
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Appraisal Shop (2)

He then nodded his head little head.

"Please come inside", He said in a calming voice.

Then I and the guards entered the little shop, it seemed to have an ancient sort of vibe with many old paintings and tools for appraising.

He then went behind the table in the middle of the room, the table was actually way smaller than normal, it was so small it reached the waist of the little appraiser.

"Coffee?", He asked as he was pouring himself a cup.

"I decline"

"Mhm, okay", He said while taking a sip.

He then said, "Please put the item you wish to appraise on top of the table pls"

I thought about which artifact to appraise first and only one came to mind. A sword I had gotten during one of my dungeon missions, a katana.

I'm considered the best swordsman in the human but I still couldn't use the katana in any way. It just felt like a normal sword even when I infused my mana into it.

I put it down on the table and the kid started to inspect it.

He took it out of the scabbard it was in and ran his fingers through the blade.

"S+", He said while grabbing a Magnifying Glass.

After what seemed like ages of him inspecting the sword, he finally let it down on the table.

He then put his palm forward.

I was confused so I asked, "Do you need anything?".

He let out a chuckle and said, "Before an appraiser gives any information about the item it is customary to pay the price, and in this case, it will be 25 million".

I gestured to one of my guards and he stepped forward and paid him the money.

"Thank you"

"Now speak, kid", I was getting too impatient after he took too long analyzing the item, but I knew I had messed up as the smile on the kid disappeared and an indifferent expression appeared on his face.

How can I forget that he is the only one that can appraise S+ artifacts, I thought to myself while keeping a calm expression.

"Ok then", He said and took out a paper.

He then started to explain while writing on the paper.

"The item is an S+ artifact called Bloody Demise, I don't really know much of its history but it is a blade that has 4 traits which are..."


He then finished writing and handed me this paper.


{(S+)Bloody Demise]

(Description): Unknown

-(Blood Sacrifice): The blade only activates the traits below when offered the blood of the user.

-(Blood Trail): This allows the user of the artifact to track anyone that is bleeding within a 1-kilometer radius.

-(Blood Strenght): This allows the user to increase the power of the blade by offering more of his blood.

-(Blood Sucker): This allows the user to absorb the blood of the victims he has killed and transform it into his own blood.


This was way more descriptive than any other appraiser I have ever contacted. Normally they would only tell you the name of the trait and a little description of the trait.

For example for (Blood Trail), you would probably have something more like, 'Can track blood', and nothing more but in this case, they were fully explained.

Now it was when I understood why he had gone through such a process to appraise the item.

He then handed me back the sword which I took, and said, "Since you are done with your business here, please leave"

"Ah, I'm also the spots 2 and 3", I said in a hurried tone.

He then returned me a smile and said, "Then please wait for when I allow for another request"

I let out a sigh and left the store.


'I definitely messed up'




I leaned against the wall and held my chest while I breathed heavily.

'Holy cow, that was scary as hell'

During the whole time she was here, I had to act in a way that wouldn't bother her in the slightest.

I was so focused on not looking at the scary guards behind her that I took too much time acting as if I was analyzing the item.

And when she said 'Now speak, kid', I felt like the guards behind her would jump me and beat me up.

It was too much for me.

Not only was she not really talked about in the novel but she was known to be someone impulsive that looked down on people that didn't have any use.

I went to my second floor and finally relaxed while lying down on the couch.

But now that I thought about it, I haven't told mom about any of this yet, as a matter of fact for the past few days, due to the fact I kept getting beaten up by Monica, I would always be too tired and fall asleep right away without calling mom.

So I started to call mom.

Soon a hologram appeared from my watch and soon showed mom's face.

"Hello, Kei, is something wrong, you haven't called me for the past few days"

"Sorry, I was too busy with training that I wasn't able to call you"

"That's okay, honey"

"So anyway I wanted to tell you something"

"Hmm, what is it?", She said while smiling.

I then explained that during one of my searches for books I accidentally discovered a grimoire that gave me the skill to appraise S+ items, which was of course a lie.

Mom's face flashed in surprise and I then explained that using the ability, I made some money, brought this store, and more.

"Omg, that's amazing, Kei", She said while smiling brightly at my achievements and it was then that I told her.

"Mom, I want you and Emma to come here and live in this building together with me"

Mom denied it at first which I knew would happen as mom would never accept his child using so much money for her, but after showing her some crocodile tears, I was finally able to convince her to move.

I said I would be taking the train right now and go to her and her help pack up.

I ended the call and headed to the train station.

Before going there, of course, I went to the academy and told Monica, that I wouldn't attend training for some days and headed out to bring mom


It has been 2 days, and we finally arrived at the store, I let mom and Emma inside the store and went up to the second floor.

I took everything mom had packed from my dimensional pocket, and while Emma watched the tv, I helped mom unpack everything, which was mostly photos and clothes.

I then sat next to Emma and watched the tv together with her and saw some news that caught my eye.

[Lucia Vssy, Ranked 1 in the heroes ranking system, now called the "Bloody Swordswoman", for the video that was made viral of her cutting through her enemies and absorbing their blood].

I didn't want Emma to look at this type of news so I picked her up in my arms and told mom, we should go and buy some ingredients for dinner.

We were now outside, and Emma was looking at everything in awe.

The market was a long street, that had multiple stores along the way but there was something that this placed lack and that would be a supermarket.

So we had to go to a butcher, then to a fruit and vegetable store, and finally a watch store.

Mom looked at me in confusion and I said, "Isn't it hard not having a dimensional space, I thought it might be better to get you a watch"

Mom continued to deny it until she finally accepted. I also got one for Emma who kept asking for one.

We went home and while mom was preparing dinner, I thought of accepting a request.

Soon without 2 minutes passing since accepting, Lucia appeared in front of my door. I let her inside, but this time she had no bodyguards around her.

We went through the usual process of putting the item on top of the table and me pretending to examine it. Then writing her the traits and finally sent her away because I was too scared.

I had gotten an easy 20 million just from that interaction.

I went up once again and we all had dinner together. I then transferred the 20 million to mom, I first offered her 45 million, which was all money that Lucia gave me but she rejected it until she noticed that I wouldn't give up on giving her the money.

And just like that, I trained at the school every morning, even avoiding interacting with the main characters by focusing on training alone or getting abused by Monica, and then ate together with my family after the day.

Without me even noticing it was already the start of September.