

''an ugly girl like her likes me.. doesn\'t she have a mirror in her house?'' cursed a man with mounting emotions when he received an unexpected letter from a girl who herself knew what the person really was like.. her name is Felicia Amora, a geeky girl who wears big and thick glasses.. her body is also fuller than girls in general who seem to always pay attention to the appearance of her body to keep it awake.. her clothes are also quite simple.. so that the girl often Once nicknamed a strange girl... Unfortunately, he, who is hated by everyone, had to suffer such an unlucky fate when the love letters he had always hidden so neatly for a man he had admired for years were exposed. what will happen next?? because even the head of the basketball team who he likes also hates him so much?

Daoists6RtXE · 若者
5 Chs

Felicia amora

FELICIA AMORA... a girl who was born into a simple family and managed to get a communication major scholarship at a university in her city.. she doesn't have anything interesting enough that people have to be amazed at her.. her appearance is far from contemporary... she uses big glasses to help his vision ... his hair is always in two braids ... his clothes are also never special ... he really likes wearing hoodies and trousers ...

if asked how his life is... he lives an ordinary life, nothing makes him different... he has a father and mother who love him very much, parents who pour all forms of affection on him... he is an only child... Her father works as an ordinary staff in a company and her mother owns her own flower shop.

There was a man she had admired for a long time.. her name was DILAN ALEX. She was the basketball team leader on campus. Felicia had known this man for a long time.. a very long time. In fact, Dilan was her neighbor. Maybe that man's house. about five houses away from his house... Dilan's life is completely inversely proportional to his... Dilan is the second son of a famous businessman and also a doctor... even his house is like a palace which is heavily guarded by many guards... the area Dilan's house is still in the vicinity of ordinary people's settlements, but about a few meters before the man's house the land on the right and left front and back has been completely empty. crown prince

Felicia the nerd and Dilan the head of the basketball team who are famous for their number of female fans who have many friends ...

.. can that girl get her china,, even though it sounds so impossible??

like this morning for example...

Felicia, who had just entered the gate of her university, immediately got a scene where a man she likes is hugging a woman who is also quite famous on campus. Her name is NINI ALSYA.. a model whose career has gone quite far with lots of fans too. beautiful woman with fair skin, wavy blonde hair, tall body and sexy body. the same feeling as him .. he swung his legs to continue his steps which had stopped .. ignoring the sight that had made his mood turn very bad earlier this morning ..

''Haii..'' Felicia was a little surprised and reflexively turned her body towards the source of the sound, Devan.

her best friend since she was in junior high school.. only that guy really wants to be friends with her like him... and devan is the only friend for felicia...

,'' Don't surprise me..'' said Felicia while pouting her lips cutely,

"Why else?" asked Devan then his eyes followed the direction of his best friend's gaze towards Dilan and Nini.

"What did you say... if you walk, you don't have to look anywhere... just focus, instead of getting hurt like this..." said the man.

'' Yes, come on, let's go to class, after this there is class..'' he asked then Felicia immediately agreed. even Felicia is a pretty normal thing and they already feel fine..

'' Dilan and Nini are dating or not??'' a sudden question that made the man beside him immediately look at him..

'' This is the same question I hear every morning... what should I answer then?? Even you yourself know the answer right!'' Felicia nodded weakly hearing her best friend's words just now..

Yes, he knows that a man named Dilan likes Nini, the model, but the relationship between the two is still not officially dating. Rumor has it that this nini doesn't want to date and is bound by a relationship when her career is very much improving

but even without status, Dilan and Nini often make out with each other without knowing where. Felicia realizes how come she's just an admirer of Dilan here, but she also can't lie if seeing that doesn't make her heart ache.... has anyone ever said I was able to compete with a thousand people who love you but I can't compete with someone she likes ... and that's what Felicia is experiencing right now ... but what's worse is that already knowing like that she still doesn't want to realize and also stop wishing.. ahhh but Felicia really has entered the level of madly annoying....

''why are you still outside the classroom... come on in already... there's a lecturer after this...'' devan pulled his friend's hand to follow him into the classroom

if Felicia is majoring in communications while dilan is majoring in business management,, their faculties are not that far away even the hours of entry and finish are also often the same,, Felicia always looks over to find out at a glance the news and also what is done by Dilan while in campus, if people say that Felici is stalking Dilan, they might not be so wrong because that's how real it is

there was where Felicia was so crazy about Dilan . from the faculty who is assigned to provide loans is a basketball child,.. even the slightest incident has made Felicia unable to sleep all day and is willing to pay and pay compensation for an umbrella that she doesn't want to return and instead makes herself a collection in her room.. even though the umbrella is really far from good and also new,, but you know anything related to people we like so it's definitely going to be very special and that's what Felicia feels about the old umbrella... the day after that never happened again in the field of helping distribute borrowed umbrellas to campus children.. sometimes even when it rains Felicia is willing to go out in the rain to get the intention of the basketball chairman even though the results are always not there sometimes he also realizes that love really throws away a bit of sanity in a person.. because he himself already feels that way