
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · 書籍·文学
235 Chs

Countdown I

On the rooftop, the wind whips through my hair as I pace back and forth, my mind racing with the weight of revelation. Jonghak stands nearby, his expression a mix of disbelief and concern.

"Why would the Seer want to bomb 666 timelines?" Jonghak shakes his head, unable to fathom the magnitude of such a plan.

I stop and look at him, urgency in my eyes. "It's to preserve the Zeroth Iteration," I explain, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "The Seer believes it's the only way to protect the world from its end."

Jonghak's eyes narrow. "But how? How does the Seer plan to achieve this?"

I take a deep breath, my gaze focused on the cityscape below. "Lancaster is the key," I reveal, my voice low. "For years, he's been planting bombs in each timeline."

Jonghak's eyes widen in shock. "Bombs? In every timeline?"

I nod solemnly. "Yes. Each bomb is powerful enough to wipe out an entire Planet, or possibly even a Star System…"

The revelation hangs in the air, the weight of the impending catastrophe settling on us like a shroud.

Jonghak furrows his brow, grappling with the enormity of the revelation. "What kind of bomb is strong enough to explode a planet?" he asks aloud, the words almost hesitant to leave his lips.

I turn to him, meeting his gaze with a solemn expression. "The Miracle Stone," I reply, my voice steady. "Lancaster has been planting one in each iteration."

Recognition flashes in Jonghak's eyes. "The Miracle Stone? That thing? There's one in every iteration, which makes one for each timeline."

I nod. "Yes, and they're filled with an immense amount of Magic Power. Enough to burst a planet if triggered in the right way."

Jonghak's eyes widen in realization. "It is actually magic power, and I thought it was filled with a different kind of energy…"

I continue, a heavy weight in my words. "Exactly. And here's the worst part – if each Miracle Stone is detonated simultaneously within a designated threshold where the leylines are weakest, it could potentially annihilate every Earth in every iteration… and sever Fate completely…"

A chill settles over us as the implications of the Seer's plan become clearer. "Annihilate all of Earth?" Jonghak echoes, his voice almost a whisper.

I nod gravely. "With finality. But, of course, leaving the Zeroth Iteration unharmed. That's the Seer's twisted idea of preserving the balance, of surviving, of winning." The rooftop seems smaller now as if the very air around us is constricting with the knowledge of impending doom.

Jonghak's eyes narrow as he absorbs the dire implications. "If what you say is true," he remarks, his voice edged with disbelief, "then it won't be just an apocalypse. It's a real end-of-the-world thing."

I meet his gaze, the weight of truth heavy on my shoulders. "It's more than that," I elaborate, my tone somber. "It's not just the end of the world; it's the end of the universe."

Jonghak's expression twists with a mix of horror and confusion. "The end of the universe? How is that even possible?"

I take a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "The Seer's plan goes beyond Earth. The destruction of Earth means the death of other planes, other worlds. Akatrina, and everything else – all gone."

Jonghak is silent for a moment, grappling with the magnitude of what I'm revealing. "But why? What makes Earth so crucial?"

I share a piece of the disturbing knowledge I gained from the Seer's memories. "According to the Seer, Earth is not just a planet. It's the center of the universe, and more shockingly, the representation of the Afterlife."

Jonghak turns to me, urgency in his eyes. "What's the right choice here?" he demands, his voice rising with pressure. "We can't just stand by and let the Seer destroy everything."

I hesitate, the weight of the decision bearing down on me. "I saw it, Jonghak. The Seer feels it with certainty – if we follow her plan, Earth will be saved. The Afterlife will be preserved."

He scoffs, frustration evident. "But what about the rest of the universe? Are we just going to damn it all? The 666!! What about them!?"

I grit my teeth, caught in the throes of an agonizing dilemma. The Seer's conviction clashes with the moral quandary before us. "The Seer isn't wrong either," I mutter, almost to myself. "It's a choice between what's ours and the rest of the universe."

Jonghak raises his voice, the tension escalating. "What's the right choice, then? We can't save everything. But shouldn't we at least try?" Jonghak's frustration is palpable; he grinds his teeth, his expression incensed. His connection to all 666 timelines is a weight that I can only imagine.

