
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

End (3)

"To you left!", Leo screamed.

[Target of revenge, Amadeus, 1 meter away]

I snapped my head to my left and was not able to see Amadeus but I was able to notice a magic shield appearing just moments before the blow.

"Kuh", Amadeus shrieked.

After the impact, Amadeus's invisibility ran out and I could see his annoyed expression, as he glared at the magic shield.

But taking advantage of this moment, I instantly turned my body in the direction of Amadeus and rushed towards him, while aiming for his head.

He noticed my move and tried to jump back, but since my stats were higher than his, I was able to easily get in front of him before he could escape.

I infused my mana into my gloves, while Amadeus, put his arms in front of his head in a motion to block my attack, and Yuki, also seemed to have created an ice shield around Amadeus, but after launching my punch and colliding against his defenses, Amadeus was sent flying away.




He bounced off the ground once and soon crashed into the almost nonexistent cliff on the demon side.

I then decided to head back, as it seemed like Botis was ready to release his poison.

Leo who had a huge grin on his face started whistling at me, for my attack, and Iris who came rushing towards me was checking for any injuries.

"I'm fine", I said in a hurried voice.

"Stay still", She said, while looking around my body.


After a few seconds she was finally done with her check-up and I could see that even after Amadeus was wrecked and probably incapable of moving, the other dukes had yet to retreat.

It might have been because of my knowledge of their personalities from the novel but there was something seriously wrong here.

I then noticed that most of the commanders including Leo and Bres were relaxed after what had just happened but I then screamed at everyone to be careful as something was probably wrong.



I turned my head in the direction of the explosion and noticed a completely black-colored spear.

"The demon king", I said.

Everyone turned their heads in my direction and began to get into formation, which was pretty much everyone standing behind Bres.

After everyone was behind his huge body, I began to explain the situation.

"The demon king is here for some reason, and that spear is one of his skills, it allows him to create an infinite amount of spears that are launched at high speed against its enemies"

"Then Bres can easily deal with them with his magic shields", Leo asked.

"No, one shield could probably block 2 spears but 100 of them could be launched at the same time, and it is not going to end well for us"

"Then what do we do?"

"Close quarter combat is the best method to defeat him, as his spear lose a lot of their effectiveness during close combat, as they become more predictable"


"It's challenging considering that the dukes are all currently here, even if Amadeus is injured, that still leaves two powerful mages, that can easily stop us from advancing"

"Then how about we send you against the demon king while we hold back the dukes?", Leo asked.

"Huu...That would be ideal but reaching him would be the biggest problem"



I could see more spears landing around us, but we continued to discuss the possible ways of sending me against the demon king, but there really was no method, as my warp was on cooldown and we really didn't have any other skills.

"Then how about I just fly you there?", Iris said.

Everyone looked at her including me, and we all facepalmed.

I told Lashar to cast another huge fireball and as he started to do so, I could see that Yuki was already preparing for the attack, and Botis was starting to prepare another skill.

More spears were landing all around us, and although Bres was able to block the ones directed at us, it had started to become harder and harder due to the accuracy of the spears increasing.

Leo also shot some of the spears down but it was still not enough.

After Lashar had finished his casting I told him to launch it immediately and after he did, Iris grabbed me by the waist and started to fly into the sky, hiding behind the huge fireball.

I knew she was an (SS) ranked but after watching her fight the last few days, I didn't expect her to be this fast.

"H-Hey slow down!"

"Nope", She said in a mocking voice.

She flew way high into the sky and then started to accelerate as she began to dive in the direction of the demons' camp.



I could see the fireball already colliding against Yuki's ice wall behind us and I told, Iris to head farther into the demon realm as we would soon find Yuki's castle and it is most likely that the demon king is inside there.

This was because in the novel he liked fighting inside a room rather than outside because of his ability named [Demon Domain].

This was pretty much just an ability that allowed him to be stronger inside demonic areas, although for some reason being outside in the demon realm didn't really count.

