
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · 書籍·文学
235 Chs

Welcome to Cube II

"Class of 2024, Rank 3 Cadet, Shin Jonghak."

Composure is what he is. Shin Jonghak, Kim Suho's rival, walks to the stage with arrogance. However, unlike in the novel where Shin Jonghak outrights challenges Kim Suho in a staring contest, he straight goes to Chae Nayun's side, talking to her and stuff.

The dude is lowkey simping on Chae Nayun by being annoyingly talkative. This is Shin Jonghak being normal.

As the program comes to an end, I maintain my gaze on Kim Hajin's location. The auditorium is packed, and it will take some time for everyone to leave the place. The auditorium is filled with people from parents, relatives, staff, and agent graduates. It reminds me of my last time from High School since graduation. I spot a few curious parents and familiar shenanigans such as classmates running off with a random wig of I sure as heck is not curious who belongs.

My eyes subtly glance at Kim Hajin who is going with the flow of the packed auditorium slowly helping themselves out of the place. His shadowy mirage reminds me of the few conspiracy theories from The Novel's Extra as how Kim Hajin is not as 'free' as he might think he is. And there is Chae Nayun's peculiarity too.

There is no use in thinking about matters that have yet to happen. I should not overthink, and focus on what is in front of me.

With this mindset, I ignore Chae Nayun's difference in this world from my mind. I fiddle with my smartwatch in pretend acting. I maintain my façade while I shadow Kim Hajin. There is something I desperately need from the guy.

For me to achieve my selfish goals, I need to befriend Hajin.

I like not to be a hypocrite as best as I can. That is why I shall be honest with myself. I want to live. I want to survive. These are my sincere thoughts about the crisis I found myself in. At first, I am entertaining the thought of preparing a bunker or something, while I wait for all of the chaos of the world to come to pass.

But that is too unrealistic.

I recall the novel's story. Even after the ending, or closing epilogue, the world remains to be in constant danger in the form of dungeons, monsters, djinns, and devils. I need power.

But I am not some kind of munchkin who can level up any time soon, nor an isekai protagonist with super cheats. No matter how enticing the thought of a slow life inside a bunker is, I have to be realistic and practical.

The only way I see out is through Kim Hajin.

"Chundong! Kim Chundong!" I call to Kim Hajin's current identity that the world has bestowed on him.

While the mass of people walks to the exit at a snail's phase, I stick to Kim Hajin like glue. "Chundong, what rank are you?"

"I… don't know…"

Currently, Hajin is not in possession of his magical laptop yet. The laptop is an important plot device in the novel. It is his cheat code, which is also responsible for synchronizing Kim Chundong and Kim Hajin's identities.

It is not like I can steal the magical laptop, but with it, I think Hajin will be able to help me.

"Yo~ man, really? You… don't know your rank?" Not like I know mine, but he doesn't need to know that.

I engage Hajin with casual talk like an old friend. "It has been some time? How are you doing? The last time is when you volunteered in hospitals and stuff."

I know both Hajin's and Chundong's stories, which I wish to take advantage of. Chundong volunteers at a lot of places. My lie will not expose me easily if Hajin decides to check Chundong's past. Even if he discovers it, that will only serve as an impetus for him to confront me which irrevocably will create a connection between us. Though it might become a 'hostile' connection, it is still a connection nevertheless.

"I am fine." Hajin succinctly answers, not showing much to me. He is closed and defended. It is only right for him to feel like this as being transmigrated so suddenly is not something a person can easily adjust to.

The weird one is me who is very eager to make connections already despite being new to this.

At the beginning of the novel, the co-author, or simply the 'entity' responsible for bringing Hajin to this world has done a little trick. The 'entity' swaps Kim Chundong's and Kim Hajin's souls. No. Swapping souls might not even cut it. If it is just souls, then I will not have to see that shadowy mirage. As I am thinking about it, through the 'entity', Kim Hajin has usurped Kim Chundong's existence.

This means Kim Chundong and Kim Hajin are two different existences. After Hajin receives his magical laptop, and the powers that come with it, the world shall exchange Chundong's identity with Hajin on a cosmic level to a degree that transforms information-state facts, thus warping the original reality.

It feels very uselessly complicated. Why does Hajin not just become Chundong in this world, and live as Kim Chundong? Why does Kim Hajin have to carry his name from his past life as the 'author' to this world?

I believe it has philosophical connotations focusing on identity and existence.


I feel my head hurting once more from overthinking about this stuff.

"Hey, Chundong. Let's exchange contact info."

Hajin nods at my request. He observes me with curiosity. From my peripheral vision, I see him turning at me and back to his smartwatch alternately. He seems to be distracted. I assume he must be using his gift, 'Observation and Reading' which allows him to see the truth within the novel's purview.

"Who are you?" He asks.

I feel a chill on my spine. How should I answer this?

There is no way Hajin knows my name as he is new to all of this. "I am your buddy! Your best friend! Ouch~ it hurts, man, you don't remember me anymore?" I project a glum look, acting my finest sad boy.

"Uuummm…" Hajin nervously hums, trying to think how to phrase it. "I am sorry, but it has been a long time. I… don't really remember."

I start panicking. I am hoping it will not develop in this direction, but it just has to happen. Should I bail out? The crowd is packed, and with the right maneuver, I can escape swiftly with no complications.

But that will be too much of a waste.

"Come on, man…" I give a disappointed sigh. "You know, it is fine if you don't remember me. I understand. I am quite a forgettable dude, you know? Like an extra." I smile.

"Sorry, I feel bad…" Hajin awkwardly scratches his cheek and then returns to fiddling with his smartwatch. He must still be searching for his own contact info.

I am the same. This smartwatch should be easier to use than a smartphone. That is how it is in the novel. As someone who is used to smartphones, I guess it is only natural for me and Hajin to struggle at first in using a smartwatch.

There is dead air between me and Hajin which creates an awkward atmosphere. I continue to stick to him, but because of the crowd, we are becoming much more intimately closer than I bargained for.

Skin. To. Skin. That 'kind' of close. And no. I am not gay.

"Uh… I am sorry…" Hajin apologizes while he continues fiddling with his smartwatch, trying to find his contact info.

"Oho~" I unintendedly exclaim. "Chundong, my friend… You are forgiven."

My smartwatch displays my desperately needed data. "Just to remind you... My name is Hyon Hyung. Rank 1111." I flash him my watch while I boast of my rank. However, my rank is not really worth boasting about since it is at the bottom of the bottom. Still, rank 1111 is not bad. It is still a rank! Sigh... I hope I will be able to get to attend the main cast's class.

That aside, who is Hyon Hyung?

I don't know. I can tell that my situation is similar to Hajin's. I wonder if the 'entity' responsible for Hajin's case is also responsible for mine. But Hyon Hyung? Hyung means brother, right? He he he…

Somehow, I am feeling good. In Korean culture, this means a great deal!

"I will never call you hyung…" Hajin comments abruptly in a dull tone.

I fight back for my honor. "Where is the '-nim'? Come on, that's hyung-nim for you…"

I tease him, and with a back-and-forth, the two of us finally exchange our contact information.