He looks at me, intensity in his eyes. "Maybe we're asking the wrong question," he declares. "What is the countdown? How much time do we have left?"

I quickly run mental calculations, leveraging my intelligence to its fullest. "Roughly 72 hours in this timeline," I respond, urgency in my voice. "But the deadline adjusts depending on which iteration we're in. The countdown is relative. I can't give you an exact time, Jonghak. Every second we waste here diminishes our chances. That is the only thing we know."

A strange sensation tingles in the air, and I sense the magic power around us beginning to distort. I turn to Jonghak, my expression tightening. "The pocket dimension we're in is about to be undone," I explain, urgency lacing my words. "The Seer's death is triggering it. This dimension is a result of her abilities."

Jonghak's eyes widen, understanding the seriousness of the situation. "What does that mean for us?"

I shake my head. "Outside this pocket dimension, devils and angels are probably already locked in fierce combat. I don't know, but expect a combat situation… It's hard to imagine the chaos out there." I pause, a sense of helplessness creeping in. "Inside here, our contacts with the outside are blocked. I don't know what's happening, but time is running out, and we need to decide our next move."

"We need to regroup," I tell Jonghak, determination in my voice. "Let's gather our thoughts and plan our next move."

I focus my mind, summoning the Skeletal Dragon to our side. With a gesture, I unsummon it, watching as it dissolves into spectral energy and gets absorbed into my Witch King Storage ability. As long as I can carry it in my one hand, I can store it in Witch King, and because of my stats and tech, I can easily carry even a Skeletal Dragon with augmented lightweight function.

Jonghak takes the lead, leaping from one building to another with remarkable agility. I follow suit, the landscape changing rapidly beneath us until we arrive at an open clearing. The surrounding buildings are trampled and flattened, evidence of the ongoing chaos. I see Nayun, Sihyuk, and Joochul from a distance.

The battleground is eerily silent, save for the heavy breaths of Chae Nayun and Yoo Sihyuk. Yoo Jinhyung lies motionless on the ground, defeated.

Chae Nayun pants, glancing at the prone figure. "We... we did it."

Yoo Sihyuk, grimacing, nods. "Yeah, but barely. He's one tough son of a..."

Nayun winces, clutching her side where a fresh wound oozes blood. Sihyuk notices and moves closer. "Aaah, my disciple, you're hurt."

"I'll live," she says, forcing a smile. "What about you? That robe of yours looks like it's been through a war."

Sihyuk smirks, examining his torn and dirt-streaked robe. "Clothes can be replaced." He sheathes his sword. "Let's just be grateful we managed to bring him down, and hopefully not kill him in the process of it."

Nayun struggles to sit up, her eyes fixed on Jinhyung's unconscious form. "We should tie him up. Make sure he can't pull another stunt like that."

Sihyuk nods in agreement. "Agreed."

They set to work, using whatever scraps of fabric they could find to bind Jinhyung's limbs.

Nayun, still catching her breath, speaks softly. "Teacher, about before... when he went berserk. Thank you for stepping in."

Sihyuk, serious, replies, "Don't mention it. You are my disciple, and he is my friend. I won't let you face that alone, and I won't let my niece suffer for it. Yeonha should grow up with a father."

Chae Joochul approaches at a deliberate pace, his expression unreadable. "Sihyuk," he says, his tone measured, "you've done well handling this situation."

I watch with a mix of relief and caution as Joochul raises his hand, summoning a deadly laser beam. He takes aim at the defenseless Jinhyung on the ground.

"Sihyuk!" I yell, my frustration boiling over. "Watch out!"

Reacting swiftly, Yoo Sihyuk draws his sword with a practiced motion, intercepting the laser beam with a resounding clash.

Sihyuk's face tightens into a frown as he addresses Joochul. "You're not the boss of me, Joochul. We had this under control."

I can't hold back my anger any longer. "What the fuck, old man!?" I mutter under my breath, infuriated by Joochul's callous behavior. "Come on! Your granddaughter worked hard to subdue Jinhyung, and not kill him, and you do this!? What the fuck, man…"