
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

First Event (1)

A week has already passed since the start of the Academy and it's Monday once again, after doing my usual routine of going to the cafeteria early in the morning and then to the library, today the cafeteria was packed due to many students doing morning practice so I decided to take out my food in a cardboard bag.

It was then when I was reading that I suddenly remembered something important, today is the summoning class, and it is also the class that will mark the start of the new event.

You see the author of the novel didn't want Arthur to be overpowered so he decided to give him a high-level summoned beast that would die in the attack while protecting Arthur or that was what was initially thought because after the death of the summoned beast he would then resummon another one which was small and weak but later would turn out to be a phoenix that will be extremely strong as it is an SS ranked monster.

And because Arthur was heartbroken after the first death of his summon he was overly attached to the phoenix and showered him with love to the point they created and deep bond even when phoenixes don't trust other species quite easily.

Now to explain a summoned beast and summoning. It would be considered something like a familiar that will be stay next to you for their whole life. It is pretty much the summoning of a monster that is most suitable for you and creating a small link between him and its summoner.

After the summoning, a contract is created but the beast can still reject the contract and instead go on a rampage until it kills its summoner or it is killed. If the summoner fails to make the contract then he will not be able to summon any other beast.

The case with Arthur was special as he didn't fail the summon but his monster was killed. The only way someone will not be able to summon another beast is because no other beast wants a contract or the summoner has failed a summon.


[8:10 am - 10:10 am]Magic Class(Mana, Spells, Summoning, and More)


If I'm not wrong the demon contractors should attack after every one of them has summoned a beast to attack the main characters, but if I'm not wrong they would have to wait until the end as the last guy to have a turn in the summoning would be a demon contractor.

After hearing the sound of my alarm showing that it was 7:55, I headed back to the classroom through the backdoor and once again in the corner of the room.

At exactly 8:00 am, Monica shot the door opened and made her way to the front of the class.

"Today, we will be doing some summoning"

At her words, everyone in the class shouted in excitement, and as there was nothing else to be announced we headed to the summoning room immediately on the 4th floor.

The room was quite big and there was nothing but black walls and a summoning circle in the center.

Standing in front of the circle in the middle of the room Monica began to explain.

"Summoning is the act of summoning a beast that will create a bond with you and fight along with you..."

She explained everything that I already knew so I wasn't really interested.

"Now, after summoning a beast there will already be a small connection between you and your beast, then a magic contract will appear in front of you and both you and the beast have to agree to it and then it will become your summoned beast, if you summon fails..."

"if you are incapable of summoning a beast it must mean that none want to fight alongside you and you will receive a zero for this class..."

"Finally, beasts of any form that are summoned can be returned to a dimensional space after signing a contract with you, this is a nice function as sometimes the beast and quite large and take too much space being next to you.

"Now I will be calling you one by one and you just have to infuse your mana in the summoning circle to be able to summon a beast, and I already explained to you what would happen afterward"

"Now, Arthur, head to the summoning circle"

First was the main protagonist Arthur and after infusing his mana into the circle, a bright light that could blind anyone suddenly surged from the circle making me close my eyes.

After opening them I could see a small tiger with white fur in front of Arthur, and it was a majestic and even holy-looking tiger. Then Arthur made a bright smile and said, "Would you like to come with me?", The tiger in front of him then bowed its head.

And a contract suddenly appeared between Arthur and the tiger, that burned down signaling their newly created bond.

Monica made a satisfied smile and told Arthur to go to the left side of the room and Arthur did so with the small tiger cuddling in his arms.

"Aso, go to the summoning circle"

Aso went to the summoning circle but I stepped a few steps back because I already knew he would fail.

After infusing his mana in the circle a bright light appeared but not as blinding as Arthurs. Then a huge fire dog appeared in the circle and before Aso could say anything the huge dog jumped against Aso.

Luckily Monica was fast to react and surrounded the beast with her mana and used telekinesis to smash him against the back wall, killing it.

The beast was a C-ranked monster so it was not hard for Monica who is an S-ranked hero to kill it.

"Aso, you failed, go back to the classroom"

After that incident, the main characters got their summons with Noel getting an A-ranked beast called the sea dragon which is actually a serpent that spits hot water and has nimble movement.

While Ciel got a white dove which was an S-ranked monster called Helper, which is actually a friendly beast that uses light magic and healing skills, it is considered to be S-ranked for its ability to heal multiple targets at the same time making large groups of monsters almost immortal if you don't one-shot kill them.

Ciel's helper was also one of the main strengths during the wars.

Soon it was my turn I headed to the circle, I felt nervous and excited.

After infusing my magic into the summoning circle and blinding light similar to Arthurs flashed across the room and what I saw was a little ghost with wings on its back, which was surprisingly cute.

"Keith Devans, failed, go back to the classroom"

I gave a confused look at Monica and said, "But my summoned beast is right here", while pointing at the little ghost.

"There is nothing there"


Using [Truth Eyes], I was able to see what type of monster it was.

[(SS-ranked) Lich]

I was in awe for a second but I extended my hand and with a bright smile like a child, I said, "Would you like to follow along on my journey?".

Everyone including Monica was looking at me like I was crazy but I didn't care, all that mattered was contracting this cute little ghost.

Soon the lich made its way to my extended hand and landed on it. Then a contract appeared in the air symbolizing the creation of a bond and burning into a crisp.

Monica had widened her eyes but soon said, "Oh so there was a beast there, ok, Keith make your way to the right side of the room".

I went and sat down in the right corner that was near the room, as I already knew an attack would be happening soon, but anyways a Lich.

A Lich is the highest level of undead, they are born as a little cute ghost and then possess either an object or a dead body when they please. The Lich is a necromancer meaning that it can summon the dead to fight his battles, but they need to have killed the monsters or humans themselves to be able to summon them to fight.

A Lich can summon almost 50 undead, making it quite a difficult opponent to battle, even more so when they have slain monsters such as dragons.

Apart from that, Liches are actually not that well versed in magic or physical combat, but after summoning something they have killed they enhance the monster making it way stronger than the original, for example, a G- ranked zombie could become a C ranked monster, but since the Liches have to kill the monsters themselves, it is quite hard to even achieve an army that is not filled with low-level monsters that have been enhanced.

But I have never heard of someone summoning a Lich, much less an undead, but I could probably understand why. It most likely is due to the fact that I have died and reincarnated here, almost being considered an undead, and if we get more technical I could probably also be called a Lich.

The only issue now is that I would have to find a suitable body for my new little Lich. While I was deep in thought the lich was touching my watch, he used the little mana he had, and the bag with my breakfast that I picked in the morning fell out.

Then the Lich headed to the bag, and before I could stop him, he possessed the cardboard bag. The bag started to rise into the sky and then a face appeared with two small circled eyes and a tiny mouth.


He was flying in circles, seemingly excited with his new body, but even so, he looked extremely cute, and I couldn't help but smile.


Suddenly a scream snapped me out of my trance and I turned my head in the direction of the other students. I was able to see a kid transforming into a monster of some sort, and similar to him other students started releasing some sort of dark energy.

So it finally begins.