As Iris was flying at incredibly high speeds, it was just a matter of seconds until we arrived at Yuki's castle.

"Here it is", I said, while staring at the huge dark palace.

"Then should we go in?", Iris asked.

"No...I will be going alone"

"Huh? Why?"

"The demon king has an ability that makes him stronger when fighting against multiple opponents, meaning I should go alone"

That was a lie, I just wanted to head in alone as Iris could be easily killed and I don't really wish for that.

"Ah...I understand", She said while looking dissatisfied.

I didn't say anything else and headed inside, there was a huge gate just like Amadeus's castle but when I opened the doors, instead of that irritating face of Amadeus, I was able to spot a man with 2 horns on its head, red-colored skin, wearing a crown and a long cape as one would expect a ruler to have.

"You must be that contractor that went against Amadeus, right?", He said, in a disgusting-sounding voice.

"That is right"

"Then kneel before your king!", He said.

I felt it was just some kind of arrogant behavior he was displaying when saying those words, but after looking at his surprised expression I could tell that he was thinking that he could control me just because I was a contractor.

"You should stop relying on your skills, my lord", I said in a provoking manner while showing him a big grin.

In the novel, the demon king was an incredibly arrogant but also cowardly character, he never fought his own fights and would always rely on skills, unlike other characters.

Although I also heavily relied on my skills, that is beside the point.

I could already see that he was becoming furious at my provocations but I could also see a faint amount of fear within his eyes, so I decided to activate [Revenge].

[Revenge has been activated, all stats are increasing as an enemy worthy of the user's revenge has appeared]

[Error! User's stats can't increase over (SS+)]

[All stats have been increased to (SS+)]

[Revenge function, fear, has been activated]

[Target, Demon King, is now under the effect of fear]

I could see his eyes tremble and soon two spears appeared beside him.

Normally I would be worried about his attack but I could remember this chapter inside the novel, just like the back of my hand, I don't even remember how many times I read it but I remember everything that happened and followed the steps of the protagonist.

[Arthur stood against the demon king, who was afraid of the young hero]

[The demon king created two spears beside him, and hurled one against the young hero]

[Arthur dodged to the right and was able to barely escape being pierced in the heart]

[There was no time to breathe for the young hero, as another spear was already on its way]

[Arthur jumped against the wall and like a ninja started to run circles around the hall while running on the walls]

[Spears flew just centimeters behind him, as he ran at an incredible speed]

[The demon king started to fly and was now in the center of the room while launching spears that the hero could barely dodge]

[But then, Arthur was able to spot a small opening on the timing of the attacks from the demon king]

[He then jumped against the demon king and infusing his sword with mana, he was able to hit the demon king and send him flying against the wall]

But in my case, I didn't have a sword, and the punch I threw he was able to easily dodge.

"Haha, now you are dead, human", The demon king said while creating another spear aimed at my back as I flew past him after missing my attack.

I'm no protagonist, but to be able to defeat the demon king this fast, must either mean I'm too overpowered or either the demon king, hasn't yet matured into a strong fighter.

[String Arts]

Just as he was about to launch his final spear to finish me off, the strings I left throughout the battle moved, and shortly after the head of the demon king was sliced off and his body fell to the ground.


In the novel, this took around 3 more chapters for Arthur to defeat the demon king but I could also easily be considered the counter of the demon king as my strings are something that can easily entangle and attach to the spears he leaves stuck against the walls.

'Haha, I did it', I thought to myself.

I wanted to go tell Iris about it, but as soon as I wanted to move, I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

It felt exactly like that time when I died back in my old world, it felt like my heart was going to explode, and soon my vision turned black and I fell to the ground.



-Sorry for the lack of uploads, I literally got my covid vaccine and was literally almost comatose because of it, so I didn't write anything or uploaded anything.

-Stay safe everyone

Onjoucreators' thoughts