
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Darkening (3)

And just like that, the demon disappeared together with Keith.

My sister fell to her knees, and Ray who had come with us stomped on the ground and screamed, "Dammit!".

Ciel who noticed something in the kitchen ran all the way there and screamed, "There is someone here!"

We all headed there and when my sister saw the body, she muttered, "Keith's mom".

Ciel had taken out her helper and started to heal the wounded woman.


Then a sound came from the stairs and a little girl who was crying silently while watching us was standing there.

My sister then headed toward the girl and hugged her.

"It's going to be okay, Emma, it's going to be okay", She said softly, but it looked more like she was comforting herself, more than anything.

Emma just kept crying silently at the scene.

Suddenly a bunch of men in suits appeared with their weapons drawn and surrounded us.

Then a woman who had light blue colored hair and red eyes appeared in between the men, and everyone knew who she was, Ranked 1 hero, Lucia Vssy.

As she was about to open her mouth, Ray interrupted her and started to scream.

"Lucia, you! YOU!, I introduced you to Keith, just so you could protect him with your power as the number 1 hero, but you can't even do that!? Not ONLY did a bunch of kids arrive before your guards but your guards are now pointing their weapon's toward us? How low have you fallen for you to not protect the only appraiser worth anything in this fu***** world!?"

"Ray, calm down", She said.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!? Are you kidding me? Do you not understand that humanity just lost the only appraiser in the world that could appraise artifacts in the S+ grade and NOT only that but to the demons!?"

Lucia let out a sigh and sat on the couch.

Ray was breathing heavily and glaring at Lucia, but soon began to speak once again but in a saddened tone.

"He was one of the only ones that understood me, we helped each other and laughed at each other, but we still considered each other comrades. I might be a pragmatic person but I can damn well know when someone is my friend. BUT you should think of him as an asset because it doesn't seem like you ever had the intention of protecting a single human life, you worthless hero", He said while gritting his teeth.

I don't know what relationship they had, but it was probably pretty close as he looked like he lost the only person that knew him for what he was.

Ray then started to make multiple calls and told them to bring the best alchemists and doctors they could find.


After the teleportation, we arrived at what seemed to be a cave, after that he put me down on the ground and told me to follow him which I did as I didn't have anything else to do.

Once we reached the outside, I could see a red sky and demons flying all around, everything was dark and I could see many slaves being dragged around.

We were currently at the top of a wall surrounding a castle, he began to explain that from today onwards my job would be to appraise any item that the demons bring me.

He said we were currently at his castle, as he was considered to be one of the strongest demons and had the title of a duke which only 2 other demons had.

The other SS-ranked demon apart from the 3 dukes was actually the demon king, who had an ability called [Demon Control], which is pretty self-explanatory and also the only reason why he is above the others.

He soon guided me to a small room and told me to sleep here for today and that tomorrow he would start putting me to work.

I stared blankly at the roof and then I sat on the floor and thought about what had just happened a few moments ago.

The demons considered me a threat to the balance of the war between the 3 races, as the increasing power of the humans would affect the situation at the front of the Union.

And because of that a demon came for me and killed mom.

He then forced me to make a contract with him and that's why I feel demonic energy within my body.

Then I felt something within me snap.







After having this thought I was able to calm down for a second but the thoughts didn't stop.

I will kill every single one of them, I will make them suffer until they beg for forgiveness.

I finally started to have a peaceful life, with happy moments all around, and they dared to take that away from me.


I will kill them all.

I tried to breathe heavily while grabbing my shoulders and gritting my teeth.

And only then was I able to put these raging emotions inside of me.

Then a message appeared in front of my eyes.

[Skill, Revenge, has been granted to the user]

Huh? Revenge skill, what?

This is the same message that Arthur receives when he obtains skills thanks to his heroic actions.

I wasn't sure what skill it was but I opened my status and checked out the skill.


-(Description): When activated against an opponent the user wants revenge on, it increases the user's stats by 1 rank. When the skill is activated it will cause fear in the targets selected for revenge(Only works on similarly ranked opponents). Allows users to track specific targets for revenge. When killing a target you consider worthy of revenge, you will receive a portion of their stats.


Even the system wishes for my revenge huh.

Also, I noticed that even under the contract, although I did feel the demonic energy inside of me, my body and mind were completely fine and could move and think.

Although I think that the demonic energy in my body is making my emotions rage harder and more brutal it wasn't as bad.

I thought about it for a second and finally understood why that was, they took Keith's soul instead of mine.


I laughed but I didn't know why because my emotions were in disarray at the moment.

I still had my watch on, as he probably didn't care to remove it, considering I had just signed a contract with him so he wouldn't really suspect me of anything. And also it's not like there is any signal inside the demon realm.

I then noticed the reflection on the watch and saw two eyes completely dyed in black with a red pupil in the center, black-colored hair instead of the previous white, and two horns growing from my forehead.

'I look like one of these bastards' I thought to myself while taking out the [String Arts], martial arts book. I opened it and in a matter of seconds, all information regarding martial art entered my mind.

I still had 33 of my 40 knives of shi, and Baggy together with me, I also had my warp skill but preferred not to use it at this moment as maybe he could track my body.

I will stay here and act as a contractor while killing these rats as I can easily identify some weak targets using [Truth Eyes], and with the string arts, I could easily kill them without making a single sound.

Surprisingly, the [String Arts] is similar to a spider, it allows me to create strings using my mana, and the strings are actually invisible and durable. Pairing it with my telekinesis, I could easily put a string around someone's neck and kill them off.

My stats have yet to increase but it will probably not take long thanks to the [Revenge] skill, as I consider every single demon worthy of my grudge.

I should also say that my appraisal skill can only be used once a day. No, that's a dumb idea, they will probably put me to work together with the other slaves, I thought to myself.

I have already lived in this world as if everything revolved around the main characters, I thought that maybe if I avoided them I could escape any danger.

But I was way too naive, this world was now my reality. I had lived thinking too stupidly about everything, I even trusted that b****, Lucia, with protecting me and my family, and she couldn't even do that.

Well, considering Amadeus is an SS ranked demon it wouldn't surprise me if she couldn't defeat him but at least try you damn disgusting...huuuuuuu.

It is either because Keith's soul has left me, or because the demonic energy is in my body but I started to become way too impulsive at times.

I also had another martial arts book, but in the novel, it was said that learning multiple martial arts could kill users so it was better to avoid learning more than one and between the two martial arts that I had, learning [String Arts], was way better for my situation.

I decided to stay put but if I get strong enough, I will kill that bastard Amadeus, without thinking twice.


I thought while having a huge grin on my face that was reflected on my watch.