stay close and protect the main characters.

I could see that the group was still able to stand against Wilham, who was an (S) ranked, with increased abilities due to the transformation.

it was then that everyone was knocked to the ground and it was then that I saw Arthur awakening his skill [Judgement], it was an incredibly powerful attack, but before it could kill Wilham, I decided to cut him down with my strings and finally appear.

There was a huge explosion and everything but the situation calmed down, pretty fast.

I approached the unconscious group and checked their condition.

I called, Lucia and it seemed like she was already informed of the attack so she decided to move to the academy at incredible speeds.

Unlike in the previous timeline, Lucia was coming, and not only that but she was bringing another person with her, which should be Ray to show the news to the world.

It wasn't long until she arrived together with Ray who was holding a camera and other members of the Round Table.

I could see that everyone had put their weapons up but after Lucia raised her hand, everyone started to calm down.

Except for a blonde man, "Lucia, who is he!?"

"The man I assigned to protect the only human with the potential to become a (SS) ranked hero"

"What!? And you didn't consult us about this matter!?"

"Shut up, it was you who didn't want to assign anyone in the first place"

"T-that, that was because of the frontline!"

"We can discuss this later", Lucia responded while shooing the man away.

We then started to discuss the situation, which was all transmitted to the public to see, although the part in which she calls out the other round table members was unexpected.

After that Lucia congratulated me and I returned to the shadows once again.


The next day, the news was filled with multiple things about yesterday's event.

[Attack at the academy!]

[A demon contractor amongst the teachers of the academy]

[The protector of the new hope of humanity]

[Lucia the ranked 1 hero, wishes for the unknown man to be made into the headmaster of the academy]

[Unknown hero, was just revealed to be Kei Yurei, an (S) ranked hero, that has remained silent]

It seemed like Lucia was already starting to move.

My identity was actually changed twice by Ray, at first he had given me a name of a dead man but I disliked the name and decided on this name.

Although I should admit that my weeb persona had taken place when creating the name.


It has been a few days since the incident and in the end, thanks to the public opinion of the hero and Lucia's power over the other members, thanks to her knowledge of their secrets, I was finally assigned to be the new headmaster.

And due to that, I'm supposed to go to the hall of the Round Table where I will be interviewed about many things.

I was quite fast to arrive and after meeting up with Ray and Lucia, I was guided inside, the room was filled with reporters and news cameras that were reporting the whole thing.

I sat down on the podium that had a white table just like one would expect, Lucia and some executives also sat down next to me.

Lucia stood up and congratulated me on becoming the new headmaster, as well as the other executives, I pretended to be extremely honored and was then called to do a speech.

I grabbed a piece of paper out of my pocket and began to speak, but unlike what everyone expected my words were something that surprise everyone.


Me, Monica, Ciel, and Noel were currently watching the ceremony of inauguration or something that was made to congratulate the new headmaster.

I was still in bed due to the incident with the demon contractor but after we were all informed of someone saving us at the end, I felt as if I needed to watch this at all costs.

The ceremony started with all of the executives of the academy as well as Lucia the rank 1 hero walking inside followed by a kid wearing a fox mask, a beret hat, some black gloves, and a white suit, he also had black hair and black eyes.

After the typical welcoming to any ceremony from Lucia, the kid or man began to speak.

[I would like to thank, the Round Table, the other executives, and also the public for allowing me to have this opportunity as the new headmaster of the academy.

And I would like to explain today, the many changes and wishes that I have for the future of the academy. My first change will be in the security of the academy, as just in the span of 1 month, we already had 2 attacks made on the academy and the future hope of humanity.]

After saying that everyone started to applaud.

[The security will not be done by other heroes but by something in which I trust a lot more than]

Everyone was confused and then a little bag appeared and floated in the air around the new headmaster.

[This is a Lich, and one of my most trusted companions]

"A LICH!?"

[I will not disclose anything more, other than the fact that one of my summons is an extremely high ranked magician and he will be creating a barrier around the academy permanently, to block any possible attacks or unknown persons entering the academy]

[And for my second change, I will now announce the discharge of all executives from the academy, as well as a revision into the teachers of the academy to find any traces of contractors or demons]