
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · ファンタジー
62 Chs

[Elixir of Growth] (2)

After heading down deeper into the dungeon I encountered two metal doors at the end of the tunnel, they were barely opened and no grown adult could pass between the space that separated the door. I tried to open them but with my lack of strength, I couldn't do anything against them.

Thankfully I have the body of a child and was able to squeeze right between the doors, suddenly the room lighted up, showing a laboratory of some sort with many things that seem like fetuses inside the many jars.

One of the jars, contained what seems to be a mutated monster, suddenly the monster in the jar turned its head a looked at me dead in the eyes, and broke the glass, without a second thought I summoned 1 fireball with all my remaining mana a threw it at him, after snapping my fingers.

It created a huge explosion that sent me against the doors and due to the impact, I passed out.

After some time, I opened my eyes and what was in front of me were a bunch of burned equipment and the burnt corpses of the mutated monster as well as a horrible smell that penetrated my nose.

I tried to stand but it took some effort because of mana exhaustion, which happens when the user consumes all his mana, due to my training back at home, I was already used to this feeling but it wasn't any pleasant.

Looking at the destruction that I cause, I feared that the elixir might have gotten destroyed after the explosion. I was tired but still moved around using [Truth Eyes] to spot anything useful.

As I was checking around I noticed that the mutated monster actually had a mana crystal inside of his body and without a thought, I took it and put it in my pockets, and kept looking around.

After looking around the room for almost 15 minutes I found a small contraption that opened up and inside was what I desired the most in this dungeon the [Elixir of Growth], as I was too tempted by the color rainbow-colored elixir, I instantly drank it all.

After some time, nothing happened, I thought it had failed but after checking my status, I was proven wrong.


[Name: Keith Devans]

[Overall Rank: G]

[Strength: G- (Potential: C)]

[Agility: G- (Potential: C)]

[Endurance: G- (Potential: C)]

[Magic: F- to F+ (Potential: A+)]

[Inteligence: D+ (Potential: S+)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: D (Potential: Unknown)]


Not only did all my potentials, in the physical department increase to C rank but I was also able to increase my magic from F- to F+, while the increase is just on the amount of mana one has, the reason it also signifies magic power is because the more mana one has the more powerful their spells are.

Mana control, is something that one has to learn or even have a talent for but with my gloves, I don't have to learn how to control my mana, but I can just wield it as I please.

After thinking about I wondered if the levels of my gloves had increased after the extermination of some monsters and to my surprise.

[(S-) Glomer's Gloves LVL 1 (Owner: Keith)]


[5% //------------------------------------------ 100%]


The exp bar has increased a little bit after killing some monsters but it would seem that it will take a while to be able to level up this artifact.

Even after discovering the elixir, I decided to look around to see if I can find anything using my appraisal skill, I did find some low-value herbs here and there but nothing special, I will probably just sell them to the alchemist shop.

I finally decided to head out and after around 10 minutes I was finally able to reach the portal to get out of the dungeon after going through the portal I returned to the previous room and the portal to the dungeon suddenly disappeared.

And outside there was a beautiful night sky but I was too tired to appreciate it so I just went to the inn and slept in my room.

The next morning I was too hungry after an exhausting day inside the dungeon so I decided to eat three of the lunchboxes my mom had prepared for me and only then did I feel like I was finally satisfied.

After finishing eating I decided to check out.

"I'm checking out", I told the cashier.

He then said something that caught me by surprise, "It will be 300 RP".

I wasn't quite sure as to why it was so much and made a questioning look on my face, when the cashier noticed this he told me.

"You were out for 3 days after your first checking so it will be 300 RP"

I was confused but then I thought to myself that maybe I was passed out for 3 days inside of the dungeon after the explosion, due to this I took out my phone to check the date and after seeing the date, I let out a sigh.

It was July 29 of 1676, meaning I had 3 days counting today to reach the academy, I paid my fee for the inn and headed home with the help of my GPS.

After 2 hours of walking, I saw my mother at the door looking happily at my return which made the sadness in my heart for not being able to obtain my other item a little bit better.

"Welcome home", those words from my mother warmed my depressed heart.

After taking a shower, I went downstairs and my mom had prepared me something to eat so in the end I decided to sit down and finish my meal.

My mother put on a saddened expression and told me, "You should prepare your stuff as the carriage taking you to the academy will be arriving soon".

Well, she did say for me to pack my stuff but in the end like a caring mother, she had packed most of my things inside a bag, which included just my clothes, books, and some photos of our family.

Soon after packing up a carriage arrived in front of our house and after hugging and saying my goodbyes to my family, I hopped on the back of the carriage and it started to move, I sent some waves back at my crying mom and sister but it was still quite saddening.

While there is a train in this world, it is extremely expensive for my family so it was better to pay a merchant that was on his way to district 1 instead of paying almost 10k RP to take the train.

After 2 days of traveling in the carriage, we arrived at the center of Koun, one day before the entrance ceremony of the Embers Academy.

I arrived at the school and showed my ID to one of the guards at the front entrance that guided me to a teacher, that then guided me to some sort of apartment for the students but with me being so poor the room looked more like the one in the inn I had stayed on a few days back.

The apartment was separated from the Academy, still within the grounds of the academy but a few hundred meters away from one of the schools, each grade had a building for their own respective grades, and in every building, there was the same concept of rich at the top with better rooms and poor at the bottom with worst rooms. There were some exceptions like talented students being at the top.

Tomorrow the entrance ceremony will begin, and that same day, they will be checking our potential with a machine that will allow the school to create different classes depending on the talents one holds and also even change apartment rooms for certain students that will later become great heroes due to their overwhelming potential, just like the protagonist.